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CL ASSIFIC,8.I IUN . C ! TI , 54 '01proved For Rel 9WA~ E' 1A 2-00457 0 0b9 INFO MTIO REEPORT CD NO. MW AV J~0 COUN"R Y SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED -? t .~.ssiolsa.a, Possible Revolution against the Goverment 25X1A DATE DISTR.. I) NO, OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) 77, , .:~o DATE OF INFO. 29 T.1ay 19 50 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 25X1X 25X1 X1? ?;coup of high Officers of the Ethiopian Imperial Guard, probably led by the Com^ianding General, Brigadier ISulugueta Bu11i*9 and assisted by several high Government officials, is planning a revolution against the present Nthioptian Government and Imperial Family.** The revolution is scheduled to occur "after the rainse4 this year.*** 2 According to this plot, the Emperor and the Empress will be deposed and forced to live outside the, oountry? the Duke of Ilarrar likewise will be expelled. The L mister of the Pen, (olde Giorgio, the Ilinisterb of Finance, Llakonnen Hapte Vold, and segrersl Palace officials will be killed, but no violence against members of the Imperial Family is contemplated. 3. The Cro-,an Prince will be installed as Emperor and a new government -,-rill be formed from officials chosen by the revolutionary group. 25X1X 25X1 X the Crown Prince has beon chosen because of his modest nay of life and because he has not indulged in private commercial activities nor sham himself to be greedy -gin the conduct of his official duties. 4c, The revolutionary group is very muca dissatisfied with the present American advisers in the various Ethiopian Ministries and the State Bank of Ethiopian informant asserts, a L is confident that the Americans (sic) will not give Ethiopia a loan. o Comment, According to local rumor, Brigadier Mulu beta Bulli 25X1 A soon will be appointed fthio ien Minister of tar. 25X1 X attached to the Imperial Guard expect that Bulli will be replaced as Com-anding Offi.cer of the Imperial Gump either by Colonel Igesu Tw-irat or Lieutenant Colon.] Mangistu IQeway. oe Comment. There have been rumors of dissatisfaction among 25X1A overeat officials during the last six months, and it has been apparent for the past year that Brigadier Bulli's power has been increasing steadily at the expense of that of Wolde Giorgio. LAIR D1STRIeUTION This, document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence Archivist of the United Stat to the es. Next Review Date: 2008 CLASSIFICATION- A &W # NAVY Approved For : Cl RDP82-00457R005200360013-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005200360013-5 imam /i~/ CE'TTf}y~n9R[ L 7 IITTAT ryE A /~G,.7 tom.C t}tt.: -ya~~]G: CLL- * *3ce 25X1A 25X1A Bulli is violently anti-British and anti-American, Since 1946 there have been some three thwarted plots against the Imperial Family and the Governrmentg hozevera if the present plot actually orginates with the Imperial Guard it probably will succeed, as the Army and Police are completely outclassed by the Guard as a fighting force, Comment. The ra-ny season usually ends between 15 October and 1 November. Approved For Release 1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005200360013-5