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CLASSiFiCAEJN g4ilift".7577777 CENTRAI 0, Approved For Release 2-061/03/17 : LAA=RDP82-0045. ATO N REPORT CONFIDENTIAL C;OUNTRY GormEny (Russian Zone) SUBJECT Misccllaneous Railroad Information 25X1A PLACE ACQUIRE DATE OF INFO. 25X1X CD NO. 25X1A DATE DISTR NO, OF PAGES NO.OFENCUI (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO, 3 On 1 October 1950, there were 986 locomotives in reserve. These were administratively distribuW as follows: Reichsbahn General Headquarter's 372 Reichsbahn Divisions (RBDs) 128 Reparations Brigades 353 Roceiving minor repairs and itdjustments laa 986 Of those locomotives in the fit two groupings, 20 were recentl: taken out of reserve and moved to the area around 7lagdeburg for the needs of the Soviet Army, They were withdrawn from re for an indefinite period. There are at present 794 in-slrvice locomotives. This includes engines standing in round houlls for inspection. and 24-hour repairs It does not include .:eserve locomotives. All brigade locomototves in RBD 3erlin will stand at FrankfurtiOdr,, Brigade 4 in Berlin-Lichtenber and brigade 7 in Berlin-KarishoroJ are still in the process of beng liquidated. To provide for al: the additional engines at Franurt/Oder, a huge new round house is to be built in the railroad :ards. This round house will a capacity of 150 engines and w. ..1 require the employment of about 29000 persons. The round houses at Leipzig-Nord slid Vattenberge were abandoned on 1 October 1950. The Reichsbahn coal supply for boto. locomotives and other main:Le. nance purposes on 7 September 1950 ''las sufficient for 20.5 days, The iron reserve provided for anotlor 17,1 days, This presents a considerably improved fuel situation, CLASSIFICATION [STATE PIAW NSRI3 ARMY # X MR FBI Ap This document Is hereby rograded to CONIFIDENT:AL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1976 from tile Director of Central Intelllgense ":3 1.?e Archivist of the Und Stal:es. riQvgglefiar Rejeguig 2001/03/1 Approved For Release 20Ctliregi4;Zlii!02110iADP82-00457R006300180008-9 -CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE- AGENCY CONFIDENTIAL The following stretches are being double-trackedg Frankfurt/Oder to Mietrin, Berlin to Wustermark, Berlin to Seddin. The Frankfurt/Oder-Kastrin line is nearly completed. The rail yards at Wustermark and at Seddin are being widened. The "Elsterbracke" rail bridge near Jocketa is at present being reconstructed. The work is being rushed. The so-called heavy duty freight trains (Schwerlastzage) generally haul from 1,300 to 1,800 tons. A few pull up to 2,400 tons, mainly coal and ore. These trains are usually made up in the yards at Dresden-Friedrichstadt, although RBD Berlin is responsible for the movement of heavy duty trains. Three selected engineers from Halle, the "Aktivistenn fnu Heine, fnu Laake9 fnu Fritsche are celled upon whenever an extra heavy freight is to be hauled, 10. Recently a siding along the line between Berlin-Lichterfelde/Ost and Grossbeeren was designated as a through track. Upon examina- tion, the condition of the roadbed was shown to be extremely dangerous for traffic. In one spot it was found that 13 out of 15 ties within about thirty feet of track were completely rotted. Nevertheless, RBD Berlin ordered the movement of passenger and freight trains over the siding at a speed restricted to 25 kilometers per hour. In running from Berlin-Pankow to Wustermark, over the outer freight ring, both through and local freight trains require from 30 to 40 nours. The reason for this is a) insufficient yard trackage at "iustermark, b) time lost during cargo checks at control points set up in accordance with the new Law for the Protection of internal Trade. Trains from Velten, Bernau, Oranienburg and lines from the north to Berlin also require 30 to 40 hours to mite this run because of delays on the outer ring. ise. Your more heavy railway guns have been reported moving from Iildest tn trains destined for the Soviet Union. The guns are camouflagel as trench plows (Haldenpflage)0 sll immediately available -- those that can be spared -- box cars are being sent to Frankfurt/Oder to be equipped for carrying personnel. 11 Between 15 September and 7 October 1950, particularly heal, troop movements took place from the area around Greifswald to the areas around Yagdeburg and Erfurt. 25X1A inn During the month of September 1950, reparations trains for the Soviet Union left the DDR at the following points: Border Po.int Rostock and Stralsund (harbors) Wismar (harbor) Bad Schandau (via Czechoslovakia) Guben, Forst, Horka Frankfurt/Oder Zr. 967 No. of Trains 11 60 45 117 in addition to these, the following reparations trains were dis- patched from the railroad divisions as shown, but border points be Cetern:dned: RBD Erfurt RBD Halle RBD Magdeburg A 48 145 ? 291 Approved For Release 2001/03/17 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006300180008-9 Approved For Release 206 ,-b2-00457R0063001bi00457R006300180008-9 CLNTRAL INTULIGIXCE AG:LNCY 25X1A This total a 1,255 .trains in the month of September represents 1,006,400 tons of reparations. 16, The RAW Rostock was turned over by the Reichsbahn on 1 September 1950 to the ITEB Diesel-Motorenwerk. All employees of the PAW were taken over by the new organizatin, but were forbidden to continue, to uear their old railway service work uniforms. The Diesel-Motorenwerk is at present to both build new and repair old marine engines. All unfinished matters affecting the trans- fer from Reiensbahn must be completed by the end of the year. RAW Stendal'nes taken over work orders assigned to the former RAW Rostock, 17. For the eleven days, from 1 October 1950 to 11 October 1950, f.nclusive, the interzonal passenger traffic yielded an income of DM-141,889.(:)0 (Test) and DM-38,889.70 (East). The west mark Income comeE, from travel between Western Germany and Western Berlin; the east mark income comes from fares between Western Germany and Eastern Berlin and Eastern Germany. Former Reichsbahn President Kreikemeyer lies imprisoned in Sachsenhausen. It has not yet been decided whether to make of his case an example and have a big public trial in the usual communist fashion or to quietly convict him. Approved ForRelease2001/03/17 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006300180008-9 CCY5Z-Larth=g2ieb-ACONTR21,