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Publication Date: 
November 7, 1949
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~ASSiricAllu~ Approved or Release 199 2-00457R!D~ CENTRAL 1 L I N RE~~~. INFORMATION RE_POR.T CD N0. `~""^ COUNTRY- China DATE DISTR. ~ =~~ `~`~ SU BJECI` Anti-Communist Activity by Red Spear Society,Honan N0. O F PAGES 1 PLACE ACQUIRED Hong Kong DATE OF INFO. 4 Uctober 1949 N0. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. ~I~ADLNG OF SOURCE COLLECTOR'S PRELIMINARY GRADING OF CONTENT COMPLETELY USUALLY FAIRLY NOT Y NOT CANNOT BE CONFIRMED BY OTHER PROBABLY POSSIBLY. DOUBTFUL PROBABLY CANNOT BE RELIABLE RELIABLE RELIABLE USUALL RELIABLE RELIABLE - .IUDGED SOURCES TRUE TRUE FALSE JUDGED A. B. 0, X D, E. F. 1. 2. 3. X 4. 5. 6. THIS DOCUINENT. CONTAINS INFORIgAT10N AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DE FENSE OF THE UNITED 87ATE8 Y(,ITHIN TH E,ME'ANING`DF THE k'SPW NAOE ACT 60 U. S.C,,,9f AND 92. ABANENi7ED, ITS TRANSM(SSIOA'OR 7NE REYELATION OR ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANRER TO ~pN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO- .H[SITED 6Y. LAW, REPRODUCTION OF.THIS F6Rld. IS PROHIBITED. SOURCE, 25X1X THIS 1S UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. The Red Spear Society has mainly organized and is carrying out an anti- Communist revolt in Honan, which was motivated by local reaction to Communist misgovernment. The revolt is not inspired by the Kuomintang (KN~T~, although the KMT is trying to exploit it. 2, The revolt has been aided by-the fact that the. Communists have begun to move many Honan Communist officials to South China, and to replace them i~~'th local people. These local officials, who are in touch with the Communist authorities in charge of punitive action against the Red Spear Society,. warn the society when such action is planned. 25X1A- Comment. On 5 October 1949 the Hong_Kong. Shih Pao, a KMT newspaper,. stated .that General Vti`ANG Ling-yun ( 1 ~e "K,') has .been placed iri charge of 25X1 'uerrilla activities in Honan. Comment. According to information available to this office, in Bdarch 1948 WANG was commander of the 9 Division under PAI Chunglhsi's command.