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Publication Date: 
August 30, 1950
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R005600390008-4.pdf111.05 KB
For Relea ~~1~~ ~~~ If B- Approved F 8ZRO05600 M 4N n . ATI REPORT COUNTRY Peru SUBJEM' Pro-.Peace Efforts of PCP CONFIDENTIAL NO. OF' PAGES 2 The Peruvian Communist Party (PCP) is now concentrating its efforts on obtaining as many signatures as po.,sible for the pro-peace appeal which is circulating in most countries of the world. Communist nlfredo a,iatiiews continues to direct the campaign for signatures, and has established his headqu..cters in the office of Rodolfo Ponce iartinez on the fourth floor of the Palace of Justice. On 28 July 19.50, call leaders in the Lima area atLLended a meeting and reoaived forms on which they were to collect signatures. They were ;.natructed to intensify their efforts in order that the PCPs even though outlawed, raight conipara favorably with other Latin i.meriaan Communist Pe;rtias in the total number of signatures obtained. 2s. another indication of increased pro-peace activities by the Comw:munists, according to source, is the fact that 50 copies of the Comi:lform Spanish--language bulletin, Por Una Puz Duradera, Par Una Democracia Popular, are arriving weekly in Lima.* 7or ;e a con, who receives the publication foxTooal distribution, is attempting to increase the number of subscribers. Source has been a:-,le to identify the following as subscribers to the Comir.form papers UUrvriutiv I I AL copies) V~_4 N,., o.... __ ... ..,...... .. STATE ARM AIR FBI TF _.. L~~ LLIE This document Is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of rnn+rnl L a _ I Jose Atala Eu'anuel i oreno Jirneno Elias Lover Jose ~+oreno Jimes7.c~ Dr, Leonidas Kl inre (fnu) Aontene:-ro Francisco Castillo ttntenor Del Pozo 1h-. Jose t'riel Garcia Alfredo Uathews Secretariat of Communist Enrique Felices Ernesto ~:iore Pepita kizarro Omar -ilbert Party (l0 copies are sent by Falcon to a?requipa CIASSIFICAT1ON coI,'~'I D}L MJ Approve C ASSIFICAT1ON Of WW l .ia rL W Fr'P,Lteds6'2.Og04O4/1aic&IA-RDP Next Review Date: 2008 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : C 'CU V IUIIA 1 IAL [tQ457 R005600390008-4 CENT-R,L LV'Tji'LLIGLJCE AGE: Cy 25X1A 4 The Communists are hopeful that the pro-peace campaign will receive some suppLrt in the Peruvian congress through Jose Uriel Garcia, well-known Communist sympathizer who was elected minority senator from Cuzco. So far, Uriel Garcia and other left-wingers in the newly-elected congress have been silent. #ho manner in which the Cominform bulletin reached Pena was pre ous y reported. 25X1A The 26 July issue of For Una Paz Duradera, Por Una Uemocracia opu ar rnent ons the fact that the Peruvian Communist sr has ca led on the Peruvian people to protest sgainst American "intervention" in Korea. CONFIDENTIAL' Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005600390008-4