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Publication Date: 
February 27, 1950
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15: CIA-RDP82- . r ;INtELIOFAx ii AGENCY -- REPORT CENTRAL I T LLIGENCE~ INFORMATION FIE-PORT CD NO COUNTRY Germany (Rnnssian Zone) SUBJECT 3LD Brandenburg PLACE ACQUIREI DATE OF INFO. THIS 6000GIENT CCWTA4UUS IIlFOIiCIAY1OriAFFCCTIWOTHE 53010=133FONOrt 07 THE [SNITel3 VrATEt: WITHnEl ME MEA011NO OP TIdo ESPiOQ1A08 ACT SO i. R. C., A4 AND S$, AS A9EIJDEV, ITS T6ANS17ISSIOI3 OR TIIG RHVEi ATION OP ITS CONYEE-028 IN A UT UAW= TO AN D 7AVTNORI2.EO PERSOFI IS PRO- DATE DISTR. 27 F1 B 50 50X1-HUM NO. OF PAGES 3 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO 50X1-HUM REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1-HUM 1., The work of the Kader-Abteilung of the SED Landesverband 1.;r?andert'burg has been coming in for criticism on the score of un- systematic performance. line with the policy of embarking on a planned strengthening of the functionary body, a renewed check of the personal and political background of all functionaries w rill be undertaken, to be completed not later than April 1950. SED m, tubers occupying official positions In the various land ministries will be investigated by the Llinistry of the Interior. All function- aries of the Landesverband have to submit a curriculum vitae once a year, On the basis of the results of tiie investigations and the personality assessments (Karakteristiken) requested of the party member's superior, the Fader abteilung will map out a plan which is to govern the professional advancement of the functionary in the Party. 2. Charlotte Eppinger was elected 2nd secretary- of, the SBID 50X1-HUM Brandenburg" Landesverband at a delegates" conference 2.-4 resign his position as 2nd secretary e has re- 50X1-HUM a neo his mesh eaship in the Vorstand) a Originally, Erwin Dossow had been picked by the Party to fill this position,. In- he was appointed head of the Agricultural SEC?ti.on 50X1-HUM stea owever T s of the Landesverband and his nomination was tiithdravtn0 Next it was decided to put up (fnu) Kieling, the chief of the vJork and Social tdelfare Section of the Landesverband? when he was introduced to the delegates, questions from the floor disclosed that he had been active in Party politics only since 1945. Prior to 1945 his con- tact with r-jorkers'1 parties had been slim. His wife, fug?ther proi&- i_ng revealed, had been a Party candidate for only 8 weeks. n answering questions, Kieling committed such heresies as using the expression "Umbruch 1945f1 and relating that he had been taken prisoner by "Polish comrades" in 1945 although he must have known that this term could not possibly apply to members of the Anders Army. It was also held against him that he had been a non- commissioned officer. Although he had attended the Partjr school, his record as a functionary show, evidence of careerist tenden- cies. at this point the secretariat decided that it would be too risky to out Kieling" s nomination. to the vote, therefore with- drew it, and since no alternate nomination had been submitted, pulled Eppinger" s name out of a ha.t.. * CLASSIFICATION NAVY _JA AIR S-- 1. RD ~Y "A This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. Next Review Date: 2008 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15: CIA-RDP82-00457R004400050002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15: CIA-RDP82-00457R004400050002-3 CL11TRAL I1 LbLIGLNCi 4'~GLiJCY 3. Several section chiefs of the Landesverband are on the way outsi among them Erwin Hintze (in charge of Abteilung Komnunal- coursQ at the d t d u y a s politik) who has been selected to atten Karl =Aarx Hochschul (in charge of Abteilung Stantsyerwaltune). 50X1-HUM 4. In the course of December 1949 a sizeable number of a.ntifa graduates returned from the USSR. In this connection mention was made of Camp 2041 as the graduating center from which they had been turned out o The Landesverband considered this shipment as opening tip an urgently needed reservoir from which to replenish its 50X1-HUM functionary corps. the mere r act oz tine a.r Liav sus graduated from an &nti a school s ould not be considered as implying F_ I 50X1-HUM 100% reliability. By way of illustrating 1 in a a se- suitcase a cache of notes on 50X1-HUM to have concea ea which he had listed the names of all graduates, instructors, and. Soviet officers in charge of the camp The Geseilschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultfit of Leipzig University has turned out its first crop of graduates. From a few isolated instances it could be inferred that the Gewefak has not as yet established itself among leading Party functionaries as necessarily on a par with party schools. A graduate, though re- commended to Minister of Education Rucker, obtained only lukewarm support on the part of the Landesverband in his quest for a o- 50X1-HUM that ministry. Had he been a Karl Marx to all. doors would have been open to him. c Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15: CIA-RDP82-00457R004400050002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15: CIA-RDP82-00457R004400050002-3 J L:.::s.[%111a J . a J n 4TLY CJ~1I1Tf11L IhTTj LLIGi,i;C; :, :.G- Xy The title of the lecture described in she foregoing para- graph had originally been "Our fight against Trotzkyisms" Subse- quently, however, the use oi' the word Trotzkyism was banned on the grounds that its use as well as that of the word Titoism could be construed as an implied admission that there exist outside the framework of the Communist doctrine deviating ideologies. It should be clearly understood, however, that all deviations from the Party line automatically o ac in the 50X1-HUM camp of imperiali.smo this was not a r ivate notion r e i-anaesver an leadership, but it expressed views held by the highest leadership of the 50X1-HUM paw Comment: had-been previou should be filled an SE D member no oe ._ong ng to the old guard, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15: CIA-RDP82-00457R004400050002-3