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proved For Release 2 M -00457R 7 016 C I SSIFICk1IONt nne) U?J{G_.>~.:-a~.a.?Y: it ::ov c dents MI UA1` ON TATE OF CC N DATE O!TA3 N E '.::EFERENCIE 25X1X ENCLOSURES (NO. &, TYPE)..._..__._ 25X1X 10 The fo].io.r? n trains arrived at, or were dispatched from, Jrv,,tcrbot gAites Lager between 10 and 13 4o%Pomb r 1 U: 25X1A JEIllRNiLi~.- From--To and Date '::1i11 l coach, 29 boxcars . Rueteri.3o -:'~?t s La.~T r to i =a a- muuition, and 10 e -:pty. L ockrohna ' o -oerc ola cars; .L0 i ovonb - li i3::Lor:t-r': cord xio 62/669k ih ter aza::iunition shuttle--train :.Aockrohna to of l coach, 29 boxcars and Jaetert;og--~dlt s Lar Cr 10, ocic].ola cars 11 ?November Train of 2 coaches, 25 boxcars Juotcrbo"W-:ilt;:s Lacer4 ri tr'a a.y: muni. Lion, and 11 empty lorgau . )6P / 10-4 V r''i)raC ola C :r s; - record 62/67.02 . 2, On 12 '?'Pia ibor a train of 40 boxcars :rj th :soldiers erearin-c- r.:-~ - bo:rcicrca black e')aulots with artillery ine? nia 6a-I- ` "novr. -7ro ceed.irig toward 11.t on ;ra bo :wo )issed thr:;'I;_",h 3 : Un 13 :llov:- :zber, a shuttle-train of boxcars and coaches with >i"i :t opensd.ents passed through bound for `Drast Lito ckN ;l) ~t The f o lo,? ink rail shipments were obs,rveci ?.Novo: ber 13 and 16 hip-aen- From-To and D,-to Train of 20 boxcars, Rathenorr to I coach and 1 heating Frankfurt/Odor cart repatriation of 1.3 Mova.ahor (1) soviet depander.ts 4.;LASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/03/05: CIA-RDP82-00 Dispatcher 00-a,-!ifr4aee This document Is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. Approved For Release 2001/03/05: CIA-RDP82-00457R006700160010-4 5X1A 25X1 C 25X1 C One ".oxcar with Shoes T`oro boxcars vrith, shoes One boxcar with textiles Three gondola c.-.,s :rith coal The follo,,,Yi-arr rail :.ihipment Three boxcars Frith shoes ,',!oissenfe:~Is to ..anderlust 13ornau shoe Factory i..~l lgov:raber 1Sut'r1i~. s to tt otor't shoo ,ea'nau factory 1.t, Nov:;I i or :.'ctau ?.3 Lornau 1!4 Iov,.aber 1. ue,Q anbcr to Iia'fl:~.~ ~r 16 A+;v;rlber 3hiprsel is .wero observed on 3.4 zmd' 17 iron" :fiber: s::J1 1o and Date SCI ioe1 in, T hurin ; a to Pornau 14 uovember Z~atcher Consicnoe Ca ucl ,u to ~~rnau 17 '.Tovomber slauchau to B rnau 17 T.1ov..Lnb:r 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C 6, on y6 .Nov.-:mbor, a Voll:s olizei leave train of about 30 axles was vic.inding at the ;:;ossen railroad stain, The train had been dispatched Li o :z Chcr:,aiitz cud %Vas bound for Nasowalko raiiroa.drian at the ZosU'en rc:.1road statio:i said that the train made 3chec?u_? ed runs trice a aeek- 2X On 17 Novo." br.?, two # Utcars with timber left Darine=ide for Doebeb itz, consigned to 1ho shipment zac readdressed. to Unit --u. cniiark, spur track of the Ol~pisches Dorfn .9a On 18 Plove- b;r, 31.x converted borers tigera dispatched fr?on Doeberitz, five ..^otn to Lichtenberg wad ono to Trcb?.in0 According to a railroadiian in J,ichtonborg, the interiors of the :,o.xcars which arrived in Lichtcn- borg were stripped.. P ccording to a railroad s:~ippint_; document, the six. boxcars belonged to Mhuttlo-train which had t ecn shuttling between Doeberitz and 3?ad Freie-r-ialde, (3) On 20 Nov;-, rmbor, five t,.LaLo ;were unloaded fro?'a a train at the crankfurt/ Oder military ramp. 10a The f ollowin VJe3t--l..*und shi. rienta, (.iis;-)stche(i from ;'rc,st Tz.tovsk, were observed in Fcarikfurt/Odor between 20 and 23 :3ovomber: Shims Destination and Date Consignee Twenty-two tank cars with gasoline 1%-ro boxc.;rs with military goods Five boxcars with tti.litary goods Velte;n 20 lovoraber Jason 21 l4ovoinh: r aldtievc rsdorf 21 Clovo nbor 25X1 C Approved For Release 2001/03/05: CIA-RDP82-00457R006700160010-4 Lieutenant Colonel Lierkushov, (:gnu). Approved For Release 2001/03/05: CIA-RDP82-00457R006700160010-4 25X1A Taonty five now trucks Chei ni tz-UilbersdorfC 22 Uovember M25X1 C "ieven boxcars with r'rarucfurt/Cder military :roods 23 November 11,, DAly leave traffic through Frankfurt/'3dor hetaaen 2'.0 and 25 November averaged 400 troops leaving for Er(;st Litovsk and 600 troops cox inr from Tlrest Litovsk, '4) 12. On 22 November ).$J oflicurs arrived in Frailals. urV/~:icler &board a 25X1 C lave train from i rL st. Litovsk. Thoy rrere c)icked up by four trucks The following c?,..:y_, the oiffi ec rs returned to the station and boarded iW t 'a:ins (trains run in th? intorest of Soviets) for Drosclen and I:ia ;deburgm 5) C-2 13. The following rail. shi rlts wore obsorvccl rootage z? 21 and 2) iJoverr er? hipment Three tanks I WO tanks On tank Three boxcars with military -peels Two boxcars with military goods One boxcar with military goods; shipment-r;; cord No 135/8789 Three boxcars with eograplv.ca1 ,mi ps; hipmont -record No fl6/08> Twelve boxcars with ainr.Itanit? on; sl?Ii Irian t re cord Uo i35/6159 Tae? vo boxcars w 4th a1-ii unit's on; shi prcnt--record No 135/8713 Nine boxcars t i_th military goods Itiiknovrn :;iation to Frankftrt- Cd :r 21 Ilovtinboi Dispatcher Consignee Uni;'ion dispatching s va Lion to Fucrston iald.e 21 .11ovambcr LIik pan dispatching station to ?,bers- ? 21 i1ov mber Muel lro ac to : t:raucborg 22 November Muel.lroso to Mubersrral.c cr 22 +`aovernb; :r ;3r"arld enbure ; to Guben 22 Novornber T3rest Litovsk to 4hldsieversdorf 22 November Pfaffendorf to Kuestrin I ictz 22 1lovatbor Pfaffondori to Ituestrin Kietz 22 Noverabor Lluellrose to Gbers:ralde 23 November 25X1 C 25X1 C Approved For Release 2001/03/05: CIA-RDP82-00457R006700160010-4 Approved For Release 2001/03/05: CIA-RDP82-00457R006700160010-4 25X141.) 2r 25X1A (Li.) (5) 25X1 C One boxcar -aith ra.litary "oods Six boxcars ;:rith rubber ,ii-,-,ht boxcars with undetormned -roods Two boxcars frith military Zooc3s sUpmont--r=corc. zdo 92/613h3 Sixteen boxcars vvrith rye One boxcar ith rod steel 25X1A Comments G, Jesson to Utrausborg 23 Tovombor ;i.idau to ;3traushorg 23 ;lovombor Framkfurt/Jder to I'uarctunberg 23 i lov; mbar Brest Litovsk to Volton 23 hover or F`uerstenberg to Luollrose 24 lfovuabor sonsee to Liuollroso 2LL iovember 25X1A roforrod to shuttle-train _iliich left Rathenorr for Fr in Curt/Qder via Juoterbboc on 13 TTovcnbora The state- ments on the cor.ipocitiori of the train do not coincide, 1 ov:ever, See 25X1A Volkspolizei :Leave trains hmavc' of boon previously observed. The information on the corzi ,tS.4t of shuttle-train ~ on the Dooberitz-D ci J eio rc alde line was oonfirr&d by other reports. Uce The train ^ras assembled in Doeiyeritz in rzi..d--Octobers 25X1 C The volums of leave traffic in both directions tra: virtually the sane as during the period from 10 to 19 November, 25X1 A The arrival,, in Frankfurt/Odor, of officers from the U.3. 1'.24 and their roassi"imient to units in the soviet Zone of Germany has been observed 25X1 C Approved For Release 2001/03/05: CIA-RDP82-00457R006700160010-4 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/05: CIA-RDP82-00457R006700160010-4 Approved For Release 2001/03/05: CIA-RDP82-00457R006700160010-4