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~L~IIklp`~ ti RAP c8Nf IJTIAL Approved For R QWW d6b~MW&Ob &82-004 659 80 INFORMATION REPORT CD NO, NOUN Auetr?ia/UR SUBJECT Jk ent Developments in the Zistersdorf and ~.kztzen oil Fields PLACE 25X1 A ACQUIRE DATE OF 25X1 A 29 AX E'4t6:1 D4R:.JSN4 C3NTATEIS HIMM AVON APit;CrtHC2T! RATIORtALDEMPIS . OF VMS n*A.S-Yb VMS 7gi V14 =V GRAMNO OP TUB EGPiGNAGM ACT 50 W. Pi. C.. +: AWD fit. A9 MIMED. IM TOANSH9391014 OR THE N:vtst.AT" OF SW CDMA'a?#M 40 ANY vA@ MER TO AR VFAIIittORtZEb P98 3W J !D PROW PLU !Rb el "1. VEPRO6N; M L 1 OP ZH. F !2 t& P'floRIRIYBD. :;OURCE DATE DI SW: 031. Sop 50 NO. OF PACES 3 (LISTED DELOW) C SUPPLEMENT TO 25X1 A REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION r Policy and Plans Diu?in, the past four bseeks the Soviets have cancelled construction projects and cc,rtailed drilling operations at all of the SMV oil fields with the exception of t E,.tzen.: (1) In line with their new policy to consolidate SMV enterprises and cL?;t down on operating expenses the Soviets are now planning to incorporate IT AG with the Muehlberg field, DEA II and ;Vintershall with DEA I, and Hohen,ruppersdorf with Aderklaa,0 The St.FV Drilling Administration (Bohrverwaltung) will be abolished on I August 1950 and replaced by the Matzen, Aderklaa, and Muehlberg drilling of- fices,, Anisimov will direct the Matzen office and Peripelitsin the Muehlberg drilling office It is reported that about 150 non-Goinmunists and so-called un- reliable Party members will be released when this change is put into effect. Matzen and Aderklaa 2.. SMV officials are now focussing their attention on exploratory drillings soutY:a e t of Matzen in the Marchfeld area where in recent months they have sunk three to four counter-flush wells per month. To date, however, none of these wells has proved unusually promising., , The SVV is still drilling 12 new wells in the Matzen field; nine of these wells are located in the vicinity of Durnkrut, P?-otter, Schoenkirchen, and G nserndorf and three are in Aderklaa.,(2) Matzen wells are still producing about 1,800 tons of crude oil per day., The combined output of two active wells at Aderklaa averages approximately 250 tons of oil per day and a third well, which produces a daily of 20 tons, is now being swabbed. D A n: I2L A ii is now preparing to transfer two complete pump units equipped with separa- tors and storage tanks and, within the next two months, ITAG is scheduled to transfer 12 modern derricks, each valued at 8,000 schillings,,to Aatzen0 In order to replace these derricks which have been earmarked for transfer to Matzen, ITAG is purchasing 10 telescope -~bipe derricks at a cost of 25,000 schillings apiece (3) CLASSIFICATION STATE_ tJAVY NjjR Dig 166TIOi~t _ CONFIDENTIA& This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 18 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States W & For kelea a 2000/04/18 : CIA-RD Next RevI ARAI CONFIDENTIAL Approved For ReleaseA ,/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005800280011-0 C: NTRAL I .?tI j'QENCE AGENCY iuehlberg production has dropped to a maximum of 1,050 tons of crude oil per d.ay., In fact several times during the month of July 1950 Muehlberg wells Produced a daily average of. 950 tons, (4) SMV engineers have just installed pumps at two Muehlberg wells to boost production. Meanwhile =ngr0. Alt is supervising drilling operations at five sites in the Muehlberg field. The SMV is also drillings well northwest of Herrnbaurngarten and if this well is ',_,*brought into production it will be incorporated into the Muehlberg complex., About two weeks ago the SM'MV filled the five gasoline adsorbers which were transferred to Muehlherg from Hauskirchen some time last year with an inferior grade of activated carbon which just arrived from Eastern Germany. It is re- ported that these adsorbers are operating at one-fifth their oroduction capacity and now produce a maximum of six to eight tons of gasoline per day a, The Soviets plan to abandon the Bernhardstal railroad siding which at one time handled an average of 500 cubic meters of oil per day and are preparing to start pumping oil directly from Muehi.berg via Neusiedl to Lobsu on l August 1950. C ?udeOi.lShipments to Czechoslovak':-e. 8, : Jecause tithe high costs of rail transportation the SMV has stopped shipping; crude oil by rail and is planning to pump oil directly to Czechoslovakia. It is re- ported that the Czechs are working at top speed to repair their section of the Zistersdorf-Aussie; a/d Elbe pipe line., 'sonnel About 6,000 persons are employed in the Zistersiflgf and Matzen oil fields at the present time, The following figures represent/estimated number of employees who are actually working on the production of petroleum in the various SMV fields: 1`T'AG DE A/I DEA/Il Muehlberg Matzen Van Sickle Co, Rohoel A.G. E., P.,G. Number of Norkera , toed in the Immediate Production of Petroleum 344 600 3 50 650 1,000 320 350 Total 4,164 10,: All SMV enterprises including the Matzen field have stopped hiring new personnel and it is reported that the SMV plans to out its office staffs 20 percent before the end of this year, Some SKV employees believe that the SMV will retain only those workers who are active Communists or left-wing Socialists. % , a ENTIM Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005800280011-0 ? Approved For Release 7 AP NJi&2-00457R005800280011-0 25X1A CENTRAL INT; ,XIGNCE AGENCY SIW oil field workers are now paid according to the following wage groups: GrAU? Classification of Xorker Unskilled laborers 2 Transport workers and ground crews 620 Aorkers assigned to drilling and production projects 760 4 Skilled laborers, mechanics, pipe fitters, foremen $40 5 Production foremen, drill masters, etc. 920 6 Engineers, Le. trained drilling and 25X1 A production technicians 1 05025X1 A (1) Comment: According to another usually reliable source., uhe S-M has cancelled all exploratory drilling projects at the Matzen and Aderklaa fields. This same source reports that SMV enterprises have been forced to curtail operations owing to a critical shortage of cash which pre- 2 ,1-A throughout the entire SMV aoinplex. 25X1A(2) Comment: For a previous report on the 12 new drillings at Matzen, cf. 25X1A (3) Comment: See also regarding the transfer of two derricks 25 CF`'PA I`IAG to Matzen imiM 1950. (4) Comment: Cf,, for a previous report on the decline in er t g ou put. (5) Comment: It is believed that the cost of operating these adsorbers far exceeds the value of the gasoline produced. Monthly Va ems p Schilling Approved For Releas- IPTB A l9P82-00457R005800280011-0