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INTELLUFAX 21 CLASSIFiCATION . - Approved For ReIdit8412 f4N,FORMATI CONIFIDIMMAL 25X1A IABCCCIASIDP82-004raM5WIMMI REPORT em NO GOUNTRY U4 UAy SUBJECT TWzer FreAnt, Jewish Cemmuniet Group 25X1A PLACE ACQUIR 5)1111r,AMMill DATE OF DATE DISTR. 19 0e2 NO. OF PAGE3 2 NO. OF ENCI.S. LUSTED BELOW) SUPPLEMEN1 TO REPORT Na :770.46/azitialsiZas r ; .,eeed211MINNWAnaMP 'IMES feetre031fIrr CONTAINS iNFORMATNOST APP114711KIVIIS RATIONAL D4FI4OU OF UR UNITIO WAVES kliTRIR Ng IMMO OF TH3 esPIONACE ACT Ile Ail AND non ASIVIRRO., SYS TRANSNESSION OR THE REMATfOla OW Ile CON 13 IR ART MAORI* TO AN UNARTRORSTED P1R3010 IS FRO - MIMEO NY LAW.. tern000mon OF MT FORE la PRONIOTTRD, ?ee?:?:-e:.*enn.n.?flenent?,?..e.eo...e.4?;ine 25X1X SOURCE IMEMMMMMM. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION L. It het.: been reported that the jewieh organization Unzer Fraint (T17) also known F4'8 the Movimiento Frogreeo Jadio, one of the most Aotive Communist reclel minority f,TOAtAQ in "ontevideo, recently sent a delegAte, Leon Kulik, to Chile eed Brazil to contect the Jewish groups there in an attempt to coordinate ther ectivities vlth the organization in Montevideo According to source, Kulik traveled to Chile during the period 1-15 July where he reportedly attended meetings of the "ovimiento Popular Judion P Jewish Communist group in Santiago. Kulik relettd to sourceinin Montevideo thet in Addition to mnking several epeeches in support of the Communist ceese, he also had taken up A. collection for the Uruguayan group for the purpose )f expanding the provgande efforts of the orgenizetion in Montevideo, As to eeerell coordination plans with the Jewish Communiste in Santiegn, Kulik efenitted that he bad obtained only nertial success in his mission since the group Sentiego wee, for the most yart, under the dominrtion of the "nonedemocrAtic reeeesentetivee of iprael', who refused to contribute to the "ontevideo erciep ineeeuch as they were currently engaged in raising funds for an inteenationel Jewiee refugee orgenization, 3. Shortly after his return from Chile, Kulik treveled to Rio de Jenero And Sao Paulo, allegedly te establish liaison with the Jewieh Communist geeups in those cities, On his return from Brazil, Kulik asserted that coordineten between the Brazilian and Uruguayan groups would be effected in the neer futuee. Acourding to Kulik, Braellien Jewish Communists are publicizing their lender, SAlomnn "elina, ee a martyr to the Communist cause since his imprleonment by Bra tan olice. 4, in 1943 it was reported thnt the Unzez FrnInt orgentzetion was reeelerly receiving Cemmunipt propaganda from the United Strtes. Until 1949 the Ur cnetinued to support the local Communist cause, but After the formation of the Jewieln Stote of Israel, the group assumed A more active part among the Jewish residents In !!onteviden, A. Jewish Communist youth group, the Federacion de Ineituciones Juveniles Uruguayes (FTJU), wee formed in 1949 to interest the Jew eh youth in aiding the Comeuniet cause,* Both of these groups have been actt5e in supporting 11311 financial campaigns, and according to source, PCIJ contribution: from these Jewish groups have been much higher then from other corresnonding eemmunistefront groups, CLASSIFICATION NSRB J DISTR1 UT1ON FBI . CONFIDENTIAL - ? 4 This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. NAPRIAVgatploge lease 2000 Document N h Lt..a Auth /04/18 : 000002 03 , Approved For Release 20614001? 00457R005800280003-9 Clir,RAL IYTELLI(EITE AGF."CY 25X1A In Mnrch 19`e), the UF obtained 2,000 signnturet from Jewish sympethizert demending tYe defeat of the retification of the Urugunynn-US Comeerciel Trade Tresty Frominent in this propegendn campaign was U7 Secretery-General, eamuel Betek, who delivered verious speeches ageinst the "impertelietic policy of the United Stetes.? Reportee0.,, Jewish Communist leaders strongly urged their labor constituents to confoee to the resolution adopted at the CAL Conference in mentevIdeo during Mfrch 152t ** Members of the UF were reminded by their leaders that Vicente :,ombardo Toledane wns one of the firet labor leaders in the world who had cal:d for the inderendence of Yelestine. On 1 May the orgeeizetion attend e n Communiet-rponsored labor demonstrntion which wan hple. simultaneounly -with a ion-Communiet lebor celebretion, Accordeng to eource, this'organization reireonded immediately to ene call for eupport in the Communlet-sponsored *Pro-Payee* campaign by obtaieing numerous signe.eires in the Jewish community In mnntevideo. In addition, the group carried out itt 0Pro-Peece* ectivitiee during the weekly radio proprnm eponeored by the Jewish Communists, "ore recently, the UF heel feithfully followed the Party tine by obtaining gnatures for the Stockhole *Peeve* Dec'eration, and is currently attacking the United States ae the eggressor in 8, On -verioue occavione. UF members'hnve been the speeiel guests of the Instituto Cultural Urugunyao Sovietico (ICU), where Julio Dutrenit and other prominent Coemuniets heve playa' up the idea thet the USFR has nlwaye been in favor of eloping the State or isreel. As a reeult of thin attention, the organization his menifeeted complete sireport of all activities eupported by the ICTT end hes eonerved all Soviet government holidays.. 9, 4ore then 800 persone steended the moat recent meeting of the Un7er Fraint on 17), August 1950, Alse presen were membere of various Jewish organieltions; namely Le Atociacion Cultural Irmelite. La Asociacien ropuler Zhitolvske del Barrio del Goee El Coro Juvenfl. Jan Paendel and LOP Cndoezae de M. Ritcaer. 10, The f011owin individualy are reportedly the most ective leaders In the Jewish Communint organizetienis in Montevideo: 25X1A Leon KuJlk - Secretary General of Unzer Frnint V, Feldean - Secretary of Unzer Fraint Samuel Behak - Secretary General of FIJTi Carle Gorfain Seceetary of Fropegenda of FIJI( S. Kiachko -.Assistant Secretary of Yropegnnda of FIJU Merle" Jelkin - "ember of Unzer Fraint Sandleris faecuel Nemirosvki Varela His? Mnrcelo Paandel 3eezion Koziol Adolfo Fabius ISRAC Ferster Leon Buke MHIses Flom Alfredo Beirreix Comment. "'he 17JU ie elso active In coordineting the Commteeiet vroeependa ? ? efferts among the racial minority prnulen In "ontevideo, Such Comnuniet orgeni- zettonit es the Centro Litueno, Aeociecion Armenie and Centro Thine-re Pre con- teeted 7eeguler1.y by the FTJIT rerresentretive in. an effort to etimuete --25X1 Pk0Cf, Approved For Release 20 MIFARIrfliggfr4117R005800280003-9