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Publication Date: 
March 3, 1950
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~Ii~tEt1 ntlrt ~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15: CIA-RDP82-00457R004400050005-0 C- CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY Germany (Russian 'Lone SUBJECT The Legal Status of the =v erlin Russian Sector Police PLACE ACQUIRED' DATE OF INFO. REPORT CD NO. DATE DISTR. 5 LIAR 50 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. LUSTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. In an undated letter published in the "Tdgliche Rundschauf'` Nr 1 (1419) Page 9, sent by Oberbilrgermeister Friedrich Ebert to Vice- PAesident of Police Richard svntner (who i q A iso President to the absence of Paul 1arrkgraf) the following was stated: '"In recog- nition.of the performance of the Berlin police, I grant your re- quest to assume the designation "Berliner Volkspolizei' , effective 1 January 1950.11 In pursuance of the above cited directive, Gyptner now signs himself as "President der Volkspolizei in Berlin." The police as such is collectively referred to as "Die Volkspolizei in Berlin." 2, Legally trained police officials realize that, although there was presumably no such intention, the renaming has resulted in a deterioration of the status of the East Sector Police. In the public mind the term Volkspolizei is associated with the East Lone police system and when used with the term Berlin will be con- strued as confining it to the geographical boundaries of East Berlin. This would imply a tacit recognition of the west Sector Police and concomita?.tly'.a relinquishment of the claim of the East Sector Police to have jurisdiction over the whole of Berlin. On the other hand, the. title "Polizeiprasident in Berlin" which rightfully belongs to Dr. Johannes Stumm, traditionally describes the position of the legally appointed head of Berlin city police headquarters. 3. according to a statement attributed to the head of the Soviet Control Commission, General Chuikov, approximately two months ago, the Peoples police in the Eastern sector. was to revert to the control of the Magistrat :. Until that time the .?agistrat : had been confined to the exercise of financial control only, i.e., in effect had been permitted to foot the bill. The change in legal status of the East Berlin police resulting from General Chuikovfl s announcement has been the subject of several conferences attended by representatives of the Magistrat. and the Berlin police. The upshot of-these deliberations has been that no material change in the jurisdictional subordination as it existed has taken place The functions of fine Oberbtlrgermeister of East Berlin in the field of police activities are delegated to dda.ldemer Schmidt, the head NAVY ___TX NSR8 ICI FAIR /t_I_L _ i FUI This document is hereby regradle ft CON-NEiDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. i1t r' a *.1P^ We Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15: CIA-RDP82-00457R004400050005-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15: CIA-RDP82-00457R004400050005-0 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE. AGONCY 50X1-HUM of the Personnel and administration Section of the Magistrat. . It is :..e whc; exercises the so-called "Dienstaufsicht" i.e., super- vision in all matters stemming from the fact that Ber l i_n ,n1 f r.P the relation between the police and the yagistrat is in Jv^I-Flu 'V' most respects similar to that between the semi-autonomous main 50X1-HUM administrations (angeg ied.erte iiauptverwaltungen) and the Ministry of the Interior 4. The legal nature of the relationship between police and Magistrat was brought to a practical test recently when the licensing of certain occupations such as chimney sweeps, pawn brokers etc;., a function heretofore belonging to the police, was to be turned over to the Magistrat . If the Magistrat had been given effective control of all police affairs, a simple directive from the Oberbt9rgermeister to the police would have sufficed to effectuate this transfer,, Instead the transfer had to be made in the form of a so-called "'Ueberleitungs-verordnung". co-signed by a Liagistrat 5 representative and a police representative. 5. As regards supervisory functions still exercised by re- presentatives of the SKK, there has been at least one recent In- stance in which the SKK asserted such right. It had been contem- plated to relinquish to the Magistrat authority over patent and copyright affairs heretofore vested in the policed when this matter was brought up to the SKK, the official in charge of press matters, Major ,.orgunov, flatly vetoed the transfer o 50X1-HUM Comment: There is actually no one in the PolizeiprIsidium who could offer a legal definition of the current status of the Last Berlin Police. It is likely to remain a bone of contention as long as Berlin remains separated. Also the relation between the East Sector police and the Hauptverwaltung fuer Volkspolizei has never been clarified,, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15: CIA-RDP82-00457R004400050005-0