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Publication Date: 
September 19, 1950
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IC 1%EIFIC, y,J1ti Ct: L l- i? IAL/0"'17 1('L fi l'ICIAL?25 T ,Y INTELLOFAX 21 A r e or Relea IOR (Q4 - i 8A `R005800 4N C0141FIDINTIAL OlVFORATi~~ ~EPORT Cp Ho, T'F `. 1It?T[`* 10 ;,eye 30 SUBJECT Tfforts to Introduce a :arxist Curriculum into NO~ OF PAGES I Rangoon University PLACE 25X1A ACQUIRED DATE OF 25X1A n% M"M ST * 'EIMM YR6 S1U 3L O T7iffi PAY(3[4"v ACT "I 'a 0.4. ST AII? SS,. 06 ANRT AD. aT5 UAWFACS 59 tf[a IN 111 OWRUTThW' QOMMS WX AM pR -0 M OUMM 3S') 4+1;SWR IS Fib 80 MS>a NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO.. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFOF'MATION * :SOURCE On 2 July 1950 members of the Fxecutive Comm .ttee of the Rangoon University students' Union. (RU U) dif.cussed a proposal of Tetphongyi TFEIFf Pt's * for the introduction of a Lartist curriculum into the university. 7.1g Vg KYA'."t president of th RUU, presided. After THEIr PE had walked out on the meeting, it was decided that the University authorities 4aould be urged to suspend the activities of the Textbooks ~:election Comrittee, of rhich T FIN PFE is a member. The group also decided to ask TRE''N FE not to advocate the ;larxist literr'ture in the future. 3. On 7 Julylaaf'lcte circulated by the University 'arxist Club pointed out that London University and the London Echool of _Tconomics prescribed Lenin's "Imperialism": ":tote and Revolution", and Karl Llarx's "Bas Kapital" as textbooks. The to (lets denied that the stu'y of r,;crxism onstituted an attack on Buddhisr , citing the case of Thakin NU rho continr,ed it devout Buddhist despite his ride knowledge of :arxiet literature. 4d :'imultaneously, a University College students' p=atition to the :RUFIT objected to the introduction of r,;arxism into the curriculum. And on 12 July a leaflet appeared attacking '-g P.Gg KYA"', Ko EIN HLA, Ko YAN "Al and other signatories of the 7 July leaflets, describing them as roactio!aries bent on insulting the B-,Lddhist religion. The ner leaflet accused 71, 10 PI'; and his group of atter^ptx :3g to spread the :.iarxist creed into the Ur iversity under the cover of ar.ademic studies. ** 25X1A * 2 Commend,, The anti-Marxist group at Rangoon University is led by Ko YYTN HLAING, Vice President of tho RU U and [,;g KO KO LAY of the Executive Cor,nittee. It includes nearly all the Executive Committee and a ca ority o? the Union members. CLASSIFICATION COTTNpETTTIAL/COL TROL .- U, OFFICIAL" r 111Y CONFIDENTIAVV This document Is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archl' 3p QWl,P- 4IZ&ekwe 2000/ /19: CIA-RDP82-0 Next Re?W? Can;?: .,lr.3 T