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Approved For Release 2004/01/21 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006400840005-8 CLASSIFICATION Maw~_ CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 25X1 REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY Germany (Russian Zone) SUBJECT Refrigerator Trains from the USSR PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. ~T DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES 25X1 25X1 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 19 December 1950 'MIS DOCD%6nT CONTAILa6 IMS'OR67ATIOI APP?CTING TIIE NATIONAL DEPTNSM OP Tae OOITED $TAT$S Ta1TNIN THE MRANINO OP TEE ESPIONAGE ACT So 0. II. C.. $1 AMD $2. AS ABENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR TEE REVELATION OP PTO CONTENTS 10 ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO, *LDITEP HY LAW 30PRODUCIION OP THIS FORM to PRON18111D. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION a. Effective 20 September 1950, refrigerator trains of 140 refrigerator cars each a.ll operate between Brest Litovsk and the Berlin Central Stockyard. In Berlin the goods will be reloaded on boxcars which will be assembled in special trains for dispatch to Cottbus Dresden, Leipzig - Chemnitz, Dessau - Halle - 1rfurt, and Brandenburg - iiagde.. burg. These trains arc to run on spacial schedules. After being cleaned, the refrigerator cars will be sent the d% after arrival via Lichtenberg, to the Stalin Alice railroad station from where they will be returned to Brest Litovsk via 'Pranlcfurt/Oder. These ship- r:onts are of special is?roortance and are riven priority over all freight and passenger trains with the exception of express and workers I trains. the Cottbus re-ional railroad headquarters must provide rans o ing facilities at the Cottbus railroad station for fish arriving; daily in a refrigerator train of 40 cars via Guben. After being unloaded the Soviet refrigerator train will be inspected, cleaned and then returned on the same day via 'rankfurt/Odor. The goods transloaded will be further dispatched according to special schedules in the direction of Dresden, Halls, Erfurt,, 'A'agdeburg and Berlin. Preparations for the execution of this order. will be taken irsetediateiy since the aoviet refrigerator train is expected to start operating as early as 24 Septerraber 1950. 2. Three refrigerator.. trains mentioned in paragraph lb above had arrived in Cottbus by 3 October 1950. One each such train arrived there daily during the period from 5 to 16 October 1950. since the beginning; of Gctober 1950. 3. Neat trains from the U.C,S.R. have arrived at the Berlin Central Stock, Next ReSfates? AYth.s H vlew p af 7nnn COSJF ^- raereby regra;jV 7 tAL letter Of in accordance u~1rrt;, INS $~! G October 197 fr"ri r / iC S Director o "entral Intelllg Archrvst Cuss. Ch .U,. e,Ico la IG United 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/01/21 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006400840005-8 Approved For Release 2004/01/2?6IA-RDP82-00457R006400840005-8 amm~- I 25X1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGEIMY _2s DENTAL 25X1 ~LG;:u