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Approved For Release 2006/02/0Cj.QN&N;,Q04300130012-1 CLASSIFICATION! 07-?UINTROL - U oS 0 OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY Czechoslovakia SUBJECT AAA Practice in Lialacly 25X1 PLACE 25XIACQUIRED 25X1 DATE OF INFO. 25X1 25X1 25X1 UOC V190T CCI4TAIRS INFOUIZA71OW A99GCT1ND THE IIATIO13AL DUMB: T11131 OP 3 UNITED 0TAT3S WITHIN TU3 MIMING OF Tilt OSMOMAOF ACT S& 11.0. C., 91 AgU 3'. A3 A17EWO2D. ITO TUAW13Ii1681OW OR 1013 RTVOLtTIOO 09 IT, CONT3UTS 131 AMT WAG.ICR TO AEG UPAUTMORIYQD PERSON 1R 140- 11101T&O CT 1ATI. VCPBODUCTION 09 THIS FORM 19 PCONIUI111. REPORT NO. 25X1 CD NO. DATE DISTR. C 6 Feb0 1 950 NO. OF PAGES . 2 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. f ntiaircraft firing practice was observed Irt the (P 49/i 82) ortillcry range from June to August 1049. .. lceve tergets, about 7 feet lonL? consisting; of linen-covered light mete l. fraLucs t? nd towed by .iiebol s ircrr'f t A * were fired at by 37 and 68-rnY. C~uns and by ? ranchine guns of heavy ca- liber. The trrg,et-towing planes flew as low as 150 to 30G feet and as high as 6,560 feet. The score was considered satisfoc- tory4 The target was missed only about ten times out of 15U op- proaches. Tow.-,rd the end of the firing, practice, riflemen pr ac- ticed firin at towed sleeve tar ets. This score was also satis- factory. 3. German 200--cm searchlights, powered by k enera.tors, were used at right 4 even searchlights with three gener"tors were observed vith c=a.e searchlight b .ttory. This b-,ttery I'pnssed on" the ta.rget- tot,rin,g: tie-111 nircraft to other batteries during, the prcticesa The planes flew at altitudes of 1,60E ~-.nd 6,500 feet, Suring more than a. hundred observed approaches the aircraft did not es- cape the searchlight beams. 4. i-bout ten days prior to the close of the firip exercises two special devices which Spotted a ircreft Withor tt makin?; them visible, were employed during, night f lying pra.etices ateted that Czech i lea troc%rps sore to be equipped with those improvised devices of German origin.** Conuaent CLASSIFICATION ONTROL - U.S 0 OFFICIALS SL 'iebel aircraft and some captured Geri wn lie-ill aircraft are being used by the Czechoslovakian rrayd forces. The description of the functioning, of range finders does not Whether infra-red devices or German '.,n radar sets were used. mince German firuas ra .nufecturing such devices were located STATE ~{ r~nvr wsrra IBUTION 1 4v e: ,ova Date: ___1__.__ By: gence to th ' P~ M,t Fir Relet&seaa2J?6/02/01: CIA-RDP (}F7 er ?i ,~ Crater 1978 from theE Director 01- Gen-,a1 in`eifi Class ~t ocument ARMY _ AIR -ThiB , rrrent is 7ie~i?y regraded to CONF DEN", i_. E 0 C ac ^.rdance with the lett CONTROL - U.S. OFFICALS ONLY Approved For ReleaIQgg2L,;,p0f5&3001 a~P CONFIDENTIAL l:E:.. _.U /Tit (ALLY CONFIDENTIAL I 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/02/02 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004300130012-1