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s.,` tl s~~~arivrv It /U Us r -LVji 0,11, t;I gin; JA. li"y 25X1A r Approved For ftlIAL,2Q EL R;E~M-AMUMM00457ROG IRT0U6 - INFORMATION REORT CD NO. RD 9367 COUNTRY Czechoslovakia DATE DISTR. 10 Jan &1 9SUSJECT T??ilitary Developnentt:. in Czeehonlovaktia NO. OF PAGES 3 25X1A PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. 1,, Leaves for .Iil tart' Personnel NO. OF ENCLS. (LtST?D BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. .25X1 X Contrary to the rumor that all leaves for military personnel had been cancelled as of 26 June 1950, leaves not only were granted as usual, but the NO ("Tinistry of National Defense) ruled that all officers should take their accumulated leave before the end of 1950. No leave: was to be carried over to the new year. 2. During the period `Lay to September of each year, leaves are normally airt for nerson:iel assigned to headquarters and units because of summer war games. Reservists are also called to their units at this time. On 26 June 1950, General Staff and :ilitary District Headquarters were issued orders for emergency staff duty. Prior to 26 June there was one duty officer after hours (GS Coxps), but since that date there have been two duty officers, one of which must be a G-2 or G-3 officer. There is also to be a duty officer in afS, in addition to the routine officer of the day and guard officer of the individual barracks. This measure has not been abandoned, and it is believed that it will become standard pr?o,- cedure.n The General Staff has now a permanent duty officer in each a ection. to During the last three weeks in June and the first two weeks in July leaves of the SM-PS units stationed on the US Zone border were cancelled or limited temporarily. The reason given for this, however ed attempt of small groups of "Bander" troops to cross from Czechoslovak terriiaory into the U.S. Zone, Curtailment of 810-PS leaves was of a local character only. The SNB unit 'JASAN , Special eli-re mission, and other SN" units took their leaves as originally scheduled. No official changes were made as far as enlisted men's leave was con- cerned. As in previous years, leaves were granted for Easter, and Christmas furloughs are being -planned according to the rotation systems However,, as a means of persecuting non-Communist soldiers, the Unit Party Chapter, Education Officer or OZ Officer can recommend cancellation of leave. 25X1A Director ulo irorn t:' of Central lntell;gnnce to ti Archivist ., .. of dtR I I . 2 91/12/63: CIA- uh- W8 01630 7706W4 Approved F g ReJ gp1/~2LO3?: '4 O 8006500770006-7 0 TRL L rIUMLLIGF.u1TCL A 2 CY 6q, festrictions 'in 2s..uance There were no sp&iial restrictions on the issuance of passes in connec- tion with 2t Jula . As of 'i.0 October 1950, new service regula- tions and diecinl.!.ne orders, becm a valid. Issued in July 1950 by ::ii inter of National ^efense `."ICI~ # the regulations are practically 49 facto copies of the C< `diet se i vice regulations and impose considerable limitations on the sold-,er's pa Ivileges. Off dutj passes and' furloughs are to be limited. Generally apeaki:t;, all enlisted men v ill star in the barracks area during week en2s and wfl L be autcorized to leave the barracks only in groups acconm:w-ii.ed by ar, 11C"'. Furloughs and, 214-hour passes will be granted only to r>rivr.leged end reliable Partyr memo rs. Through these measures it is sought to Volats the trop- )s from the civilian population, and it is hoped ftz ; , the influence of political indoctrination and improve lent of securit'r Will be ncreased. Hottever, general public opinion indicates that r,gative resilts may be expected, and it is believed that desertions wily ncrnase0. 7. -, re have been no restrictions r a the issuance of passports as of 26 June. ;a ''ecembp r 2$ .i, new passport forms were introduced and were issued for limited periods only to persons carefully screened In April 1950, the STI and `.':;:T3 wens ordered to examine all passports and to withdraw all tho.-e which were no longer valid. 8. i'.h1ckin . ?C 'tilit Travel 11o military controls or s,-)ecial patrols were observed in connection with military travel. In the period June to ';e-)tember, military personnel in u* ifona utether o-aor off duty travelled by atW available means without any restrictions, other than routine 03;:1'3 checks, 9. 'ilitarr ransnort Guards 1-w rIianges in the routine system of guarding transports have been ob-- servt 4 The railway management handles the military transport of goods, and one,; traffic. to maneuver areas is directed by the railway traffic personnel. .'but this is standing operating procedure. IIo military trans- port units exist at railroad stations, 10. Guarding of Essential Industries ='ilitary installations, barracks and duns are guarded - as usual by arixpr guards and patrols,, while industrial plants are under factors militia g ord. This annlies even to factories essential to national defense, which are under riil.Itary control only insofar as inspection of production is con- cerned, The actual guarding of specific objects is left to the workers' militia, which is considered far more reliable than the arty guards. 11~ alerting pf .orders' ilitia No specific alert for the nilitia was ordered? but in Septem,er 1950 special units of the workers' militia of nrague were called to readiness, a measure which has not yet been abandoned. There are strong indications that sane workers' militia in Prague will be consolidated into one secu- rity organization of militia to be under the control of the Party Centel Committee for use in emergencies. 12. Alleged "'.ilitarv :'ission to the U:'Sfl since 19145, and to a greater extent; since 19243k officers and r;.ouns of :uuen, including S: and ,113 personnel have been sent to the -853R for schooling. Now- , are no details available concerning the alleged nreparation of ' i.litary drnft orders to send. a five-man rtismion to VZ' G0110D,, and fro;-.I there to the 25X1A 51"'C r= COL iJZOL/U. S 0 0- ICI?:L 01 v,.. Approved For Release 2001/12/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006500770006-7 Approved For Release 2001/12/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006500770006-7 "MOM T/'GC" P'L - ''. OE ICIAI,,~'~ OflLY C TJ't ?AL Ilds' LLI ;;ACE I GET1CY 13. Sin border Units Although a cordon sanit is Wing gradually fop ed in the border area,, it is far from. coo nlete. The situation in the border well as border area occupation..has not changed radically in the period June to Senteraber. .a As early as 1919,; some SUB-PS comrienders confidentially instructed their personnel to shoot without challenge couriers seen oma ing the border from the UaS.Zone. HHo;7ever$ no such formal order was given. Since maw authorized civilians still live and work in the border area, such a measure would be impracticable,, 15. Instructions to Air "olice Corns No special instructions relative to checking plane flights were issued in the 26 J.u a- period., In July 19500 the St: ?.PS patrols received instructions to observe territory across the border and to resort on arc r foreign planes which were spotted and make note of any unusual harpenings 164 It may be summarily stated then.. that aside from those measures mentioned in paragraphs 3 and 1. of this retort, no special measures in connection with the 3une were taken by the ar r or the SUB, except those already planned before this date. Since 1949 the entire Czechoslovak Arqr, ao well as the state annaratt s, has been undergoing a series of structural ehangesp and in these new sta:?es of develonraents Soviet control is of basic Uportance,, Outstanding changes as manifested to date are: a. Conversion of Czechoslovak industr,;; sined 1919 for w r production In be. al.f of the ar:Lies of Czechoslovakia and other ,-,;astern Bloc countrioa. b. Deliveries of Soviet T-34 and x'--70 tanks, artillery and other equipment to the Czechoslovak a zr since 191s9.. c. ahe arrival in June - July 1950 of a great number of Soviet "instructors" and their assignment to mineral. Staff, ",.'ilit ixy Districts, I.rnlr Cores, Division he ad-jucrt , etc d.. The purging on 25 ^.-,ril 1950 of General 5VD' ODA and f.`1' ICKArs succession as U:inister of National Defense and the purging of en- era7 iiL PAL K, 1st "ilitary District Commander, and the arrest of Chief of Logistics, :,A" ?^1~L. e. The creation on 23 :.i r 1950 of the new 'rini..stzy of l 11 atioial. Security with K.O7 ..I Vh as chief 3DCPM CCUTflOL/U.S. 077' iCI?IL3 CPNI( Approved For Release 2001/12/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006500770006-7