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-.14ILLLIWAA II; ASS IFICATION 25X1A 3Approved For ReItEOR20 gligntiNOMNE;\82-00457RWi61111 COUNTRY Pore iNFORMATIO REPORT CONFIDENTIAL c..,?D DATE DISTR. 31 AUG 50 SUBJECT Wiethods of Peruvian Police Apristas NO. OF PAGES 2 2 PLACE 5X1A ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. 25X1X NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO 1. fhe Odria government's p.. lice forces have been very effective in their drive ae,uinst ti's underground activities, principally because Alejandro Esparza hanartu, Iiiroctor of Government, receives all the ',Loney he neees to wage the campail7n against eFRA. 6sparze has spent huge sem of money for inforelers (seplo_es). and to bribe and suborn Apristas who have become discouraryA with the undereround etrueje. 2. In addition, the government has used ruthless eeasuree against the Apristas. Source describes the following techeiques as standard and current: a. Surprise raids are elede on the homes of Apristas. In these raids, seerches are very through. Even furniture is broken up, flooring is pried up, and excavations are made in gardena, in an effort to find hidden documents or other evidence coeectel with the party's underground work.. b. Families of Apristes are constantly harassed and threatened. Individuals who employ memeera of AITA are pressured into di a:teeing them. d. Laidords. whose tenants are Apristas, are requested to evict them, S. Apristas who are arrested are usually held incommunicado, and the following techelques aro used to break the: down und meke them talk: a. They are prevented from sleepine at night, being peakened at intervals and subjected to intoreogation. b, They are often beaten end eenhandled, Some are placed in small, clerk cells without a bed or other furniture. At frequent intervals a bucket of water is :loused over the cell floor no that the prisoner con not sit on the floor and east remain standine, for hours at a time. d. Others are given injections of barbiturates and Anlisd food until they sign confessions. CLA SIFICA ON SJ 4T CONFIDENTIAL STAT it NAVY NSRB FW '1 4Z-7-6:3TRI GOMM t ' i I C::E] ARmv _ MR L This document document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. plictOdeFlotraRekeeese 2000/04/ To: TS S C tik005600390010-1 /4, CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/185,,IIRDP82-00457R0056or 0-1 GEN di, Ili raLi ONCE GENC Y 4. Prisoners are sometimes suborned with offers of large sums of money and paid travel outside the country if they will furnish the itformation desired by the police. Others are persuaded to become government informers and are released. .et is for this reasen that the undergroend is always wary of Apristas suddenly released from prison. 6, Personnel of the Cuerno de Investigacionea y Vigilancia (civ) are promised bonuses and promotions for each arrest of an important Aprista that they can make. It is reported that the present director general of CIV, Clodomiro Marin del Aguila, received two promotions and his present post as a result of his effective work against the Apristos, -which was climaxed by the shooting of Luis Negreiros Vega. The APRA underground itself is said not to know the exact number of Apristas now being held in jail, because new arrests are made ,almost weekly and some releases are eflocted from time to time. According to source, however, there are over 1000 in jail, They are lodged in various penal institutions: the central prison in Lien, El Fronton island penitentiary, El Potao barracks of the Guardia Civil, the Cuartel Soxto, and other pieces. Lany Apristas are also jailed in the cities of Trujillo, Huancayo, Cuzco and Arequipa. Lost of the women Apriste prisoners are in the Carcel de Mujeres de San thiguel. 7. APR& political prisoners are accorded muoh more severe treatment tea is given to ordinary prisoners. lany are allowed only one visitor a month while the ordinary prisoners can be visited twice a aeek. The Apristas are given little and poor quality food and are not furnished with bed clothes. It is the function of the "Social Assistance" soetion of the APAA to provide relief ia such cases. Apristas are denied recourse to habeas-corpus proceedings and most are being held with no specific charge ageinst them, except that they are Apristas. CO7IDENTIAL SLC T Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005600390010-1