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Document Creation Date: 
November 16, 2016
Document Release Date: 
April 5, 2000
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Publication Date: 
January 13, 1950
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,Wfo %A wtv 2 5X1A A{)L - 1i -5'. UF]R;IAIB ONLY T Approved For R?#gj1A9L2QQW--Q -- P82-00 004,?,L~l ~' ~?. a iz '~{~{~, r }~F~ a " '~ . Eoa ` .1 "f r'in-' >b u`~ Ay tirt-' t. 'T R .31, 1o- QI r~',~ I~+O. dA-A-0f'Oq{ CONFIDENTIAL ,, : Et,4tR. 13 .A W a ,# C .. Viet Minh Ac ti.vlty in Hanoi Area 25X1A Rt:`iLACE ACQUIRED 25X1A r. There is littlLe overt evidence of Viet Minh propaganda act~!.vity in the in'- med.iat area of the city of Haxaci and. co kpavatively little evidence of other types of overt acttvitro The ex stenoe of a Viet Mnh organisation In Hanoi is Known but the identity of Its members is not. There are believed to be Viet Unh elomwnts titi.thi.n the Vietnamese pcLLi ce force wid among the employees of the Bao Dai Government in Hanoi. It is believed. that several of the Vic;tnamese leaders now residing in t . of who have refusod to participate in the Bao DwI Government have access to information origi aat? ng from Viet Minh sources.* On. the surface these individuals continue to maintain an ttattenr4.ste,t (It-wait aixl see") attitude. NO. OF PAGES I NO. OF Er4CL8- (LIS'TED BELOW SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO 2. The daily broexloasts of the Viet ..,Unh radio are heard in Hano`io These broad.- casts are mainly composed of na s about r Iitary cor tests which have about as much foundation in fact as some of the more extr avagarat French claims; ners of the -vmndexrfu.1 progress being made by the zones under Viet Minh control; fanciful plans for the iraprrcvement of the lot of the Vietnamese people.; and e thortations to the people on all subjects, stressing the defeat of the French invader. Hai large a.a'a audience Is rciached by these broadcasts is a matter of conjectured .post of the Vietnamese in the French controlled cities have radios but there are verg few among tbka people in the country- sic.e. Much of what is brow east by the Viet iLti h radio is believed by those Vietnamese Who hear it. This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter Of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist c the United States. Next Rev;cw Date: 2008 _ CI..tSSIFICAIIO l STATE NA~JY P1SRe DISTRISUTION I AR1.1Y AIR PB! CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457ROQ4100360010-0