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Document Release Date: 
April 29, 1999
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Publication Date: 
March 12, 1951
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R007100420005-6.pdf101.92 KB
Approved For Release 1999/09/09: CIArRQP82-00457RO07100420005-6 %,i' IV #41A% q ~F1 25X1A CLASS{HeAI IO1'3 S !! `'1'A0'! Tlt6fj +Mi U' J&\ xd PICIALS Qt iy // CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY Gamn,4 (Russian zone) SUBJECT & viet Transit `rib/ PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. DATE DISTR. 12 1-brreh 1951 NO.OF PAGES I NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) 25X1A SUPPLEMENT TO 25X1X REPORT NO. tie following picture of eastbound transit traffic via Frankfurt/Oder durin ; the period from 23 Decc'i.LL er 1950 to 3 January 1951: All railroad stations in Poland, pa.?ticulsrly those on the iarsau-'rest Litovsk line, were filled to capacity wit k trains en route to Brest Litovsk. This was attributed to the fact that the tracks at the Brest Litovsk rail-, road statio,i were jammed with trains bound for the U,>6o5eR, Another reason for this s itvuation may be that many firms in the soviet one of : ermany had to deliver their quota in reparation goods by the end of the year, This caused an unusually high volume of transit traffic, which resulted in.con- gestions. During the reported period 13 trains loaded with reparation roods were waiting to be taken over by the Poles at the restricted area at the Frankfurt/oder railroad station. The Polish railroad authorities are creating additional difficulties in accepting transit trains, since, after 1 January l;,5l, they have refused trains whose locomotives were not fired with hard coal ( tein- kohlc). This regulation resulted from the fear that flying incandescent cinders, as produced by locomotives firing brown coal briquettes, may damage Polish railroad installations and other property. several times recently Polish rail- road authorities stopped trains pulled by such loc a otiyes, returning the loconotivos to Frarkfurt/Crier anc1 attaching the individual railroad cars to trains pulled by locomotives burning hard coal. 2, ,.uri.n; the period 'roe. 3. to 3 January 1951, it was observed that traffic to 3rest Litovsk via Frankfurt/Oder has decreased. 3. It was observed on 16 January 1951, that the volume of freight traffic to 7 rest Litovsk and into Poland via Frankfurt/Cdor was very s.yaU0 25X1A -Cora:( nt, The strikin decline in the volume of freight traffic acro~> a ankfurt/Ides border crossing point, particularly of oastbou->d traffic, was reported previously. 25X1A CLASSIFICATION - LCONTROL Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457