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;J\siincA-mi\,1 -u, ,orLY Sanitized - Apy?IjEftp\st:A%-(5DP82-014157pg COUNTRY Albante SUBJECT Border Fortifications; Coastal Defenses \1FDRIVIATPON REPORT CD NO CONFIDENTIAL PUCE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO, 25X1A 010,4t 25X1X 25X1A DATE DISTR 20 ea NO, OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS, MISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 1. During the last veek of October 1950 a total of 6,800 nom were recruited into the Any Almost 2,000 of these nen veze called fram the provinte of Shkoder. 2, Since 10 November 1950 the Army hag been actively engaged in digging trenchee and tank defenses along the north and northeastern border, especially in the Shkoder area from Han i Hotit to Bapehe. In addition trenches are being prepared in the immediate region around Shkoder from Koplik to Va i Dejes via Bajraka i Drishtit and Bardhaj. Maneueees are also being held in this area. About 10 Novedber 1950 army units along the Buene River fraa Pulaj to Obot were reinforced by an infentey reeTe meat, This entire sector has been declared a eilitary zone and is di- rectly leader the command of a Soviet general mthose headquarters are at Oblike, :L The Coastal Defense Oameandbas 4,00 mou at ito Copooal.. Tho coastal defense area is divided into five sector s4Pulaj, Shenejin, Eurreo Semen? and Sarande? A radio tranamitter Is located in eaeh of these places. A neerradio statian was to be put into operation in Durres aa 29 NoveMber 1950. It was to be serviced by only one Albanian technician, Stefan Fernlike, while the rest of the personnel were to be Soviets. 4., Coastal batteries are located as follows: a heavy battery at Mal i Durresit; 2 heavy batterieu at Shlremb I Eevajes; 70 to SO gurs of varioee tyres at Sasero; an unspecified number of homey batteries with a range of ten nibs at bay= and Difjan (sic-possibly Dhrovjan); and a batty .of long range artillery at Naravacta ned Saraude, 5. The Shkamb I amajes area has been declared a military zone and the for- bidden, strip extends 13 kilometers from the coast. The entire coast from Pulaj to Sarande is guarded by posts (of 10 to 15 men each) ebleh com- municate with each other and various gone centers by means of radio and telephone. Small motorboats and sailboats with auxiliary motors, armed vIt4 machine giros and mortars, patrol the coast day and night as far out as 10kilemeters and as far south as the Strait of Corfu. One of tra::111:thle01411W5 to be the 750-ton 2?- ti:fd 11;-:ssIel M .65; CLASSIFICATON S OUTROL U. S NAVY NSRB DISTRIBUTION MR FBI LI I I TS s Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA- 6082404#RM91-0039110034 Sanitized - ApR; d,Foc Releue ? CIA-RQP42-00457R007100390003-2 440111R01. u. 8. uFFICJAI ONLY 25X1A CENTRAL INTEL:11=CE AGENCY . L'ArriAL 25X1A Other informationp, dated Novenbor 1950, probablj more carreetly reports this individualos name as Nerliku, Sanitized - Apig 7\mr141POL acieqp,es: Cthci-REE824:19457R007100390003-2