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, iON .40;?fe77-:., Approved For Relea-ieP' "17*. (11 1 ?b6101'W /C11: -*642-oo4thitibi6g6 HAFORMATION RkPORT GOUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Explosive, Ammtnaitionond Arm= Factories PLACE COXF-1.4NT.14.4 ACQUIRED 25X1A DATE OF I pnolosi? ya p_F CD NO. /2-70 25X1A DATE DISTR. jg,ri,t j 9 NO. OF PAGES 3 NO. OF ENCLS. CLIsTeD snow SUPPLEMENT TO 25X1X REPORT NO, 1. The largest explosives factory in the USJR is located at Sakamsk,* a city of approximately 50,000 inhabitants which lies some 15 kilometers northweot of Molotov, in the Urals. The factory, which is currently being enlarged, is strongly guarded and is nanned by politically reliable workers. No forced laborers are employed. At the plant and in its vicinity there are frequent test explosions and cannon are fired, The Aleksin (549311N, 370050E) explosives plant is not appreciably amaller than the factory at Sakamft. Aleksin Iles same 60 kilometers east of Kaluga in the Tula district. The explosives plant, along with several related installations, including a grenade plant, was newly built after World War II.' Half of the installations were operating by 1947. Some units of the plant yore then working on special secret assignments. The ZhUkovka (53?02n, 33043M) gunpowder factory is the third largest plant of its kind in the. oountry. It lies 40 kilometers northwest of Bryansk on the road from Bryansk to Smolensk.** 4. No details are available on the following explosives installations: a. Dynamite factory at Beresovka (sic; Novaya Borisovka 47?060N, 290590E?)? northwest of Odessa. b. Fuse plant at Belokalitvenskaya? in the Donets region. co Explosives testing station northeast of Moscow. ATmunAtion Factorlaa 5. The following information has been reported concerning ammunition factories: a. Aleksin: Produces artillery Shells., b. sIugansk? Donets Basin: Produces artillery shells? STATE ARMY CLASSIFICATION N.IAM FBI /COMPROT.li QpInnTyi. fEATilBUTiON Document No. 0 0.. No Change In Class, 11 0 Declassified Class. Changed To: TS $ Auth.: HR 10.2 Mop rokeicaatakeLe.as e IJ Coriti_jg,....NTrAre : CIA-RDP82-00457R002900510002-6 xlic?.41)-0. ONLY 2001/03/05 : CIA-RDP82-00457R00290 NMI I AGENY 25X1A 2742z liikoleyev? on the Black Sea: Manufactures infantryeammunitio:4 including munition for the Soviet gas-action rifle and the German M-44 carbine fiStarinkaimbiner 44), 0, Dizhni Tagil, in the Urals: .Meenfactures appro oetely 20,000 rocket projectiles per day; 170mm and 210mm are also produced. e. Orsk, southern Urals: Produces artillery ehells. Z. Stalin?, Donets Basin: This plant consists of 18 buildings in which machineey from Bydgoszcz, Poland, has been installed. Three presses -for 172mm shells and a double press for 57mm shells are among the vaehines with which the plant is equipped. Tank and anti-tank shells are mennfactured., Electric power is obtained from Voroshilovsk. ge StarybYkhow, near Kiev: The small arms factory hare also turns out eneranition for the 6,no. machine pistol. h. Chelyabinsk: Plant of meter &vale and 300mn approximately 3,000 morkers produces 120!m howitzer shells. 1. UshuMka (sic: Uz4um?), panufactured here; the Chelyabinsk. in the Urals: Anti-aircraft *fte: -Lion is plant has road and rail communications with 6. The large Zerod Petrovenko between Stalin? and Voroshilovgrad, which was cempletely destroyed during the mar, has been rebuilt. Large block of dwelling houses were erected nearby in 1948. No information is available an to the nature of current production. 7. A foundry employing approximately 2,000 workers in the vicinity of the Lyublino suburb of Moscow is currently casting 100mm shell casings and air hoe& asings ranging from one to three meterS in length. Munitions factories are located also in the following places but no information concerning them is available: et, Aekhargeldk nakal? approximately 15 kilometers east of Chelyabinsk Borovsk, near Molotov: Currently employs forced laborers, including former members of ths Vlassov Amy. Enguima? east of Kazan 0rozny, central Caucasus Namerovo, Siberia Kraany Luch? near Stalino in the Donets Basin Leningrad Minsk Hovosibirek *Molotov Plaeekoyes approximately 50 kilometers southwest of Tula on the railway line frail Tula to Orel yalta Yelanuga, Tatar ASSHe Has railway connections with Chistepol. Zaporoshe CONFIDENTIAt clencLas CELT_ Approved For Release 2001/03/05 : CIA-RDP82- 0510002-6 25X1A 25X1A atkpices8M945749,92900510002-6 GENT ELLIGENCE AGENCY 3 - 25X1A Armamant.PlaIREllft The following factories produce armaments: Stallmmds The Red Barricades Factory, with a complement of 65,000 wmicars? is the largest gun factory in the Soviet Union. Guns of the heaviact type for railmwrxmmtings? coastal defenses, and naval batteries are manufactured here? Steel is obtained from the Red October Factory. (7211risl: The second largest gun factory in the Soviet Union is located ecme five kilometers southwest of this city. Lame-caliber gun barrels wrl anti-tank guns ranging in size from 37Mm to 100m are manufactured. The plant is equipped with 10 Siemens*Martin hirnaces. 1..vjgr.s A.large rolling mill employing 20,000 workers produces short,- barrelled cannon and 37.Mm and 571um anti-tank guns0 gplairjo?, near Leningrad: Shields for field pieces end anti-tank guns are produced at the armor plate factory. Kui..ey.: The centrifuge factory produces machine pistols and 12.7dm aircraft machine guns. Another factory in Run chivvy a new one, mania- factures machine gun ammunition belts. Iankasp The Stalin Factory in the Forel section of the city manu- factures machine tools and guns for T-143 tankso I4E4p,A, Donets Basin: Plant producing barrels for field. pieces. LDOKEtaz: An unconfirmed report states that a mortar factory is located here, 25 kilometers southeast of Moscowo Molotov: A plant here produces guns of an unidentified type,* Rostov: The USSR's largest agricultural machinery plant9 which is located in Rostov? has a section charged with the production Of mortars and field gunso gfakarati (sic): A plant produces artillery pieces of an unidentified type. &Enka: The tank factory manufactures 75mm anti-tank guns and artillery pieces of 150 mm, and larger. armkAoy, south of Moscow Produces barrels for field gunso glarita4ov:- A mart arms production center manufacturing the following items: 6.8 mm machine pistols, snipers' rifles with telescopic sights, pistols, German 14,44 carbines Russian gas-action rifles, and Russian carbines with automatic firing attachments. kaktals: A plant here achieves an annual production of 79,000 machine pistols; a new type of machine gun and Rheinmetall-Borslg anti-aircraft guns in sizes up to & are also manufacturado atelyabd,aga: Tank Plant II manufacturee 100mm anti-tank guns-. Iwao This city contains several giants for the production of carbines and water-cooled 20mm machine guns. Ushumka (sic): A plant here manufactures infantry small arms and aircraft cannon. 11111111111[Comments No such town is listed or shown on available maps. Source possibly means Solikamsk, about 180 km by air north of Molotov. *111111111111ammea.,..: Since Zhukovka is same 60 km or more from Bryansk. either source is Mistaken about the dIztz=cc from Bryansk or the fartory is not actually in the town of Zhukovka. The Bryansk-Smolonak road does not pass through Zhakovkao Approved For Rel se 2001/03/05 : folisfyinitg0457Fit002900 1 CONTROL-US OFFICIALS ONLY