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Approved For ReltwAt9pggMgpNk9_LAGEIA1382-0045MQN7k9S),E
AMJECT The Mongolian Restoration Association
;:lATE OFINFO. Jazual,7-41.prii 1949
DATE DISTR. isa Telly 1949
1. Daring December 1,48 and January 1949e Racialist Mongol leeders,in,the
Honking-Shanghai area departed. in two directions: one group went to the
n'orthwest after Prince TE left Nanking-in January for Lanchou to join the
Racialist Mongols in the Alashan area,' and the other went to Taiwan and
Canton. The Racialist Mongols on Taiwan settled mostly in the area of
Pqingtunc (Bleito), near the port of Kaohsiung (Takao). Since February the
Mongols in the Northwest have been under the leadership of Prince TB, Prince
TA of Alashan lanner (105-36, 38-48) and others.
2. In addition to lending moral support to Prince TIVs move and sending lettere
Qd encouragement to the Northwest, the Racialist Mongols on Taiwan decided
to work out, along practical lines, a flexible plan for future efforts to-
wards Mongol independence.2 Their first step was to organize the Mongolian
Restoration Association (Mn.) f3 At present this small, underground or niza-
ton has VD officers and is only a political framework for future activities.
Aeide from the ideological considerations, it was established for the folio -
ieg reasons:
The Racialist Mongols hope to have an operating organizational framework
and. a base on Taiwan to which Racialist Mongol leaders now in the North-
west could go in the event that a concerted Chinese Communist attack: on
the area made Prince TVs present position untenable.
b. They hope that Taiwan will be placed under United Nations or U.S. control
and that they will time be protected from Kuomintang and Chinese Communist
elements which are still trying to infiltrate and hinder them.
c, They wish to establish an overt organization composed of Racialist Mongol
political and military leaders, and intelligentsia which can formulate
long-range plans for a new Mongol nation and. establish liaison with the
U.S. in order to. secure American aid.
a, They feel that unless there is outright U.S. intervention in China, in-
clnding the Northwest and TaiWan, the cost they can hope for is a small
group under Prince TB which would attempt to survivepolitically in
Tsinghai Province or Tibet.
e. They hope, as a last resort, to have a group which eould serve as a
document i
letter of 16 Octobe
Director of Central
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"Mongolian Restoration Government in Exile" in the U.S.
In order to refnte any argument on the part of some Mongols and foreign .
obaervers that the establishment of the MRA was a last-minute attempt to
find a comfortable niche and. to lean on the U.S., the Racialist Mongol
leaders OR Taiwan made certain that they had the concurrence and support
of the Northwest Mongol leaders before proceeding with the organization.
They do not wish to give the impression that this move is a recurrence of
the Japanese-sponsored Mongol movement which grew out of the Sino-Japanese
War. Thus, the establishment of the MRA represents a step in the unification
of Racialist Mongols rather than a split into two factions.
3. jirgalang, one of the leaders of the MRA, will Inform Racialist Moneols on
the mainland of the MRA, and many of them will want to join the organization.
The problem of keeping the group as select as possible without admitting too
PPM of the undesirable, opportunistic type of Mongol politician is one of
the delicate tasks facing the NRA. Such men as PAI Tfilk401, Chairman of the
Mongolian-Tibeten Affairs Commission, LI Yung-hsin and LI Show-hsin, oppor-
tanistie CC Clique Mongols, will not be invited to join. LI 7Vnghsin and
LI Shouahsin are now with their followers in the Taichung vicinity of Taiwan.
4. The initiative in forming the MRA was taken by WU Ho-ling Ole - )0 3
slatine Ynn member Jirgalang, Mongol military leader Ukudui (WU Itp-tuingi
an National Assembly delegates Jagohitsechin and Urgunbo, and
others. On 12, March 1949 the MRA (Meng Ku Chen Hsing Hui/j1:t
Was organ:Azad in Plingtung, Taiwan. Included among Racialist Mongols who 1ook
part in forming the MBA were the following:
Uninsechin (Chinese name: PAO Ruo-iM
tiravabo (Urgungge, UrrgunglA )6
Aminbuhe, 33 years of age, a native of Harchin Right Flank Banner, Josoto
League. He is a graduate of the Japanese Army Officers Academy and was
Chief-of-Staff of the Northeast Mongol Banners Joint Command. His older
brother is Ukudui.
Utiorts, 29 years of age, a native of?Tumet Central tanner, josoto League.
Re was graduated from the Senior Middle School of the Antung (124-23, 40-01)
Forestry College. At one time he was an Associate Councillor of the Mongol
Peopleos Welfare Association and Acting Chief of Tumet Center Banner and Bead
of the general Service Section of the banner government. He is one of the
most active of all Racialist Mongols formerly in Nanking and now on Taiwan.
7!eessuse he had been absent from his official duties in Nanking for some time,
Jirgalaing left Taipei for Nanking on 3 April 1749 to resume his work with the
14egislat1ve Yuan. In Nanking he was to have awaited word from Prince TE and
his group regarding an official Mongol delegation to LI Tsung-jen. The MRA
plo:as to have Jirgalang, WU Ho-ling and a. few others meet with LI in order to
obtain some kind of official statement from the Central Government regarding:
the status of Mongols in China. This delegation hopes to receive permission
to establish at least a limited, but legal, Mongol autonomous government i
the Northwest with the official approval of the Central Government. The de-
legation will naturally ask for complete independence, but they know this
will not be granted. However, they hope that by setting their price high,
the resulting bargain may be some sort of autonomy, and Racialist Mongols,
make no secret of the fact that if they are successful in obtaining such,
they will make overt and official requests of United States officials for aid.
. Prince TE has already requested WU Ho-ling to come to the Northwest to assist
In the political organization of the Mongols there. The Mongols realize that
Approved For Release ? ?i.P82-00457RON700600009-1
ellt?44+41/OONTROL U.S, MAI'S ONLY 2 1A2g
W/Pc political "know-how" is almost indispensable to any concerted Mongol
political -effort, yet many Mongols resent him. They do not like his blunt
straightforwardness, his tendency to &mineer, his quick temper and his
Hchtn3enner birth, the last because Harchin Mongols have poor reputations
awalg other Mongols. Flowever, he is confident of his abilities and is- sin-
ce:.c in wanting to promote racial freedom for the Mongols.
4, 6.
3. 3 under -"Mongolian Representatives."
6. aragraph 41 under "Mongolian Representatives."
Yih'41osures: 1 document written by an MIL member and translated from the
Mongol language.
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Approved For'Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R0MMQq009-1
e. We are willing to accept the lasting friendship and cooperation of thos
nations and peoples in the world which sympathise with the independence
movement of Mongolia and which help 11A materially.
f. We are willing to aid in the struggle of all nations in the world which
are in a position similar to that of Mongolia and are fighting for their
The MRA represents all the Mongol race and is fighting for the interests
of the whole race. The MRA does not represent, nor does it aim to pro-
tect the interests of, any one particular class of people. The hope of
the PRA is that all Mongols will support the principles of the MBA and
unite to fight for our common cause.
pegulationeeef the KRA
5. The following revelations were passed at the First General Assembly held by -
the Association ,members. These regulations may be revised in the future only
by the Members 1 Representative General Assembly.
a. Name the name of the Association shall be the Mongolian EAStOrati011
Association (Monggol I Mandogoloho Horal).
b. Guiding principle: the adding principle of the MBA shall be to fight
for racial freedom and to promote the peopleos welfare.
c. Members all Mongols who support the above guiding principle and have
been introduced by two or more members of the WM and approved by the
Association Committee shall be accepted as members of the MRA.
d. Organization: the highest organ of the MRA shall be the Membersq Re-
presentative General Assembly. Under the General Assembly there shall
be the Association Committee, members of which shall be elected at the
General Assembly. The Committee shall be responsible for carrying out
the resolutions of the General Assembly. lranch Associations shall be
established in all suitable places.
e. Fundel funds for the Mith shall be raised in various ways by the members
of the MRA.
_eat P?rked Woe,. Plan for the MRA
6. Since the MRA has been established, its work must be begun in earnest.
However, the restoration of the Mongol nation cannot be accomplished overnight.
We have therefoee divided the work into separate periods. The .following is
the work plan for the first period. We must lead our fellow Mongols on the
road to national reconstruction. In connection with this work, we must first
accomplish the following:
a. Draft an over-all plan for the national reconstruction in accordance with
the basic principles set forth in the political program of the mu and
taking into consideration world trends and the actual situation in Mongolia.
We must also devise ways and means of putting the plan into effect.
Train staff workers: we must select reliable and resolute workers from
among the members and give them adequate training, so that they may
fully understand the meaning of, and ways of attaining, the restoration
of the Mongol nation. These men shall then be sent to work in various
areas. We must also select outstanding young members of the MRA for
studies in the United States. These men shall become the future staff
workers of the MRA. In connection with this matter, we meet ask the
United States Government for special facilities.
c. Carry out certain basic operations: in order to strengthen the MRAs
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Approved For
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relations with the various local areas, we must begin our basic
operntions. In view of the current situation, we must establish
DOA 'Branch Associations in at least the following five places:
(1) The army in West Mongoli s we must establish an MAA Branch Associa-
tion among the Mongol troops concentrated in West Mongolia in order
to be able to direct the army and establish contact with the Mongol
vats in other areas and lead them on the road to national recon?
Alashan: at present the majority of the Mongol patriots (mostly
Racial Principle Advocates) are concentrated in the Alashan area.
We must therefore speedily establish an MAA ;ranch Association in
that area and also dispatch men to work or wait in areas controlled
by the Chinese Communists.
Waneesshmiao (new Mongol name given by TUN Tees government: Ulagan
HotaL)s Wangyehmiao is the Chinese Communist center in Inner Mone
golia, and the establishment of an MAA Aranch Association there
should not be easy. However, we must select courageoue and re-
liable members to infiltrate into Waneyehmiao to establish a secret
base there. If the plan 'succeeds, it will facilitate onx-work im-
(4) Japan: there is a considerable number of outstanding Mongol youths
still studying in colleaes nto universities, in Japan--Tokyo, Morioka,
etc. The majority of these students are extremely patriotic and an
FAA Drandh Association established among them would doubtlessly grow
into a helpful, and influential organization.
Peiping: at present there are over 2.000 Mongols?youths, military
and political leaders, etc.--still in Peiping. Almost all of them
went to Peiping with the aim of opposing Communism, but unfortunately.
when Peiping fell to the Chinese Communists,, these Mongols became the
prisoners of the Communists. We hope that they were not all removed
to other areas or killed by the Chinese Communists, and we must find
a way to contact what was a large Mongol anti-Communist group in
Peiping in order to prepare for the establishment of an MAA Aranch
Association there.
L 2uild up the basic armed force: we Moneols must build an army around the
nucleus of the units of Ukndoi and HSIUNG No. This army shall be respon-
sible to the MRA and shall serve the cause of the Mongol people. HSIUNG
No unit, numbering about 600 men, is now stationed in Chung Kung Danner,
while Ukudesi(is unit has already reached Wuchuan (111-25, 41-07) in %limo
Province. All effort is being made to have these two units retain their
special nature and unit designations which characterize them as Mongol
troops in order to prevent their being merged with any of the local troops
and to facilitate command of them by Mongol leaders when the proper time
comes. However, the officers and men of these two units have no access
whatever to supplies. It is earnestly hoped therefore that the United
States Government will assist these units if at all possible. The majority
of the troops in Ukudui9s unit have foughtagainst the Chinese Communists
since the occupation of Wangyehmiao by the latter. They fought in Chinchoue
Mukden, etc., and, after the total collapse of the Nationalist Army, they
fought on against the Chinese Communists, even penetrating the latterls
rear defenses and.occupying Lintung (118-58, 0-51). .They finally arrived
in Wuchuan via Chahar League. This factor alone is sufficient to prove
the fighting ability of the Mongol troops and their refusal to surrender
even under the most hopeless conditions.
Co Strengthen the various Mongol league and banner governments and promote
the establishment of a united organization of leagues and banners in order
to accelerate the work of national reconstruction.
Publish propaganda materials: before the MRA emerges into the open, we
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ehall endeavor to establiih an ordinary bookstore to publish books on the
history of Mongolia, the fight for independence and freedom of the various
races in the world, biographies of the national Mongol patriots, etc., and
otherwise engage in subtle propaganda activities to instill in the Mongol
people the ideas of national reconstruction and to unifY them. This book-
store would greatly assist in the need for informing the people of the
United States and other democratic countries regarding Mongol affairs and
would also serve the propaganda fight against Communism.
7. We must obtain the sympathy and aid of the United States Government and
people. In connection with this, we Mongols must first accomplish the
Assure close contact: we must der se a sure means of assuring close
contact between the.NRA and United States officials.
b. Supply the United States Government with information on Mongolia. The
MRA should collect and systematically arrange materials on the past,
nresent and future of Mongolia and On all matters concerned with the
national reconstruction problem in order to present them to the United
States Government for reference in connection with its giving aid to
Mongolia. Moreover, those materials which can be made public should
be published in book form in order to acquaint the American public and
people all over the world with the true situation in Mongolia and win
their sympathy.
C. 2romote friendly relations between the United States and Mongolia: in
order to obtain United States aid, the FAA should dispatch men to the
United States to introduce Mongolia to the American people and to study
the democratic culture of the United States in order to promote mutual
understanding and friendship between the two countries. We mast therefore
make arrangements for outstanding young members to study English, and we
also hope that our American friends will study Mongolian In order to faci-
litate future cooperation.
We must ask the United States Government for aid on the following five items:
a. Safety of the MRA: this Association is, in a sense, a Preparatory Com-
mittee for the establishment of the Mongol nation and also an organizae
tion representing the Mongols for carrying out pro-American and anti-
Soviet activities. 'Therefore, the headquarters of the MRA should be in
a safe place so that it may successfully carry out its work. The best
location would be in one of those areas protected by the United States;
should the -United States take over control of the island of Taiwan, this
would be a good location.
b. Postal and radio communication.
c. Transportation.
d. Advisers: in view of the difficulties confronting the MR& in its acti-
vities, it is hoped that the United States Government will appoint two
men as advisers to aid in the execution of our work.
Funds: in all phases of our work, money is required. It is hoped that
the United States Government will lend us a certain sum of money to ene
able us: to begin our work.. This loan shall be repaid with interest after
the establishment of the Mongol nation. As an added precaution, the
American advisers would control the administration of the fund.
9. The above plan covers our work for the first period, which, for the time being,
is fixed at one year. During this one year, when the need arises for revising
or supplementing the plan, we shall, of course, make necessary changes. If,
during the year, there is a major change in the world situation, we Shall
draft a new plan to meet the new situation. All in all, we shall never rest
until we have attained our final goal, the restoration of the Mongol nation.
1. Pronounced ,Ulan Rota.,
Re1olaW2149609-tteritiltIMM0411;14942-7' . 00600009-1