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September 19, 1950
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G LASS ' SA i R)N )N lD AL 1F VAL 25X1) INTELLQp iroved For Re t 9 0b' . NJC1A4 [F82-0045X ?81Q@ INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. CAOUNTR'( Greece SUBJECT Greek Political Information PLACE ACQUIRED 25X1A DATE OF 25X1 A ~Y)1x _ =18 DOCOEEEf1T COEOTi1H1 HWFOa6iA'dIC3W AFE'ECTIWAT EdAYHOr7AH.OE#ER7SE OF THE 4FNTCD !TATM WR810 T1 ONANEMC OR THE ESPIONAGE ACT 80 L 8. C.. 94 MID 32. Al AME'WD2D. ITS Y2ANOMISCii3E1 Ofd TRld REYoLAT{OW OF ITA CONTEM IEI 413T IUMM88 TO AR DWAfiYHORlo L' FCEEt8O11 IS PR[* ..Tug 4T LAW., RSPRODUCY!OW or T1P3 VOW ED 1=1BEYED,. 25X1X SOURCE A- Lok odes Venizelos DATE DISTR, 19 Sop .5-0 NO. OF PAGE`S 3 NO. OF ENCLS. CLISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFOP RATION 1. Under the influence of palace circles and other rightists, `?'enizelos on his return to Greece found an opportunity to go to the palace, t'stensibly to pay his respects to the King after a trip abroad, but actually-`o persuade the King that the latter must take the initiative in overthrowi:'- the present Government and in giving the mandate to form another go',rermmnt, probably with the participation of Panagiotis Kanellopoulos. 2., At the same time, Venizelos is encouraging the agitation foi the formation of a government under Alexander Fapagos.. The center :;f the latter effort is Kanellopoulos. 3. Although the King would very much like to see the present Government fall, he nevertheless told Venizelos that he could not display G'-uch initiative, because he does not see a ready solution to the pro:Iera of a successor government and because he does not think the American: are willing, for the present, to agree to the overthrow of the present Goverr-aentr B. Pena oti.s Kanelloooulos 4,, Kanellopoulos also visited the King in order to support the effort made by Venizelos. 5 The ulterior purpose of Kanellopoulos is said to be the forration of a Gloverrment under Papagos to include Kostas blaniadakis, Admiral (.et,) Economou and Reppas (retired Air Force General). Under the pol:1 ical guidance of Kanellopoulos, they mould form a kind of "Direetora """. bo Fapagos, hovaever, is not agreeable to this solution at the present time, and. it is said that he is convinced that the time is not yet for such a government.. Papagos is reserving this government solution for? the expected intensification of the strain in international relations. 7. It is said that Kanellopoulos has initiated Venizelos into t dis "c:abali", and that Venizelos agrees that Papagos is right i.. waiting, but ;hat the -PF _ CLASSIFICATION cord D:.'JTIAL STATETT ~ NAVY J1 3 wsRg i (- lsTRtBu1ioN ARMY AIR A., FBI This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL In accordance with the ~ letter of 16 October 1978 from the 61d Director of Central Intelligence to the All Archivist of the United t es ? ..A?f~ A roykcT dot Rele a 2000/04/18 :D rj .1 M.Y. Re? E e EIDEIA Doctament No. Approved For Releas 82-00457R005800280005-7 rim ML C0UF"ID?~ IAL CJNTRAL I TN; IG:;ACE AG JCY 25X1A "Directorate" should be formed to meet emergencies, particularly when the international situation becomes more strained. 8. Kanellopoulos and Venizelos then reached a decision to appeal to the King to overthrow the present Government and to have it succeeded by a government under Venizelos with the participation of Kanellopoulos and with the support of the Rightist parties in Parliament. 9. Kanellopoulos is said to have taken his relative lack of success in the elections of 5 March 1950 quite hard. He is deeply grieved "because the Greek people did not accord him proper recognition and did not give him the parliamentary strength which he needed". During the time that he was a Minister he collaborated closely with the military men and came under their influence. 10. Friends of Kanellopoulos are beginning to say, "The umericn-is have begun to come over to a government under a non parliamentary Prime Minister. The Americans are discussing Admiral Voulgaris for this position". C. Constantine Tsaldaris 11. Tsaldaris is well aware of the agitation and of the schemes of Kanellopoulos and Venizelos, and he is afraid that the King may ;ive in to the views of these two political leaders. Tsaldaris is certainly not anxious for the Plastiras Govern ent to remain in power, but he is terrified at the idea of Venizelos and Kanellopoulos taking over the government, in which event it is believed almost certain that the Populist Part...,; would desert Tsaldaris and join Kanellopoulos who would automatically become leader of the Populist Party. Tsaldaris therefore hurried to th; Palace and is said to have told the King that the Populist Party will not support a government under Venizelos and Kanellopoulos, nor an.extra-par,.ianw:ntary solution under Papagos. D. Geode Papandreou 12. Papandreou is closely watching these political activities. He is energetically preparing the organization of his own party, taking care that it shall always be ready to meet any eventuality, particularly now elections. He is assigning to various strategic positions leading members of his party, and is preparing 'to find government posts for as many of his fol.-..owers as possible. He is hoping in this way to win in the impending muni ipa1. elections through the election of most of his friends. 6. Nicholas Plastiras 13. Flastiras is unable to comprehend political maneuvers, and he is caught between the conflicts among his followers and also among is opponents. He is trying "to achieve the reconstruction and pacification of 1'reec:e through honesty and justice". He believes that in this way Gree'-e can recover and will be the leading ev--:z 4?le of Democracy of the .Jests rn type. 14. Flastiras believes that he can use the opportunity of his attending the assembly of the United :Nations at Lake 3uccess to make contact with the leaders of the Western Powers and more important, with he influential circles of the United States and. the Greek-Americ4fis He believes that in this way, he will obtain greater material aid fo: Greece and also moral support. 15. !'lastiras' opponents are afraid that he will win the confide-.rice of the representatives of the various states, and they are therefore do.:: g everything CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005800280005-7 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005800280005-7 CONFIDENTIAL CONFI7LI4~1,.JAL CF,tdTF%AL AGL'1CY 25X1A possible to prevent his going to the United States. Plastiras, however, has made up his mind to go. 16. P'lastiras' friends say that the King has almost been persuaded by Kanellopoulos and Venizelos to overthrow the government, but that the Americans, fortunately, have made their opposition to this clear to the King, Thv King consequently told Venizelos and Kanellopoulos that the Plastiras Government was the only one possible at present. 17. The "wily banker" knows better than anyone else how to adat.t himself to political currents. 18. He is one of the few good economists in Greece. It is said that this is the reason why Venizelos and Kanellopoulos always say that they will "give the economic department (of the government which they hope to form) to Tsouderos", because they think that this will reconcile the Americans to the overthrow of the present government. Tsouderos is not denying that this offer has been made, and he is not refusing it in advance, out neither is he saying that he will accept the offer. 19. For this reason certain elements of 9Fr;K have tried to bind Tsouderos officially to Plastiras, and some have even gone oo far as to propose that Tsouderos be the leader of the coalition rather than Flastiras. G. Democratic Coalition 20. The Democratic Coalition is keeping quiet at the present ti.e, but they are closely watching all the political movements "behind th:; scenes". 21. Various members of the Democratic Coalition have stated, "w-- are waiting to see what will happen. The death of the present regime will result from Papagos'. taking; over the government". 22. There appears to be great activity in the offices of the Sofianopoulos ,arty both in extending the organization of the party and in the labor union field. Approved For Release M~A82-004578005800280005-7