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Publication Date: 
September 18, 1950
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Approved For Relea 01IP82-00457R005800490005-4 CLASSIFICATION 25X1A CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION RE-PORT CD NO. COUNTRY Ghi:za SUBJECT Annihilation of Guerrillas in aniehslian Area 25X1A PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. LIBRARY DATE DISTR. 13 ae;?t. 190 NO. OF PAGES 1 NO. OF ENCLS. REPORT NO. - -' 1. Prior to July 1950 g uerrille. forces in the Ta?aiohsh2n (11E- , 31- ) area totalled a_) ?roximately 20,000. Those forces vroro _-)artly inclanondent aril. Partly s1k)-?orteci by the '.sinistry of l:etional Defensoo* The Coi=aunist` attem-)tad to suppress those guerrillas, using from two to four armies, but results were indecisive. 2. In early July four Communist armies surrounded the area between the Yangtze river on the south, the liaichou-Linchou Railroad on the north]*tho Pangfou (117.26, 3247)--IIofoi (117-18, 31-54)-Yuchi (118-16, 31-27) Railroad on the east, and the Peiping Ilanl:ocr Railroad on the west. ':Jhcn the Communist forces were in position around the area, the population was ordered to evacuate with all belongings in two weeks. Ifhen the two weeks had expired, the Communists attacked from all sides and annihilated the guerrilla force 25X1 A and a large number of civilians who had remained in the area. 25X1A 25X1A STATE ivAW x NSRB DISTRIBUTION CIr r AC ~r s' C0" .s,, ;*EJ2 i'TI.}l'.'i~' ~ Cnr*r:Tn~~,~ 't I".~.n~''E *Cormnento states that a guerrilla rearosentative from Tapiehshan vtho contacted Nationalist military officials on Taiwan was refused aid and direct i--n for his groin because of its liberal economic and. social. policies anc.~ its refusal to accent comrland from .C Jen-fong. believed that source has exaggerated the scone of aaerations? RETURN TO CIA 25X1X Presumably the railroad extending from Ilaichou to Kaifengo-1'i~.e extent of Conm.iunist operations for the su3 )ression of guerrillas in the Tapiehshan area a)?oareto be unduly large, It is let Arest of the United States. Next Review Date: 2008 cLasslFlcATIaN .z.,,,-?T~ I T1 Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005800490005-4