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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R002700510010-9.pdf134.35 KB
R -#. LA SSIF!cAFION 4101 ,~T Sanitized - A jyRLdI?WL WA& INFORM COUNTRY Egypt/Txansjordan SUBJECT Union of Transjoxda an Students PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INF 25X1A6a Doe NO , 25X1 X6 from Government funds, 2e until 1948 the organization remained an educational, non~o o $ but that since the beginning of 1948 the club grad lly has boon brought under the control of persons wbo "prefer politics to educational natters'" and an extrme and antimlashimite political program has evoivedo 36 The organization's present program Includes the following aim l ao To pturctaasf, no=mnist books for the reading room0 To collect financial oontributionse co To shift the program of the club from sports and social affairs to politics (of a'nature harmful to the Trans Jordanian. Govou>1t, source asserta)o do To form an opposition" group in Arm=j, 'shish w.M oppose King tA'bdullahp the Prime Minister, the .array high colmand$ and the Angers Jordanian Troaty Co To dispatch telegram to the Uni tod Ilations, in protest against Ilashiauite.policy. f o To print cbannunist circulars attaolcing the T raps jor'danian rlovorrn-; to 11C. of for of Coritr Arc! ivist of the Unite CLASSIFICATION ARMY! The Union of TransJordodw Stuc"lents In Cairo was founded in 1916 as a non-political club for students, Pr ii es were retatod and a-good reading room was set up at that, time 'tom Sacir Pasha RifaI i, then 1'r me Minister of Trans Jordan, granted the club a subsidy of &P 540 NAVY AIR DISTRIBUTION C1tlFlQENTIAL CD NO4 25X1A2g DATE DISTR. 16- MAY 1949 NO. OF PAGES 2 25X1 A2g NO. OF ENCL. LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. Autksa r CORtDENTIAt Sanitized - Approved. For Release : CI.~7,RD,P82-00457ROO270 document is hereby regraded to IAL in accordance with the ober 1978 from the Iligence to the 25X1X6 -,W o- _ CI /a~ ire' Sanitized - Approved- DP82-004578002700510010-9 (ONFI1JEa1IJAL MOMM& CRAIML IMELLIGEII E AGENCY 25X1A2g To orgaiiaize doooristrations in Cairoe (Source states thatp In the last deon$tration which organized there, the fransjordanian Embassy aid the Lfinis for to E t$ Baha .l Din Tugan, were attacked,, partly because of certain suggestions rhich had been made at the Jericho Conference and.nartl r because the Arab Legion did not go to the aid the Egyptian Army durlng hostilities in Palest . ) io The follow are the present leaders of the club & as SWi Ayub 33 years o2r1 stJad&it of agriculture; moderate Coisto by a lzz-- -Din I3akir 32 years o3A3 for student at al-Azlmr In Cairo; a rabid Cam=xIst0 ce Jamal twat Bay+das 2i years old; student of political science and economics at a university In Cairo; Costa do Walid I3usisu 26 years 6ld3, medica s d tj Co nisto Co Q sd a1EEai Kurd. Student of political science and eorics at Partaq University in Cairo* fo Tahsin Nabulsi 27 y old; student at a medical school in Cairo0 Sanitized - Approv DP82-00457R002700510010-9