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Document Creation Date: 
November 16, 2016
Document Release Date: 
April 11, 2000
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Publication Date: 
April 11, 1950
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R004600580001-1.pdf62.76 KB
Li SSIFICATION .51 Approved For Relea ' ''!6ob/tg F-I rot d2 O457ROA46OO Q 25X1 A 1FORM TIO _PO D Na C W., to COUNTRY China SUBJECT flU Tzeu %yei PLACE 25X1 A ACQUIRE DATE OF INFO. 25X1 TE OP Too Ram STAO tT1TItIR TNg tlEA0tiR0 OP THIT RSPIOUACR ACT 60 O. S. C> ! 1 AND SE. AS AO91109D. ITS TEAO9CIISSIOR OR THE R2LATION OP ITS CONTENTS IN ANT 0ANRER TO AN NRAvTORszED PERSON 63 P610- RI11795 R1t LAJ.. REPROOuCrION CA TOW FOOD IS PC0012112*. SOURCE 25X1X 1946 was a provinc official in Szechuan is -"A6 eller 'oi l d ' provinncc ial. an and long-time trusted friend of Cfl?i:id Zi. IIU is now living in Shanghai in retirement. lie is still an excellent terms with CIIL.:.N , who relies upon IM to a very great extent for advice, Hu is acceptable to Connunists and to non-Communists. 2. TO is a lawyer who received his training in Japan. At one time he was a professor at the Central k'olitical Institute in Nanking, a Kuomintang indoctrination school. 3. As connissioner for Civil Affairs in 3zachtinnand Hunan., K! was instru- r-Qntal in, arrangerments for the supply of labor and materials for the construction of airfields for the United Jtates during t!1c war. His final post in the irational.i ,t Government was Vice Uinister of the Interior. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION DATE DISTR, I t APR 50 NO.. OF PAGES 1 NO. OF ENCLS. (USTED BELOW) REPORT SUPPLEMENT TO 1. HU Tzau...WSi (; . also knolm as (!MT Che ~~ .. CLASSIFICATION S.X FtAVYP B I D! _ `j -_ CENFV iP, EPTIAL Approved For Release 2000/05/18 : CIA DeaMmsut Me- ----- --------------- No Change M Class. Deelassiled Class. Chang'd To: TS S Auth.: HR 7C- L' 0*0