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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
July 24, 2000
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Publication Date: 
May 29, 1950
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R005200070005-6.pdf83.95 KB
Approved For Release 2000108/17 I, DP$ g0457R005200070005-6 CONFIDENT COuNTn 'All - - -Soy _r~ _ ;one ~~f' Cror ~~r4~r -REPORT N TOP C xm._.-,._._. flab e-Nietteuen hzcdar set DATE OF CONTENT.5 and :"::.ril 1550. 25X1A DATE ?STA9NIrI3 -DATE ?'PFPAPF1l 27 a: ;fir ? ; 5" REFERENCES r. 25X1 A PAGES _._1_ ENCLOSURES NO. & TYPE)- _ . 1, The halie-adieUeben (M 52/D c`2) airfield and former sign!-1 communication school were observed from the east, south and west on 5 April 1;50, Only four antenna masts, app antly arranged in a square, were seen in the ruartering area. No, radar set or a similar body was seen on top of a building. Several Loy. .. residents said there was no activity- at the field. The Halle-Nietleben signal coarnunication school was observed from the east between 7:30 and 10 on 6 April 1950. All elevated points and buildings were oi~serv._,d with C eatest atten- tion but no radar set was seen,, :vo aircraft were stati':~ned at 3:- _ Co,m?nent = ao,;h sources were recuested to observe and photo raph a radar sot al'j'e,- e(Ly ino..1nted on top Gi' tin'' I:Iij.,at contr:N1 tower at i.ue kialie-iietleben airfield, They aLree t ".at no radar set is at the airfield or, on top o1 a baiidin,,,, T.is confir.,.s a report of 25 :arch 1950 - by one source of the .)resent report, baeument Wo. _-4-94 -------------- No Iul!;a ngs In Class. D 4:a s. Cti aged To: TS S 041 a:-+Ia.: IR 10.2 e. 7f BV! CI..,SSIFICAR ION ~ 25X1A PLACE OBTAINNEO CONFIDENTIAL` CLASL!FICAT,ON .:. T--CONTROL,/US OFFICIe'.~J "."ivLY Approved For Release 2000/08/17 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005200070005-6 11