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Document Creation Date: 
December 14, 2016
Document Release Date: 
February 13, 2001
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Publication Date: 
January 3, 1950
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eomentt - Approved For Release 2001/03/17 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004200490011-4 25X1A CLASSIFICATION_ 777 Zone To PI C ENT 25X1A OBTAINED_,_ME DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTA;NED_ REFERENCES__ 11.....111,1.,11*,..1.11.1101,1.4.11,61114.4111,1.1.10 MM. PAGES_____ENCLOSURES (NO, & SOURCE 25X1C 1.11.1117.1111. ANA ,M1,41.1?111?111../.314/01.1. X1 C 25X1X Th e foilcuinf:. Soviet rail movements were seen in the JUETERBOG (N 52/E 69) area: 26 October 1949 a. Nina tanks and several piles of tank ammunition were entrained. at the Gruen & 1oaCin3 ramp at 2.115 p,ra The tanks seemed to have ewe fruli KLOSTER ZINNA (N 53/E 69), aceord- ing to their ruts. b. Train. carrying 6 light AT guns, on 4 cars, coming from tho direction JbETERBOG at 5230 p.rn. and proceeded /E 57). 2 3 and 4 November 1949 13 trucks and troops of BERLIN, paSsed through toward WITTENBERG (N 52/ About 150 NCO s and EM were daily observed to board the regular passenger train iu JUETERBOG for FALKENBERG (N 52/E 74). Railroad men said that the troops, coming from. ALTES LAG2R, went to a collecting point; in corms (N 52/A 57) and, from there, continued to BREST LITOVSK. 3 November 1949: 25X1C Train carrying 3 canvas-covored tanks, 20 trucks with troes wearing red epaulets through JIETF,RBOG and proceeded toward on 6 boxcars passed BERLIN. 10 ivevember 19,S9 V?VIMPF.U110...1.1-4.11....POR.1...411/1110.1.10.1010?? Train of 35 to 40 boxcars, carr/in! troops but no weapons, was daily seen to go to 1.,ALENBERG. Approved F P7` This document is hereby regraded to CONFiDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Inteiligence to the PrOlielaWe"20161Milaie?-clA-R Net Pe - !'-`-: 2138 dells Date: _ TS S C 440011-4 AM__ By: _Wile_ "worom.onommen.o...low.m...1..?????? ","-? 25X1A 'Approved For Rele r*ae4i611P111#10MilagailkeffM. - 0011-4 10 1:ovember 1940 25X1C Train carryin 23 trucks with and troops woarini, ruby-colored opau.c s passea 11). 71 JULZ:XBOG and 1%.ent on torard =LiN. The trUcs were loaded- with_quarterin- equiplAento 12 iovoQbo.:. 1040: .2rain or 27 flatcavs carryin lare aotors and onine parts bnd 8 boxcars occu7,1cd by troops wearin red,bodered black opaulots ws standim7 on shuntinF; tracks of the military railroad station. 111111100aqent: It is assumed that the trains observed on -2 throu,11 5, 7, 2, and 10 Novo:111)ov 1J49 carrieb %00s and (3,000 to 4.?000 troops') who rere'sont to the Soviet Union, for dIschar.(70. Approved For Release 2001/03/17 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004200490011-4