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CLASS F-11 CAT; ON eclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R006300170008-0 lrCl`SIITti!" 1771-6:tti 1vL y`~Std:1;1rI 11(1!. rut% I 0 4 OR MT O .P CD NO. COUNTRY Czechoslovakia SUBJECT State Planning 0' fice PLACE ACQUIRE DATE OF INFO. T1i13 UOC.11?a'Eil< CQtiTA1CW it1FORE1f.T10'1 AFFCCTI.U TH" u1 1OUAL DEFENsr OP TI13 U111TED STA1E13 01111111 THI' 91, A111110 OF THE CZP107JACS ACT 50 13. S. C.. 31 A1JD 32. e7G A71Et1DL0, 1T3 MA11QLiG61023 02 T'1!E rEVELATI011 O. ITS COimillTA 111 AN? HAOHE11 70 f.!1 t;MAt1TV10 3Z D MOW) 13 AP.C- m01TED GT %J:11. @tiPGUAUCT1013 10-V 71113 POW 13 PGD1 1CITED. DATE DISTR. e: I'IOV 50 NO. OF PAGES 3 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION .. The function of the Czech State Planning Office is to direct planning pro- cedure and, to coordinate plans an they arc subnatted by the r iraistries, by -the ganoral nctnagorientu, end in m a.ny cases by the national corporations o" factories. After the Planning Office coordinates these recommendations, it presents an overall plan to the goverment for its approval, and upon pa:.U- anentary adoption the plan becomes law. This :Wir is then. executed by .ho, govornr..cnt and not by the Planning Office. 2 The f o 1oarin aro the inr o ytant functionaries in the i 1m ring Off ice DolanktIr , Chief of Planning, Office. IIe is a former Hinister of Finance and r,rior to the r. r ho wa seem-tar of the Club of Cormunint Ilenbe-es of 'ax; Ua nt its. Pra ;ur . b. Dr. I uaard Outra-ta,, Deputy Chief war he iris general manager of Zbro jovlm D 50X1-HUM Tr CLASSIFICATION _ G'%1i' L - U.' Ol ICZr T r Qili,;~? STATE NAVY _~ NsRB __ Jf._.._~ C)ISTRit3U7t! f1 ~~ ~~ .R iE ARMY AIR Bodement No. --- D D -------__ k.o tkange to Class. 0 _-- rj 1~acla~s; ed Is iris. Changed To: TS S Aaite: 70-2 Mato; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R006300170008-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R006300170008-0 CON ''IDRNX?,4,QI~ TT ~r~T p G --' /C,0:. ROL -? l,/.... .J.1~ic.i.i~(, i XTT,y. W,4i::'}.';,[iL .L;: 1.,tLLI( T.TCE tBAI.'.,~I S.s,L Gol an Tie is the main sta iet ?ca ex .71 of the Gor unit tarty and on good term vith Ing,, r re ilea., adviser in Gottuald. a e cabinet a o. Ing. Pucik~ has boon 50X1-HUM dele ;aced by~,hea alc e orrn unistn to be the Slovak representative, Ing.. Enil air`',inocI of the Industrial P annin Deraeument He in life (50X1-HUM Dr. Milos S'adniic He is chief research =pan in the field of national income., Durin;r the ,,nr_ he ms socrota tco the late Prh e l niter Elias urno vas executed by the Gsmane. h.. Dr. Undinir Klll mocl , 50X1-HUM The State Planning office is located in several httiildi ngs in Prargue: Platneratca ulico, Str alcova Alcadenie, i(.larav uatav :ilopen (Institute for the Blind), 'fr zova poji tovr.=.a (i`ec dent Insurance). It has only one subsidiary: the Slovak 71'1a ring Office :?.ra Bratislava=. The doparbm,.on td in the rinistries and general rr, nm,gcim>nts are not subordinated to the "tats:. Planning Office. However, the x lannin" Office has regional observers who cheek on the fulfillment of plane that ,,are originally ins tinted ?bj, the Planning , Office,, Those observers do not have executive ;7ouors. 4. There is no forra`al, direct a alata onshir. bet .seen the Plzrzn: n!'r Office and the general rxarkagerenas. The latter are s7L~bordinateex to the ininistriesr 13;omen_ts under the I inistry of Industry- and 5 under- the ixinistry of Food. A3 thou ;la the Plannin Office has no direct authority over the manager.-mts, there is eerie liaison bott: en the rrferorat; or er>ae l3.4ts of the Pl?aritaiaat; Office and the general ?anns;ermonts in order to fa.cili,%ato the procurenont of intomition. "S 5. Before the coup dactet, plann.i.rt ? uns based on the economic needs of all ale- nents in Czechoslovakia, but after the tour plan~nting as cones rnad nrinci paler. u th the f rtla Trance of ache aims of the Cor?nunist Part,,,,- and the Plannin Ofeice became nothing more than an aei? inistruator of ari.,,y orders One outstanding re- ruit .ras that rrntd,zct%on targets troree1:agF; rated,, thus nocessitatiri the, in stitvvion of unusual measures such as limited choice of er?ployneuit and voluntary work hri ;ides. Investment ].ans were also r. nif-i ed so that investments are cons ide_: ably smaller than set by the plans. In addition:,. careful preparation of projects has been ha red , a shar?iage of draf"csme and designers as well as of othar^ specialists and of rater?ials. OONFIDENTIAL . w/d :OT, -r U. - T ICIALS ~ ITL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R006300170008-0 Declassified Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R006300170008-0 E/ COflTROL -- U. S. -)'FFICL fk:; OUL) 6. The volume of production iri 1948 Ural about equal to that during, 1937 and. 1.938 sand am otanted to 280 billion Kos. Of this ,rya 130 billion Ifc, uorth of ocd::~ van distributed aeon:; the national cOrporationep 112 billion Kc; wont for local.. con.surt?tior:, and 38 billion Kes represented exports. About 19 billion Ken of mods 7, re oaeported to the satellite countries" '7,. There is a Ire ester P roduct ion of heavy n ctr.iner