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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
May 17, 1950
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Approved Fo b1 b 2002-D. M-- 1a -00457R( QQQr4pgo.9 ' a rT REPORT CD O b ; a . w "Jd' Chi Tradint in Dal, f n nr.d. Antung PLACE. 25X1(9CQUakED DATE OF INFO, O 4. q, 25X1A 117 MAY 50 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED SELow SUPPLEMEN'T' TO REPORT NO. 1,> In.:December 1949 set?eral south Korean traders anchored , vessel at Tahushan ( + ), a small village near Antun, a One of the men went to An i by truck and. obtained from the C'orinuznist ; u horities a harbor escort for the vessel,, After interrog,,a.tlon h;r the of?icials, the traders were permitted to eel! the nitric acid in their cargo and were advised by the Corir'erni ,ts that the remm^ irt: n cargo of sreet re tatoes could be sold in D It ren? 2s? A letter of introduction fro-, .she Anti. g Security Office to the Chang Hsi (k. fib'); Company, Dal:-ern., was given to the traders. In Dairen, the traders bnrteref1 their baveet ':otntoens for co`;ton. cloth through the Chang Hsin?; TnnAing Company.. Thy 3 company,. on of. three tradlrng firms in Dairen, is i>,)orated by the Soviet Az W.. The other two firms are the Val, I'l in ) Trading Connally, which i controlled by the Chinese Comri nist.s aad, ? 3radee pith iTor h Korea , and the Chia Ta. ( ;(. ),~ ) 'g'rading Com-nany, which handles trade between. Soviet personnel and. :Tort' Korea. :3K, Lt... General T3aAO ( -, ) :isn concander of the 1 Ai? 7 ? in Dairen. He I.s a graduate of the economic depa:sinent of Wasedv. University and an associate, of the late -Jape. nece leader raAkaA TO Seigr, 4,. The first two niers ynn Dairen are oreratej by the Soviets, and the Chinese Corimnnistnn have, the third arnci. :.'ourth piers resrectiveVw About fourteen shi?ae from Hong Kong and Macao were anchored in Dairen in January 1950, 5. About six .htundred.:(ereaaias a el. hundred Ja'Janese are. II-;ring In Dairen 6.? In ezcia~anrw;e for electricity r c.eived from North. Korea Dairen err-, orts carbide and millet to Chin namnc (12'5a24$, 3(8,44). CLASSIFICATION coj:; `:"i) INTIatl, vr.v v _ cv~rc+,s p _ USJ I M t: u 11UN Rrtm'1 S A'R FBt } Document "1o. _ -------~~---- - i iD Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CI~ 8~ 040 -9 P2 -------- me Chair ?ra Class. (7 Ba19181sifiPd CTa:s. T r 4n Ta: TS S C A W L : I,rn ' J