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Publication Date: 
November 17, 1949
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Approved For Release~/ti rTbk1WX?W(k60067b569Xr NO. 111Gs~ INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. bfZ- COUNTRY Chile SUBJECT Bernardo Linares Fajardo PLACE ACQUIRED 25X1 VrE OF i 25X1A RETURN TO CIA LIBRARY DATE DISTR. 1.7 NO. OF PAGES 1 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO 1. On 4 October 1949, personnel or the Valparaiso detachment of Chilean Invest- gaciores arrested one Bernardo Linares Fajardo, a plasterer working on the Laguna Verde Hydroelectric Plant construction job, on the charge of being a Communist labor agitator and Party instructor. Subseouently, he was sent to Santiago for interrogation and trial, 2. During his various interrogations, Linares Fajardo has denied being a Communist or even knowing any of the lead?rs of the Communist tarty of Chile. 3. Available information indicates, however, that Linares Fajardo, also known as "El Agapo Linares" or "EEl Cholo," was born at Mollendo, l'eru,.16 January 19O'?. He arrived in Chile on 25 January 1929 and subsecuently married Elia Gonzalez Vendola who, to.:ether with their five children, resides at Avenida Mexico 032, "l-oblacion Monserrat," Valparaiso. In 1936, Linares Fajardo was arrested as a Communist labor agitator and was relegated to the Frovince of Aysen. 4. Fol'' awing the relegation to Aysen, Linares Fajardo became the i'ocre Lary of Propaganda of the Valparaiso Regional Conriittee of the Communist tarty of Chile and has held that post ever since.. A paid Party official and an excel- lent orator, Linares Fajardo has been very active in labor circles and is known to have maintained correspondence with Argentine and Mexican labor lenders. There are indications that he intended to make a trim to Buenos Aires in the near future. 5. Though Chilean Inveetigaciones has no proof, there are indications that Linares Fajardo was instructed by the Communist Party of Chile to obtain work on the construction of the Laguna Verde Hydroelectric Plant so that he could prepare sabotri~ve plans for the }arty. The- Laguna Verde pia at is scheduled to start producing electrical current for Santiago and Valparaiso in late November 1949. 6. The present plan of the government is to deport Linares Fajardo to one of the neighboring countries, r robably Peru. However, Linares Fajardo has suited that if he must be deported, he would ;:rofer to go to Argentina, since he claims to have many friends in Mendoza who would, help hi^ to. get work in that Province. It has also been learned that several of the p6litical leaders -opposing the Chilean ,rovernment are now attemme-ting to inter::ede for Linares Fajardo, alleging that it would be cruel and inhuman to deport the father of five Chilean children. This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of i6 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to #0 Archivist of the United States. NO tPheigs In Class. ugoument No. _____-- 0001aselfled Aata.= FIEi(110'2 as. Changed To IA-RDP82-00457R 0360067 - Y"_