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Publication Date: 
August 31, 1950
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Approved For ReleagigtiS99/01 c,Cr. , O 00457FW?.?VQ Q M,31 FOR TIO REPORT t.:D NO. CONFIDENTIAL SUBJECT Chilean Gornun:tst Iainters PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF 25X1A ~NF?. 25X1 X REPORT NO. 1, The following infor_nntion has been obtairmd on the two leading Chilean Corte nunist painters, I=edro Lobo;t Diaz and Jose Venturoll: Lade, both of whom are rtarabers of the Conmuniste-front Grupo de :irte Continents . A few rtoxtths am, Lobos became the "official" artist of the Cor_~turtist Party of Chile (I=CCh). Vonturollfl had previously held this honorary position. Lobos gained considerable influence with the Communist leaders, including Party leader Galo Gonzalez, through an exhibit of his work at the University of Chip: hold in June 1950. work protrayod the misery, strur;los and liberation of the working people and, in addition to its artistic qualities, was consider :d by the Communists to demonstrate a vivid political lesson. Facilities for visitors to sir,, the Stoclshol.n pro-peace petition were arranged at the exhibit, and an album of Labors work was on sal.. A 300--copy edition of the alburi was prepared by the Grupo de iIrie Continents, and was financed by Jorge ergere with a 40,000 peso loan. The sale of the publication netted *,obos about 50,000 pesos;, which he plans to use to finance a trip to ::exico;,, whore he hopes to remain one or two years studying mural painting. 17eportedly,, the PGCh will help him pay for his trip. Lobos has given the hats which were used in printing the album to the Party so it can print a cheap edition of his work to sell to Party nbers and sympathizers. Lobos' da e of departure for '?.exieo is no owns 3 Venturelli was removed from his position as the official a of the Party, having been accused of deviation from the true Communist 1 in his paintings of associating with non-Commui let grou,s and of not living -authentic Co*u:tzuli s * t life. However, Venturelli continues to be a popular and well--paid Chilean arti=,,t. :fit his own expanse, he plans to travel to :urope soon, and will not receive Con nunict financial aid .for his trip. Veat~aralli is also associated with the :ta?a.zineo~q 4. Pedro Lobos Diaz was born in `lncud, Chile, on 27 June l11C)9, the con of Jose Lobos and Sinforittna Diaz, lie is Chilean and is re ;istered antler Police Dossier 255,799 of Santiago. on 2E Nay 1941, Lobos was detained by the police in JXncud for -nakirig insulting remarks about the President of Chile. He was released by order of the :finister of the Interior. Inter, ho was removed from the electoral registry on the charge of being a Communist Party member,. 5. Jose Venturelli Lade was born in Santiago on 5 July 1925f, the son of Palilla Venturelli and Carmela Lade. lie is Chilean and has Police Dossier 1,600,963 CLASSIFICATION II "T CONFIDENTIAL -DISTRIBUTION TT~~ T-' AppraveckEF% IdOW49A 1 9 9 910 910c This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. qk[IM45% 1j 978 ~.424 ~t __ J_UL_~_1_ 5000 CIA-R _ _ ---- 0 OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTEti BELOW' SUPPLEMENT TO Approved For Release 1999/09WNf-Q B I4AkO05600500004-5 CEUVRA? rfi i ;r,II ENCE AGENCY 25X1A issued in Santiago. He is sin;Ie and lives at Calie Bella-Vista 08$9. His brother is Antonio Venturelli, Calle Dardignac 254; and he is associated with . anciaco Escobar Riffo, A student living at Calls Dardignac 254? Jose Venturelli has visited Uruguay t;tnd Brazil as a student. About a year ago, VIenturelli was quite ill, and according to report,, his medical expenses were paid by the PCCh. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005600500004-5