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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
February 28, 1950
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R004500430011-7.pdf149.88 KB
110`M'For Release 2001/03/17 : COUNTRY TOPIC EVALUATION DATE OF CONTEN DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES CLASSIFICATION. nand 25X1X -.m.-REPORT NO Oa- oY-o y- 004500430011-7 PAGES ._-ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) REMARKS SOURCE The follow?jing, Qoviet military rail moverients were obser'--ed on the Frankfurt/U"ter (0 53/V 63) -Lro st-Litovsk (8 53/=,i 87) railroad line b :ttwen 25 Jecer fiber 1949 and 12 January 1950: 1. Leavinr? j'renkfurt/Oder on 3 January 1950 and arriving at rest on 8 January 1950: A train of about 50 cars, occupied by "oviot troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets and off titers wearing tank insignia was observed between ".Jarsaw and Poznan (P 53/X 26) on 5 January 1950.* iuo other military trains were observed by oource0 2 o Leaving Lrest on 8 January 1950 and returning to Frankfurt/Oder on 13 January 1950: Train carrying 30 -iT 25X1 A guns with muzzle brake and an estimated caliber of 85 mm.** : scorting personnel said 'that the -'.ateriel had come from .eoscowo In Frankfurt/Oiler, th1v train leas dispatched toward Cottbus (14 52/Ai 57) during the nigh25X1A of 13 January 1950 a did 25X1 A not see any other military trains. The stocks of coal at all stations through train passed. 3. Leaving, Frankfurt/Odor on 20 .Jece .fiber 1949: Train of 12 coaches and 16.boxcars, bound for Lrest- Litovsko The coaches were occupied by about 100 troop";, including about 30 officdrs, and about 50 women without children.*** a. Llaek epaulets, some with lightning-bundle insignia, red-bordered black epaulets and black-bordered red epaulets were observed. officers wore black-bordered CLASSIFICATION This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the ~~f sate: _ --- -- ~~ Bye -~- ~~Ar royi e~r~ 'e use , 3 17: CIA lft ~8 7 . 'Tfext Rev ew Date: Approved For Release 200,1/0.3,I,1,7 25X1A silver epaulets. The women wore civilian clothes, b. Two boxcars were loaded with boxes and furniture, four boxcars were sealed and 10 boxcars were "-ipty but equipped with wooden benches. 4. Leaving merest and arriving at vrnrlkfurt/Oder about January 1950: train of 6 coaches, 4 boxcarsyand 12 gondola cars, headinC? toward, was seen near :'arsaw0 i aeh gondola car carried a canvas-covered, long-barreled gun and a caterpillar tractor, or truck or passenger car. Four to six tractors, four to six trucks2and two passenger cars were seen on the trains 25X1 C O orient : Presumably a -hipnent of recruits arriving behin d s':hedule or of specialists, -lost of the fall recruits (inducted during the ,u-mier of 1949) reached units in the ooviot t one of i err any up to late ~.c~e;fiber 1949 r shipment of motor vehicles and guns enrouto from the soviet Lnion to the : oviet Zone of (.er:?Zrany. i'orsonnel t~ois4r; on furlough or to be discharged and dependents bound for the soviet union, Approved For Release 2001/03/17 : CIA-RE ID? I430011-7