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kA-liz)zAriLdAlikm ,UJiahUL?UL.LLL 4.M.S/A 10110MIDENTIAIN CENTRAL INT LLIGENC.E Fli-itibou0A2*D04gfaini 1.1210M FOLhP ugAP 0.0.201/IR vi ti AfAii 444, CD NO. COUNTRY Gerhany (Russian Zone) SUBJECT DDR Foreign Office RACE 25X1A ACQUIRE DATE OF 25X1A INFO. 25X1X DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 25 SEP 50 2 114%1 TRIO noctnann COSTSIN3 lOPORGIATION APFECI7E30 TEM SATIOPIAL DEFENSE OF TEE CRUM STATUS T.TITNIS TIES 41EASICIO OP Tan EDPIONAOS ACT AO O. n. C.. ail eino 1151. AS ASIP,NUED. ITS TEASSOISSION OE TIM rantnnvion OP ITS CONTENTS ANY NASSER TO AN nrveasiamovo PESSON hi MD, flIOITHO ER LAW. REKOINICTION Of MIA MINI IS PROHIBITED- SOUrtu. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1, Gtnv Boxman, Ow, na,:, been placed in eqarge of the consular tion of the DDR Diploma'Ac Mission to the USSR. VIM:et Prezol, chief of the Consular Department of the DDR Foreign Ministry, wa$ formerly Oberbuergermelster of Goerlitz. Fritz Appelt, formerly aditor of the FDGB organ Die TribAene, is now chief of the FDGB'a Department for International liaison. Fritz Appelt is said to 110 the brother of Rudolf Ape it, the present DDR Ambassador to the aEg. 2 The Polish Government has recently informed the DDR that it cannDi accept the DDR identity document Deutscher Personalausweis) as a valid document for DDR citizens entering Poland, because the em- bossed tea/ which cover z part of the photograph in the document Lz not usualiy legible except for the portion impressed on the photo- graph itself, The Pole l have pointed out that because of the dif- ference in the thickness of the paper caused by the superimpositiori of the identity photo, the stamp does not "take" on the actual pw of ae document, but only on the photo. (Fu) Neumann is the head of the Code Section of the DDR Foreign Ministry. He comes from Weimar, wears glasses and an Adolphe Mercy,i, mustache, and is considf4red to be ,a Sovie stool-pigeoa. He is Al- re,ci,ly responsible to A,ckermann. ,fleumann_ has recently been spreaci, lag the unevaluable rumt)r that Ackermann would shortly rep1ac4 Dertinger as the DDR Foreign Minister. , The classification system cqrrently tn use in the DDR Foreign MiniAry Is an fotlows.. In ,:o0din order of seQ,recy; a. 17",tril It uh confidenti:41. b, Strepg Ir_grtruljc4 (strictly cant dnr 4;;, , anzel.sc"hrnn,tmace 1.1)e sare ma tcr 1:st gne d Ceho me Ye-. :40:11us_ag.4che (secre't ffiaterial to be kept locked up in a safe or vault). I-tubber stamps are so far not in use for classifying documents except for the last-named category. All four categories, however, are registered and released against signed receipts. 3 STATE V IX I NAVY ARMY If AIR I .Liff/CONTROL ? U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY TRIBUTION 7-17 -FF CONFIDENTIALr This document Is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL In accordance with the letter of 18 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Arthivist of the United States. Next RAftrMiesteer Release 000/04/18 : CIA-R 002 8 Otia 6 - " ? - Approved For Release ICONFIDIMInFitie-00457R005800280006-6 4. SBC CONTROL- U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY ENTRAL INTELLIGENCL AGENCY - 2 - 25X1A It is alleg;.2 that (Fnu) Schauss plays an important role in Dertinger's plans to ponetrate and manipulate the wet German CDU. Schauss has at prssent two -esidences, one in Berlin-Tempelhof and the other in Hamburg, him in Hamburg lives Guenther Gereko, the Lower- Sayonyr Agriculture. 71n1ster recently removed from office because of his unauthorize6 talks with ialter Ulbricht. It is said that Gereke himself is planning to join the eastern CDU. Another contact man allegedly being used by Dertinger to further his west-German plans is Hans Ketteler, CDU, VVN, from Stuttgart. Stes4EsUONTROL CONFIDENTIAii Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005800280006-6