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Publication Date: 
November 17, 1949
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Approved For feted,?e 1198909108 ii' f `DP82-00145M0` 0 E iECi Cominvxiist Conriectionrc ; tiol1er Dil" Sisters } _fatw 25X1 A {:t',QUIRED 25X1X SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. ':=onf ir!ation has been received' in the Cony innist Farty of Chile 25X1X !PCCh) that Eliza Keller Keller raccived special instruction in the U:"!'R ?hefore entering Chile and that she holds a high position in the FCCh, as was alleged in newspaper faccouaite publi shad rafter hor arrest in August 1949. When prol1miniry inverUg:it,i.ons were conducted ivr;aediately after he and her ;rister, Rosalia ;feller de !^, were arrested an suspected Soviet agents, 25X1 X police cont lets reported that the Confidential Section of t.nvestiguci.ones had no proof of any of the chargee in the prec's. ' fowever9 then it was learned that the Foreigner Control Section of Investigaoi.ones was responsible for the newspaper account, determine the .,rigin of the conflicting versi ana of the two Invosti(ciones branches. 25X1 X 2~ The cress .accusations were based on infor'mgtion furnishedd by Theodore ifluszyniski Runny, s Secretary of the former Foli sh rmbas y in Santiago, It J:A alleged that the report on the Keller sisters had been extracted by fiuszy?nski Dunay from the files of the forner Ebbnasy and furnished to Carlos Herrera Lopez, Chief of the Foreigner Control Division of Investigaoiones1 It was Herrera Lopez, who furnished the'rerorts of the Keller sistersg tlo:rinun:i_st activities t;o the rrsss, although he his denier this to other r_tembe rs of Trrve s t ii g?i clones. 'she two c!omen were ar,?ested by the Corit'idential Section of Chilean Investiga-- ,iones; but since thh,r are furv~i,tian nationals and not Chileans, they were turned over to tl,e ?orei 'nar Control Division. The Foreigner Control Division i.nforrr';ed the Coftf'ident_?11 Section tint investigation had revealed nothing whi.t;h would indicate tiie Keller sisters wer > Soviet agents, but at he oa?ne time pr'ep,irod the rfeport,, ri Y:art of which fo:r:red the basis for the :.ubsecuent newspaper sac:saour.ts, setting f'or'th the Bon. ani t activities of the