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fintLIFAX 10 ca.P.,331F;CiruN IGUNIFIDENTIAL 25X1 REON11.4200 3LCP Approved For1,T/CO.LhaL UX? 91XIACRETP82-0045191,005$6 4NFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY. Gernany (Russian Zone) SUBJECT SLD Lecture on the Development of the Struggle for Unity and Peace in Western ARTAPY PUCE ACQUIR DATE OF MVix X OUP !ST OOM,ASIIS XITOFOIXSIOXSPRICTICIII ME MT/WM OSPERSti OA ME MUD SUM ISMS WIZ EICAISCIC OR TIM CISPICIMOR ACT 8.0 P. S. C., El 4WD E. As SIIXIMILS, rts TRMISMIsSIOU OP TM IINVITILATIO,; 0? ITS ODIVALIITS IX XIV gamma TO AN UNAUTROMSD PERM IS 17410. DT LAX 1110PRODUCTIOII OT /Ms SOON IP PROMBITZIA ,,, ? , SOURCE In a lecture given before members Karl Marx Academy, Klen-Liachnow, functionary of the West Bureau of the following observations CD Na, DATE DISTR. 20 LEP 50 NO. OF PAGES 3 NO. OFENCLS. MWEDDELVM SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION of the one-year study coarse at the on 19 June 1950, (Thu) Adam, a the SPX Party Directorate, offered e 1. The Party press is unable to present a comprehensible picture of . the very difficult situation in which the TPD finds itself in Western Germany. The KPD is the target of attacks from all par- ties, from the Bonn parliament, the Lknder governments, etc. 2a/ General economie conditions in western Germany have been deteriev- ae" ating of late. As regards unemployment, Western Germany ranks third behind the United States and Italy. The crisis has alread reached a stage where it pereadea all political life. At the same. time German iuiperialism is developing in two directions: a; v/ material re-armament b) ideological rearmament. The former is amply illustrated by a recent directive licensing he resumptior. of poison gas produetion. 3. The most important step undertaken by German imperialism is at present its adherence to the SehemanTlan under American aunpice. It is designed to become the material (reale) foundation for the c-ming war. It constitutes a decisive step in the path toward war and signifies the inclusion of estern Germany in the camp of wan- mongers. During the eoming weeks and months the pressure to which workers are subjected will be increased and the class struggle will be intensified because the Schuman Plan has to be implemented. T4E1 FDGB and the CGT h ve countered the imperialist alliance with a trade union pact in order to resist the many ,attacks against German and French workers contained in the Schuman Plan. This plan will determine the wage level on whlch French and German workers are to be-reftueerated for their works, Ie, to what extent they are to 'ee exploited. But the imperialists won't have easy going in carryint: through their plans. In Cie future the FDGB will become more an more active in alleGerman eolitics. CLASSIFICATION SE, 1,'T/CONTR0L - U.S. OINICI.iiLS ONLY STATE V X NAW NSRB NSTRINTION X FBI _L---------7?L__, CONFIDENTIAL This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 18 October 1978 from the Director of Central intelligence to the Archivist ?Arfti PeirRelea Next Review ate: 2008 02-0 Approve -F Li "ttuftlEROMMIthrStO4V8905800280002-0 . 25X1A CaNTRILL IFITELLIGLaTCL AGENCY - 2 - failure -r Trygve Lie also has to be considered in this con- iext. Arerican imperialists have openly declared that they dis- egree with his plans end have taken to ridiculing them. Both the Schuman Plan and Lie's visits play a role in Western Germaoy. Since the Whitsun Rally, one senses a new fairit pervading part-of German labor and West German youth. In this connection a diffi- culty has arisen for which the KP itself must be held responsible. Many of the older members are incapable of ridding themselves of "sectarianism" (Sektieretum). They view the FDJ as a Communist youth organization and exploit it in furtherance of the Communist election campaign. This is going too far, and the land director- ates (Landesvorstaende) are quite aware of it: only the lower echelons fail to see it. The result of this policy is that it wily alienate part of the FDJ membership unless it is discontinued as quickly as possible. The DFD (Demokratische Frauenbund Deutschlands) already has a mem- bership of between 30 and 35,000. Directorates have been set up in each land. Here, too, sectarian tendencies have cropped up. The DFD is the largest organization of German women. It is not a Communist organization. It comprises non-party (Parteilose), CDU and Communist Party members who all agree on two basic questions: Peace and Unity., These mass organizations form the platform from which people must be enlightened about the secrets of war preparation. In accomplish ing this we (i.e., the Communists) shall aid them, although we realize that it may take years before they join the ranks of the workers movement. We should have progressed much farther by now if the Kr were rounder in ideolovical matters, since the mass arganiza- lionsnom provide the KP with conveyor belts for the propaaation of its idoas. The Society for the Study of the Soviet Union has 60 local chapters in all larger cities. Anti-Soviet sentiments are to e certain degree outlived in Western Germany. They have been replaced by a desire to know more about the Soviet Union. Parts of the intelligentsia seriously endeavor to obtain a truthful picture about conditions in the USSR. The Society will, in the course of 1950/51, become a mass organization in Western Germany. The peak of its recruitment drive will be reached in October of this year. .The KP underrates the authority of the Soviet Union among the masses. Many people who du not favor the domestic policies of the Soviet Union are overwhelmed by the consistency with *hich the Soviet Union pursues its peaceful course and by the successes of that policy. The trade unions pose a difficult problem inasmuch as they are con- trolled by the enemy. In the KP, sectarianism takes the form of ex- pressinos of disinterest in trade union affairs. Even among Commu- nist trade union functionaries there have been cases of surrender. Within the trade unions a system of outspoken terror has been launched against the peace movement. Reformist trade unionists are interested In seeing the influence of trade unions curtailed because of the fear that they could be drawn into the orbit of the peace movement We are therefore faced with the following necessity: To create a red trade union opposition like the RGO before 1933. Parts of the KP 4 believe that the best course to follow is to remain inactive in this question. There is among the KP and the workers an anti-trade unionist feeling which is directly supported by the reformist leaders. It is very difficult for the DDR to render any assistance in this matter from the outside. 10. Critique of the Peace Movement in Western Germany. Peace congresses with elected representatives exist in all Laender. As regards the SE ET/CONTROL 2- CONFIDENTZAI: Approved For Release 2000/04/19 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005800280002-0 Approved For eleasitoralIPWRIMP82-00457R005800280002-0 SECT/CONTROL - U.S. OF.VICIaLS ONLY 25X1A GaNTRAL IT2LeLIGLNC1 GA=Y - 3 - peace committees, although they do exist, they remain in isolation and fail to engage in mass agitation. The first important step was the collection of signatures protesting the atom bomb. Here again we witness the symptoms of sectarianism. The first lists is- sued contained a declaration in favor of the Soviet Union, the DDR and Peace. The second issue required a reading time of 20 minutes Consequently, new lists will have to be printed. This has done us incalcalable harm. The underlying false concept appears to be:, We permit you to fight for peace only en the condition that you meet our terms. 11, In the near future the following key events (Hoehepunkte) will be staged in Western Germany: a) great congress of the young fighters for peace: b) a congress of the intelligentsia; c) day in commemoration of Hiroshima and similar memorial days. 12. During the second half of 1950 we shall experience an intensifica- tion of the offensive of imperialists in all fields. At the same time the performance of the fighters for peace will also improve, Ghjectively speaking, we encounter great difficulties in warding off the oreenized fight against the working class. We now also possess, however, a basis from which to fight and we are aided by the Commu- nist press campaign designed to uncover preparations for war. In the future development our fighters for peace will also have to re- sort to working clandestinely (distribution of pamphlets, etc). The slogan "Go Home Ami" has engendered considerable fear among the Anglo-Americans. One should also observe its impact among the occu- pation troops. One of the most important steps of the Peace campaign will be the forthcoming visits of West German delegations to the DDR. 14 inner Party difficulties of the KP. There are two problems about which there exists little understanding among the lower Party eche- lons: a) joint action with parts of the bourgeoisie in the ffational Front (vide Dr. Gerecke who is a valuable ally); b) joint action with the intelligentsia. Thus far we have been unable to draw the intelligentsia into the melting pot of hietory as has been done, for example, in France. One does not find the proper points of contact. The destiny of Germany will be decided on the basis of our position vis-a-vis the intelligentsia. Either we succeed in winning them over, thereby creating a tremendous army of propagandists and agitators, or they will join the fascist terror organizations of the future. a 150 From an overall point of view, the Once the storm aeainst imperialism the whole of Europe. Developments part of a European movement0 situation is favorable to us. breaks loose, it will do so in In Western Germany will then be 3ECRJT/CONTROL CONFIDENT:AL Approved For Release 2000/04/19 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005800280002-0