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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
May 6, 1999
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Publication Date: 
August 31, 1950
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? Cl_ ASSIF CAT3Qr! -~'"" 25X1 A Approved For Rem ,99*MW-m(%AAE# RM2-0045' 600 INFORMATION RE-PORT CD NO. f'OUNTRY Chi! to 25X1A SUBJECT PCCh 1 l ans for tabor Disturbances 2IACE -ACQUIRE[ DATE OF INFO. CLASSIFICATION STATE ' NAVY WSRR _ LNSTRIBUTION ARMY AIR ,CONFIDENTIAL DATE )1STR. 3' AUC 50, NO. OF PAGES 1 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO 25X1 k REPORT NO. 1, The Cor:munist Party of Chile (?CCh) continues to work out its plans for action if the conflict in i oroa develops into a third oorld ;Iar, and believes that its host effective -jeans of corbatting the United States will be to perfect ~,ho "chain reaction" type of strikes in vital industries. The leaders of the ro ional and local Corrraitteec are allegedly boin;-, prepared to initiate in- dependent action without receiving; instructions from the Central Committee should war break out. In case of a world war, or should the Chilean Covernrsent endeavor to iripose special war measures in the country , the Corrunist reaction is planned to be the i t iediate and automatic developnont of chain reaction strikes n 2, The PCCh is repor ~.odly not, in favor of atteripting to declare a general strip Chile is considered a "colonial" country and not an appropriate place to attempt a general strike which, the Corrunists believe, should be ordered only if its eventual victory is assured. The chain nothod was used successfully during the early days of Coniunlsm in the nitrate and copper industries of north Chile. Under this sys tort, the railroad workers, for exariple, would strike, and they would be followed by the Tort workeers, riiners, factory workers, etc,, in a series of short, succossive strifes which mould be effective in tying up the country's oconony? .she series of 2h--hour strikes which wore staged by white-collar workers associated with the Junta iacional do 'mpleados de Chile (JUiZ;Ch) prior to the fall of the {ational Concentration Tovorn::ent in February 1950 indicated to the Corziunists the effectiveness of chain reaction strikes, This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Inter:igence to the Archivist of the United States. Next Review Date: 2008 RETURN TO RECORDS CENTER IMMEDIATELY AFTER USE' DOB r -110 BOA.. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP?2-00457R005600500003-6