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COUNFt Par rhst DA 'E. uisTk 3.2. :,,,,,y 5.3.
SUBJECT Survey or Communist. Subversive ivities NO. OF PAGES 24
Throughout Far .-East
Communist Subversive Policv
Comrunist strategy in the Far rest remains unchanged; Cominform journal,
',Mich has devoted mue, of its attention to Europe during the lest quarter
of 1950, has carried no artic'es which might be intrrnretel as oontaining
signifieantly changed ideologicrl or nractical guidance. The colonial and
depenient territories of tle -ar Est are to be liberated from foreign imperia-
list rrle whether that rule be exercised directly or through nomizelly
indenendent pnpnets. Rebels "n Indochina, t7,e llilip)ines, and Ealaya are
lauded for their ac' "evellerts and exhorte,1 to lontinue their rebellions.
China herself has inraded Kerea and Tibet and it seemn nicely that, in additior
to continuing, and rrobibly increasing, essistance to the Viet Minh, China
will give material aid to the Sumo Communist Party (BCP), those insurrectipn
will rrobabl- co lapse, without such aid.
2. There Is no indientior that any other Communist Party is receiving or is about.
to T=CPIVO old thet right enable it to organize a revolt, nor that any Party
I5 well eno-gt eeuipned or sufficiently strong in numbers to launch an in-
surrection inderendently. Their tasks are still to win nonular suprert by
nropagande and agitation within the law, or else covertly, and to form broad
fronts embracing all those who onnose foreign imperialism and Its events on
any count. The mobilizieg of sunnort for the World Peace Corgrese continues
to be an imnortant task.
Direction nnd Coordirntion or Communist Activity in the Par East.
Renorts have continued to rarer to an "International Cominform" or a Far
Erst Cominform" with directive authority over rational Communist Partiea.
iv_i I, , J,
0 iS1 R I BU TION 1--_
1 1 1-1
Ciattniont No.
No Change In Class. 0
Class. Changed To: TS S
mtfieleasene9a09/09 : CIA-RDP8
93 AUG 1915 By: 24
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'Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007400390002-0
SEC72:?/(11nX1.. - r717GlATZ (7:NITY
- 2
Cert;a4n of the renorts 'Tat. a C,-r3 Commrlat
exist7z.. in the rpr 7s..1.1. either vithin or outide the t Cominform",
sora ropertF: cortP3r rrch circumstantial detal2. hz:;,s not been
nosnible to verify tlIc ey:istelcc. any 7.1:61 bodies nor Lo confirm. thst sTr
identifiable indidisl is ergare ir the task Immutel to him. I?he
elletio-s arc moat -robpb1:- fabricated from mercenary or rel....Weal motiTes
by norsona with no know7eApr o" the functinne of the European CorInfom,
so far as these tre ;rno,:Ye? rrl pre corfmsai try _the varied vnys in wh.".07A. thk:
Ihirese chprrnters dsncting te organ!zatins may be renlered ir Engloh
4- Tt 1 however, thst. florrunist activities In the 7Jtr Eest, Wherc3 major
'ml/itsry oneration and Tore than one Inzrxrection rtre rrogresr, Pro
centrily coordinntel, -11eter snch coorlinp:,ion is by n. permanent billy-
ranresenires fro r the vsrions rpr :t Com,,nnist Parties rescAliag
the lemintern more them the Clerform, or b- n.rreetort between thiness and
Plier-lian representatives, lz mskrown. Thera 'els been no indication of ,,:hat.
cerst.;Iltatien, If any, has tar mlace between the Chinese C0717-0.TiSt 1,17/A,ty (C1)
and the Co nit Party of the foviet Unin (CPSU(B)) beforn g.uidance nrtielos
dealing with the r net hn7e anreared in th ominform iournal or in Eiovist
or (',Yrese Party -oar.,ers or In cal three. "here ''ts perhnns been P toh(lercy
to assume without 1,--fornatior that the cominform jotsrpl te:2
the miatform for tir .-rn,m0Allr, of the arbitrar,.- views of the OPSU(B).
it seems certain that the CPSUW has ondersed all t.rtilee of !naer
little is known, howTer, abo,it t iscnssipns which mreacAe the an oaronce
or to:portant art7'cleo cortaiJOrg ideological. or mractical af3';'Ics. It 'ices
rot 3PPW mnreraw,ab7e to asemle that wl-en tl:lest concern the F-r Lastr there
has 'neer co-stItat-oh with CGT' and that d,7c. regard hi be neil to Its
Ilowever Corm.JnIst ro?'cr in f'ec 7er .rAst ts -'ramei, there oen be no doubt or
the comrlete tnd mu4,/s1 trust or t''e CCP t.r1 the (.:2-3()
-1,Arq hts been no elgr ef elin-ersion between them /lor of t1Jn ten
C1CP to accent the crlu(n) nat P i. of internttlonr1 Com-
munisr, with AP the chamrion of Lser4run1sr in the Par joint
1?arnhir 11-,s rerected in tho rrom nonce gIven In f.:.731.S.o 6or-unist
nroraf-inin to t rt' 2PctIvIties 1r the countries 'ho o'
bi-nOional frierdshiT:, socleies in lohicl Rosep snd a'na the be-icioo,
111 f?Pci', trt7rStern EIWOrle strients are to sti/dy i. Chim sug'Iost.1 %htt Here
is no ,-isl-rrst of '7,h4na':r 1deelogict.1
The A,10 or 'he e'er- orist Partvic32,
00. ,..***orie...elea 1/, f.0.10?LY.,M,NY 1/.0.44, ??$,
E. The can he no rvesfaer thst lii iv mlw.ring :tor!ranT, role
in the extcuttor lcm-,rrInt stater ir t 'r
rrolf/P-rs of -nternA -,-corstmeLior has re', .1re,te-ted tls 'ems
ind 'Abet. 14 c i aldfng no Viet -inh nr6.
to P.Ive as-Istrce to the noP. It 'v tl,to CC? ?ci 'ratcrIcl
guid-rce to the other Corrurist Pnrtter c7 :nst. is t P1,111.42n
bears the?main burley e" rerresPntirg "rr r:ast, ir t'e ecntrrl col: .;Ils
the "erld "edratior "rd P Tirlons sni "e other internat.e,' front orrls,t-
zetiors end whcch Is 'he -10r servant of organizsons tIPo Ftst
7. rl-erc h-s be-n no sign of sorinns disarrenert Emong tho lerdors of the CGP.
Tn Cl,fna, Party "cleansing" Is Irtwing to I close, tni 7igt-onr au'
anto tortirrate rnd rncoo,lera4ive elements, rueh efit ts
ntil' drected to rt?vim# Oversee rhInece t-11-(.rghort !-?c "er it t( uppor-,
!he tlit.rese T,noole's lo7ornrent (CPG); CP' s satellite pqrt-fes, ev
1-11-7,-don or this ef-ort falls, rerrir rnler the deminatinr o' the C'.!?
'irmrif.?r'i of Vs. ?ositioc ih Territories it'lev' than China.
P, lonE_Tanel. Chireso Conrun's4s Por E Kon7 nc trtytemA
The floverrment. 'heir irfluence over orgenized :lbor 1.7s c-rtiwle:1 'C
Approved For Release uuu/u9/u9 : u1A-KuP52-00457R007400390002-0
"Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007400390002-0
c.m-7-tc7TRot ar"TCTnS T1LY
.or t-ve t,e1 nt0-0 success ir renewed rttempts pen&rrie ed?arltion.
11-0 unPxplained eenfrtvre 0" nt.orinent lrbor 3enderc may nrelnie nn eff-?rt
? st'l. 11,1 inclostr4.1,1 7,nrest. "ore s.tringent security mersta.,r ?re rct
thoug?.tf, o be directed ap.ainst tie of supportin sr, arnetl Loinsion
but be nrimarily a cIF.'"pliniv, rrocaution. The 4rIc1ng-ovel f rationl.;ist
esset,5 has been colipleted; it rs followed tr- t:e dennr'pre fron the Ciy
o?the CPG/CCP oMcial who hi led charge. Another 6'or-unict nerso.elTt- n'
higher rcrk is /-e1:7,,ve,' to ba-,1 'eft Hong ve,g ebont -110 01A 'evembe i9t41
? enylv 'n Decerber '0 and tl-,ere are signs that to lo tit irtend
9, rrola.e.,o. ninolsp). 7ardit operetio,)s in the re,"eraVer of 7a1a7P, i1cree3ed
in r11.71-,er in October and rownber 195C, but declined 1.1 Dece7lber 1950,
vifed tbe 'C-P does not receive ezternal ull;, Government countivrnesslires shnl:ad
tai e inereosirr effect. Tn S'rganore, Polic ctinn ts depri_ved tbe P,qrt7
07 its chie'F.' loader and a:tLlenced certain cnTans of' Colonvnist ,Trooegaid;71,
10, a,,rowak- 71z^anei and rrITt Porreo. There are indications tbt? "finese crecem7es
'0:roa pre S,,-1,7a--tvg -verseve Chinese into 'core notj7e synne7 with
tine m
11. TrAia. ere bra been Zit+le charm in t'-e rTeps where organizel Ccri
;37TeTlice is taking nines,. The "cmnist Pty of :rdia (CPI) has not yat
resolved Its Cf"erences over no1ic7 there %es, therefer been a afolx
flr (.1tral. direction. Tt seeric crobsWe that tbe Jifference1. be rozoimA
early ir wben the Party !Jill be atle to atiempt 47b.e im oF a broad
wnti-novnrmlet -*ront.
Pakistan, Conrun'ets in Pel:ristan who look to Tndia for dIrcntion have sufferer:,
like t,b0 CPT from its internal schAans. :Ft is rot 1114(117 tYPt they will
corstItute a erlolls seenety threat in the near ruture,
1?. Rums. The Puma Communist Party (BCP) ,g to increese Lts streng h -ri
rilitrrv effectivenesq, is try'rr, to erlist within the Peonl Detrocraiic
7rt (NM the cocne-ttion o' other reuellfons elements, has ret w5th
? mIcces7. but !s not tiougtt that ihis erdoz.el ti41 ability of the
PCP 4o oontinfle its insvrreeton apTlearF to depend or t'-e erlival of ffom
M'ne, The Prfle rloverrrent rInd sections o" the ropulatio- 'nave bc-n arta-
ponizvd by Chinese q,ctfvitios In 71;zmu.
14. Tt sewls ,Irobab:o thr.z, the Cor it Parly of TriodMna 01,7=f; hao
1 el -.1.2Ph of -Its forma: orraniseilnhxt thot t'a 1,nbrah:,7
reraiya intact 11ch. Coopu-ntion betRec-n C'ira Pnd t!:c. Vik7t
1,rh -IrcresoLnp,
15, lIajarri, The "het Cnuri3t Paxlv? (SCP) arrearF; to be i tho sup or c,
otU iUPrtIeL -hel left-w!ng rro'essions71 pErsons. "rnter7latzionEl
w171 ele';ermine its zAns in exto,,dirg 4t3 fnCluence.
16, indo,-eea. "e TreF,inn st Pqrty (PKI) hp.i nrde progms- 'r
or .-liscred-tanr it 0,1--,nen1s, a rrel'ide +o 'he r'ormati-In co
which !,t win be e'rlle to control. There is no i-dication thr, the Pq7 .nter';
nr is e' nresen-'- able to or$.7tn!re erred rebellion. The new Clinelic
an-,,eaas to haw, restrint0 its re:otions with the PKT to !.1 prooqpanda
17. Amen, rv-verntrent conntermeasures have deprivei tbe ,l'anancer: Corvrwl',.o4-,
nfT ot* revenue and nroragand-, vol7c1ev. disavreenerts arlong :7-tr
eontinne. Goveimment ncliry is softened, it is unlikely to reg1It,
old rrq ' inr1,1ence. 'cart ,"re'm tbe havinc aca.,1:-ted ideo1o7je:11
ii arl heir -,ronaranda "7,,or the CCP, noth-',_ng ic 1-novn of JCP/CCP
SECRETArITTPO - U.S. arviCTilLg on
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Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007400390002-0
:7:17.(71:7/CfriP,M., OF'IGINT,S On!
- 4 -
25X1 A
18? The Philipr'nes. There 1V'E been 110 imnortart change, The nr7e!IHT revo:It
prosoect of mucces, unaided, despite the Go7erni!,7:nt';, ineppeety
+.0 take effective acti,,n aaainst it?
19, Tibet. Tt is rot known 14"-st orponized Corr,unist activity' has tan nince in
Tibet. The Chinese comment (Tr the territory will permit attempts to vin
over Fongolians in Trdivn frontier Provinces.
20, Taiwan. After r7Prerressive measures, there is
munist cctiv1t7 ir7-lwan.
'fe"r,rld "ront Irvarirtions and the Par Pest.
probal:17 n orranjzed Cci
21. The Wer d 7ederation of Trade Uniona_SEgi. China hes taken the rain rnrt
. ?/.101,1* 4O.M?Mt14.04 90V
in representing the Far East in the central councils the ,IPTU and its
Trade Tinion Internetiorals. ChInere rerresontatve has hTl=en aGsigred to
rerresort,T at reetings organized b7 tl-e Economic ConnJssion for "sia. and
the Far Cast to be hell in Pakistan,
'2, "hp imeralas'an Tree Unlen L'alson Threp3Lit..2?7111431 of 1,1f , rt is
now 61. cal- that the AA Tyr 3 is opo?st I n iz too f rs ven La 77
to norrit cle-,r le--in4tion of its duties. rt ;13 kept inf-mnerl h7 WF773 of
central activit-,v invelvi-ig labor in the '''rr En& and i 1t,i,ou;.,t 16th
nationP1 traie union centers in Ao Tar East, rn addition to the erecvtivo
r.embers of the Pureavi, renresenting China, the Ooviet ;YrIon. a:10
Trdia9 of 'whorl al+houv D.S. Tadya was poriPated early In 1950
rerrestAlta+ive, onlv Australtnn, Mrres TnovntontsIrr,-s,,rce
confirred, labor representatiles from Burma)) Tndonesla, Thaf,lane, V:Lt
Tan Pre In Peiping,
The Peact_aosmss. Although China providc,d by far the largest deleratio:
and it-osivIr.4 most palicity) several repro,:entat.iveo from, ';'or 1st colmtr'E?c
vere dclegated to attend the Flleffield-Warsaw Congress. (;ommu? it ,IropaF:nnew
has rs:4 lt+artion to the 7o-rintion or nesee committees ari the
obiltining of strzatures in the rrr Fast to the peace apneal
24. The Vomen's Tnternational Demoonstio Federation aL2E1 The nromimonce of Chtta
Ilas again been enobasized:--it was the al-Thins7ree!eran of nqmocratio
voren hic was ch-red with representing WIDF at the Imionesier womar's Corgrme,
25. The World roderatIon of Democratic Youth tmr A large desgetior from W'ITJ
led 117 its ?ecreter7 0,3.neral, toure4 Ch Ino in Septemberotober ,950? After
their return to their own countries, its rerbers have voted 8s nropagendists
for Chlna.
26, The Tpterratior-1 Union of Students Irql Recent informator shows con-
e1as1vel7 tLat the TITS and tho All Burma Students Union have been partially
succes7ful in efforts dutIng from 1949 tn enalao rurmcse st'Jdents to tr%vel
coverqy to "71.agne to take up sobolarships and to establist. a. secret chAnnel
of coorunioation. It 'llay be that there hp.s been similvr action An ret
tortber rr1tme n the 7cr East,
27, Putl're Trends. A-- article ertitled "ror Peace, Democrecy and Sirilisml in
the last issue of 1950 of the (orinform journal defined in 7anguage
arrressive confidence Corimunist intentions in the Air rrst. insurrections
frre to continue with t)r_le Aoviet Union as lealer of the forces of Communion
and China vs leadr in the Far Mast. Ma article continues as follows;
The 20th Century is the oent;lry of Lenin PTA Stalin; it ILAr be the
century of the victory of Communism over pcoursed ca isr
struffe of the peoples for poce is headed by the country of
victorious Socialism - thp Soviet Union...Tn,:iissoluble friendship
Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007400390002-0
r.".Vrvotoo,,,T,fl"POI,OrlY . (1. nr-77rTAT5:! miry*
Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007400390002-0
SECE7,7VtOrTEOL - C77CTA.!.5 ONT:f 25X1A
5 -
and -,71eness P r117rr- se stl-engtlAtn right?.7 el liane zf he
7rion Onttle. tho rillnr of! rece and securltv in no
Tar rest. 171-e roonles of t7le colonial and denendeqt countries
nre continuir,q te'r 4 e Tes strugrle fir freeriem vn national
independence. They ar. winning vIctories in Tndochim, relays,
7riosias ari in the Allinntres. are. 100k11.2g forasrd uith
confidence tn 191 - the year of fnrther struggle against imperlallen
and or fresh victories for tt'e Just cause."
7berk is little truth in the assertion the peop7e3 of Viet 4,7.7n.?.
Trieresias and the 1Wiir-d-es are wInring victories skr,Ale-handed.
in Viet Ya-,s where aid from 371?.na lhas been an imoortant fnetors tN9re
21kell'hood of the Cmnunists Tverthrouring CorernrIentr
17nrrtn, the nci, see-ris unlike/7' to be sle/e to prolonc its rebellion withort
suFsl'ential ma flrom ChInet end elsewhere in tlie Fr Co71munt -;?apty
apreers 'to be sl-,1n tc c!--allenm the Government vr-th armec3,
orente c7ewrlr i'lerer on the act?ons of the Chinese State.
7actors m!,11 tatirr a7einst 1)-o Soread of Cornunisie..
711e- ?-'ong-tori &ncl: large1:r irlool-idersble factors, slrenct. pt
onr=ers2, do mt reoulre reeari:tAltation.
30. Tt atroar,no likely that he -"n the CPI r.tnd the ,TCP 'AU. .and
tht.t nTn$erosin the PKT.. W establish It t'ondanz:y,?
31.- '75e ,tKpe.rsion or the a?,,,-Airities of --..;he internatenal Corfeder?ation
Trade T'ar East t be a. counternabe to tho or
TTIE CTfP111'317, (2,1...-1?I'llTST PARTY CCI::)
rrlen?.?????????????10*...????????????*?,?ea11.???.?....16.1.?????????fmerk?????????????1?.?????????....????rou ?
Thera -!--an been no ohanrc 'Al the eorstituti(mni -position of the Party.
,res for Party bersh I) re a vs ilabl 31 nce 1 .77-117 lc 0n totr:u
or' ever r've len was al a inA by t'i iir'!1????e. News ? 'Agency. Tho .Party
"cl oersing" .hrs ,-rob;%bly c,ansod 3oro decrease.
.711e rty.'s hold on. ts Centrn7:. Pror)lia's Government (CPC) remnfins ns ?M:e171 as.
eve-, Trusted 1-.!-em76ers te Central rtm-rIttee occupy It:o7.7 Tys,ate. d the
sate 1tf oartles rd grours n the conliti:m eantert t%emselves with
7ir1nor cf'flecs or 1,6 .7.2."runrie Comunie,s utlo ensnre the.")
devistor fron the Cornon Program.
rmta Portz.
COP's fidelit to the international "rcrty lino? shows no sign of wsverir-,
ror is there any irdiention that the CCP Is dissatisf!od Uth its role
ln-command to the ovet Union o' the for-es of intornai.ianra Connunism and zr
acknowledged leader in the Par E.Pst. In September S5C, the Comf.nform jour1
romA Ciline. or the debt owed to the Soviet Army. Shortly !..J.Iftcr artic3.
arreareds CHU Te, Cornander -in-Chief of the Chinese Communist Frr7s haotons4
to sokrowledge the debt in an article which vas also putlishea in 7or
.,?14.7,1pews el ?? The anniversaries of the establishment 4)f the CPC on October 1.950
and or the Sino-Sorio 7r?lenishin Association on 5 Oetobex 19?3 provid(???:,1 14.0
Tee-turf:P.., CfrIT Shno-till end other top-T.1.1,0ring CCP leaders
Op -?4r tt, tret; 1.;tle solidarity of tI'te two eeonles and of the vor:.',d
CATIP I, and to extol Soviet Tinier, as CI;irta "rr- st and exo:dlent t;2p.o1-1,er?
Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007400390002-0
sratET/oominT,_ -S oPrrIc T.P. LS Ora
Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007400390002-0
SECPYT/ICOrrnt-T17, OglY
- 6 -
5, Tn it policy toward t1-e cour142-le-.5 of Southeuet Asia, wh,m) 1ms rpoci.e2
irorosts which Tegl'i' "OeSibly x3 to frietLenp the CCP las closely fo1iowor.1
the !-oseew 1:ne. Follou:Ing to Cminform Jyri-nal's elttorirl on I:The Ftrutrple
of tr4 %oes of :7,ortliese.'t t'7e. CCP .'c rid. naci.'nz took up the cry
Th eariv nctober. The and re4-ers lerolinced Tritieh nea
list ,,oltcy in Ealavrt dix-issed btrma's independence as IT.:,:,..tLyns, c7l(TiaL4.
the Vet rinh forces, and observel that tle -Monocle= c-.,.nti=i to "stragOo
unoess:mgly for inienen4ence". 'Flo growth liberedon rlovorert in
flvthosst 7.sie was attri'buted to %he awaker4'T of nation:?1 conseionenosc uneer
si,involus sf the !istar-ic vtetories of te, 'oviet Union and tLe Peollocs
Tlerocracies. Tt was pointud ort .:.11at the CI? has prolr'isi er er
suceess!'n1 revniutior nnler tho rwidance of the C'rt cTe .
COPIs right to advise the ;nnanese Corr-mist rlIrty (.7001) t.;ar nc^c, bean
challrngea by op-103Ing factio le with'n the JCP, 3T1; TITO Chr irra,1
of th,c -lentral Diree,t-tra'e f iho JCP? ihl1 xPressad Yr, an-reeiCtor
of VI: CCP Is Ovice seld 1,rged al: members of the .7.:P to ;wive their artt_ore
by It. Chines growing presttrt in Jansneso Can-unist WO3 tlso ref:oc-
ted by the SOP's tneratsed st4'ert3on to CCP literature; at-;ertpts are beinfr
rode in Japan to produce a new vo:ure of tho so:looted wo.7.k3 of TV.0 To-g,
with ofricial CT-inese coorerrItior. P e Co-run-1st Party of India (CPT), whiel
was instructed by '6'1) Cominfor-,' to ennly the lesoo s of Le :2--.?71sse Reo.:aution
to its awn situation, ise 1.eon so rent by lote:nlal dissonsui that little
has been lore to imple,Yent this eiviee? but t ia t'de r-otliod of 7,rzlotic.:1
apPlication, nrd nf-t eval!dIty of he Ca'n exernle wil'eh is rad under
7. The most important develonmeni, 14 CCP mrtarral relatio r eeuarter
was, however, not connected vith Tennr or r-1-71.a but wIth t ritories on
China's frontiers. Inadaition to China's ernJI :.-ler-rention In Tibet and
Forest her aid to tle Viet riAh iac:nasel; the euth tnSob-alresu the
CCP is believed to have set ropresentathen to voric with
The question of CC .T' ail for '0:e rma ConTnunist Part:T (D;7.P), whie has 13on
under repotiatIon for sore vonthst also apneers to biv? hr rcsolvoq. Th,71
PCP leaders who reirriel to P, ma in 1-te "ovenber 19'0 re-,o/oe, thal,, fol-
lowing licenscinns with Yr -se-%ung ard FAf; orms yould
begin to arrive in Brrma by 1.qe Ternary or rarly Feix.uary, "51. P.t, le br_,,,c
fine, t'-e new CPI E-zbasey in Rociroon as s'w2! fo.4: the
susce7Atbilittes of t'he IT Government,. -eanwhi1a,
to note that internal rovonstricti_ont ?conorl4e r,roblerst irf!;,,; reale o?
hostilities lr Kopta ha7r not rreverted the CCP from akir
to assi.?- the "national liberat-Thn forces" an n,n-m,-,17 adv(mt,ed IT IT"
Shso-chl in Fovember
Trterral Polio?
Occasional reports ars still received of liw7ension 14 the i1.5.0er ranks n..r
the Party ard of the exstence of 1ChInese snd "Tnternational cliques. In
the absence of any coirr,ation o the repurts or of ET7 visible rarer-
,!nesiorst It is wiser .,r) concliFe that Party so7idarity Is unaffected.
The rart:r t'eledleng" apITosern tob
whiC'- 1,rern temporarily exeorted ft:
auoleared but althen& it anpoars t
'Horst t ie alrost eaf.ter that T
in rerership. The relouldirg of
be rearthp completion,
a dr ng to a close., e7:7cept ir thea r(Tior5
7 acenor',c ressors. Vo final rznort hris yet
hat iJle purr.fe -onadrcel high-lcw.a
in-s been ach4'sved 17 reletion
the corking-style cir Party Cad7oe allo
10. Followim7 1.),e "Counter-Esnionage renth" decreed :7..n Septer,ber by the South
China nli.fary and Por tical Comossion, ran2orons renorts 'rave beri roced
of a tightenIng of secrit7 measures, partictdr.rly in afanrl.ung irovinpa-
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Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007400390002-0
SECRFT/CM7TRO1, - ri?S, OF77cIALsOff
- 7 -
CPC 'Meals wIr- '''orbidder tr, vt tarp Tong or recto ,ntcert on or,ficlai
basiless and then only witli the permiss%on o:*te Public eatirit.77 Fureau.
RareT'ts !lave also been rere1ve'! of an intensification sf nounter-osnionago
nees,res it the/.inistrv of re:vr T-dusi,ry. Throughwkt l'rle quarter, CCP
rropaglndlsts devoted considerthle tire aid nnace o accuru-tions of
at 7`T espisnagrs qld the arrsrt or allecel agents. ()tier reasores to cc,-ie!
cotnter-r-vnit:;emr.,- act:Tity includod scon b7 the Public 3ncnrity
agei')st thr Taoists ir Vortl lAi(st China, an%1-band4t celqiraigns in Zehnl
"111-ier, the suerressit-n of "a lo lanllor,l.s" accuser! jf* sabe,;aglr_- land
re'n?m, ard torrirg seci7ity vOlniliorr dosiged to :_ncrolseub11 slor,nes',
A dl-ective issued b7 tic"last China Dureau If to CC ro'lcd tIle con-
rlet--?,en of 'ard rerorr by Ap1I 1951 in ifie,s e- t1e"Inte-,3ifostion
sul-versive ectivitv Ty- cmcn4er. revolutiorar, elenerts,"
PolAmlswitEls 'versles Ch"resq,
12 PrwxTanda directed 'awards the acl'eveent Df mo'tr amcrg the Overocan
Ch"nesel 'he establilhment tIonocrato "roit, end anir?ort of the r-iotor-
country, has beer the principal feature of CPG policy tripmil Chinese rIbro74,
These thees ',wen bel- repeated constantly &nlirordcect e,-r000Tos. Lni n
spec:al nener nev bwIng nuLlished Cnnion under "o uidance of f,Pe
United 7ront )epertnont ard te tie OTerseas Chil,oss 5n ,Southotst
Asia is designed 4"sr the sant rrr7;ose.
12, Overseas ntudenis ?!ontinue to ret-rn in Lrgs nmmbers to t1.1na for higher
education, a-al the 3tutLern rvIversit: ;n Carton 1'011C2(70 Ospar, a soeciel
Overseas Chinese Depertment13. Te.
nyerseas Chinese 1rieh417 ;ssociations 'n the 'air f.Inrn Crina poL-ts laqo
been rorginp closer 7ftr1ts teth the various racial rrouns etn-oad and
very active ir the r(certion ettlerent of reTatrter and stkzde71L. It
is ebief17 through tee kss'aftatiors that recent anti-BriLish nropeanda
rro-rsiirg the trrsatrert er lh're3e ir "sla-a has Leen channelled,
Pelrxw of Everts fr-,,r. nctc6er
The last ouerter cr 1950 npoleS witi, the 1"aiinurl rk7 aelexilloys 1,Ceh
begat nn 1 "etober, OTYITY 1.:71-1,,i delivered a lengi,ke ropr o 'he na-.1'e.nal
Comnfittee of the Ch"rece fleo7L-is Political Consultati-re C-,fer,nocy
with the :International sillaion el corsoli_da'ion people
denocratic dictatorship. Prnoticall- all the CP and catei7it,-, part,- loavk-3
delivered sreeches? of pniltoal rather than sncrr4ly
15. The 6eletTatior of the i%rorid "e4u,ation of Derocratic Yry.sth whie31 arrIvcd in
Peiping at the en 7 t.r -enteer, 'ourol Chzno aryl 7oft for 3nre.7,s, on ,70
October w"th a group 42 Chfrese Tonth MIS,1 a g1er
of t'-e Consonol. 'n 29 -,stober, KUO ro-jo, Vloo-Premier o' t's CPC
stmtive Council, left at the hen of? a stron dolegatiol to atieLd the
World Peace Congreas? ezrd LT1" Ninf,-yi lei a Aelogon to (cecof Ii to
at-end the antivegsar7 ref't1.!T f hhprit/in-China Friendtlip isocattcr.
The All China reieration of lab,),r was represented at the rl,rttir,c ary, Cert
Workers' Tnterna-Aonr1 Conferonce in Warsaw.
Threrout the period, io Chira Cornittee to Thefend 'ler''A Peace flnd t.11c, .::no-
Covet Friendship Associatior ,ioro rJrticular17 active. Ilf folnol
nerged with tl-e Peoplois Canpaign Coltee aganst Plericar tg-re-311 -
and by the end of r,ober -7.t wan Incurced that 1c)5,000,000 people L7
had si,,ned the Stockholm aopeal, Tho general line that he defence
peace was inseparahl- from sp-ositton to AnerIcrn assioa dosriltz:tc
reece rro garde r t rriendsnio
Ifs first anntvers.Tr7 411 Oct,-bot., claleed to h-ve 3,000,00C ,,,onbc-rs cm:
407C0 branese,
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25X1 A
17. 0411er CCP ormnisa'iors wIich are IrcreasinIT their renterp ;.ncludo t' e
Yrc-w 1-)orocrat's Youth Let:Tie (CF0111), which in Arril 3949 had a total
or 190,e0f, ro7bers and now clains to hr,,e 3,000,0?C. T'-ir MIN-, which
corrosuonds to the Concorol, also has a junior branch, tho You:1g rione-rs,
a ner'oership of 1,500,000, '11(23Z organizatiors re distYrct from
the raar front orranisstiors for youth and students, the Al: China -ederelon
nemocratic Youth arl the All Ch'na r'tudents reeerstion. These activities
of the Mr., ard the Younr rioreers inende cf Soviet Life, c'istons
and c'eniques, oi-.4 of t's biogrenhiss or VAC and rtalin,
The St.-to:I:lite rinrt4es.
18, The srltellites of the CCP cannot &loin to brv, any polja7 otTier thaD that of
the Chinese 7;a-mtl-las, althourh in certain. overseas Ch nese communities the7
haw a rroselytizing role on behaTfp the CPf for which they provi-le famle
of democracy. r)r'ini- the last week of 7ovember and earl December, t're
Derooracy "'ro.notior, Ascociotior. (DP.A)? the China Democrato iearue (CDL), hc
!VT Revolutionary Comitteo and other eatell'ite rrouos cor7onod t series of
confererces in Peiping to discuss the current situation and "probleIns of
worle. They alAiit Jeor thar endorse the policy re CCP !snd tho
ture Trend.s.
19, Tt is increasngly ,,nt that ihe CCP is rTeparod to rut considers:aleri
and 'o divert reso?rcen Prom the na,lor nroblens crr inter ,s1 recorstructiorIi
order to afford dreot aseintance to the Motional liberation forces" heale,1
by fraternal Communist Partios in neighboring countries. Th a situation in
Todochina and rurra cannot 'e interpreted nr -oosing a threat to Chira'r: sozAri
comparable leth '1.-at which 'ley roofess to sec In the Un:ted 7:stions' cation
in "c-rea, There 's no disharmony between thy CCP policy of areating a Go
mani& bloc 'r fle-theast Eia in furtherance of international Cir,runt
straiery, and the alhltion e!' the CP l to reeain territory whjch they, liho
theIr orellecessorr, rcgnrd. aa China trredenta. Ir addition, no conflict is
at -)rescot evident hetweca the policies of WTSR anl Chian. To intAa-nol
senoon or ,leviatior, fron the international lint is therefore 1:11,ely to develop
undex rest conditions,
70, If the CC.,'"a nroerlse of arms .1.2,r tg5 Dorms Conmunist Port7 16 iT.nievorted, the
Part-r will harfe intervened nctily to scours tbe sbecose of axT:rd Corriunist-
le/ revolts in three reighboripp: territories, It would be ingem.outi
that similar aid will not in due course he !".117CP. to t aian.1 ralayan GOT:-
r?nist Parties, norni77 tl:nse Parties are cl?rerwelnrg5.7 ilhinene ir
connosition, reaAVAle, Onni,g ever overseas Chinese .d7) 11.:4
rethodically carrie6 out on every front, with t'e proo.T!s wLiichrrt
not so obste!ta1icuti7 la-t-el3ed "Oorrunist"?? nin7inr?: or irurtant rolo, Von
the process of seductiop 4s suPlciently advaroecl.? the CCP vi1l. he shin to
onnlov the overs ens T-inene to lead or to sor-,ort indigeno,As Corunist
tions designed firallv to broal,7 "chain of imperialivn" at j.ts wepAost
lin'r7s. Such. a. ororrar is suffIciently flexible to ho caneile .flaptror
should arti-Conrunirt resistance stif'en,
21, The decision to aid the BCP iv in sore ways the rost soriol7s decision the
CCI has tal-er since its advent to no'er. Interveotion in Korea, oil to -,r,
Viet 71nh, ard the invasion of 'ribet can ell bc explained, howevel:.
as missions or liberation. nItorial riid to a revolt egninnt ar inderendert
natonalirt goirernment Ch'ra hes entered into disloneic reotions
wil7 he less casilTv egplainei. to countries such as India and IndoLesia,
is therefore .nossIble that sTecial orecautions will be taken. to keen the
assistance secret as long e.s possible.
Interna l7, it an -ere thet the Party will accelerate its nrogrees
toweris the accord stage of the revo-utton - the creatlon of a ,Seoialist
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society and a dictatorship of the proletariat, T'a anti-4.1peralist, anti--
feudal, first stare or Pew nerocrro7 Is adequate for the rriDlert pIrr72oses of
both COP and Snviet 7o11cTs.
Tt apnears Probable- that the Party will. talm aivantage of the Trosent strained
international situation to intensify action arainnt nll counter-revolutionar7
1. There has been no change in the constitutional position of the Chineno Cor,:mln:Lt
Party. in Nong Kong; it las nc..,Ter 'unctionea onenly as a party trd has th:erefo:
nemr be-n declnrea illegal.
2. Tt not Poss:7ble to riv o an accurate asses8nent nr the numerical stl-onrth
of ti7e CM.' in Peng `Ine source of donbtful reliability has esti!leted.
the rerbershin at 40,0001 but; this nrobablv Includes ?-enberc and supnorterr:.
A rale- to the 177ke7.7 "emhepahin flvres f,ay be found In ti 5 re7sbers1!:ip of
the unions sfriliated, to the CCP-controlled Poleration of 7:nade Unions (FTU).
It :is reilRUestinated that this doer not exceed 7,-.8,000 although the FTU
45,000; it lo evident from. recent event". that many the Ir,occ ar*
only Inkawarrn sup-orters or the PIT. It is 1:71probeh1e the CCP Ir Hong
Kong has 7.1orc than 20,000 roTOJers,
3, Althongh the CCP has never ftluctioned openl7 as a party in Fong r!,Ong, it is
only in the last three morthe t'.'!at strict seclArity reasnres hqV been enrovced
with-n the Par4y. In the montho i-pellatoly follown the Co7rurst occuptisr
or Kwan7tunr, the COP in rorT '--ng tened to believe that It whold be able to
function at least semi-overtly, As a result, the aciivitieS of many CCP
lea'lers became well enough known to the authorities for several to be de:poIted,
These deportotiers haw bfd srofcJjeffect; a check beer. imposed on
CCP e)'"orts tn exterd it influ.once uld in partica3ler, to oortrol labor r,n1
education, ail it 'Jles drawn the conc1,7s1c..a that it Tunt be or crcumspoct
tn Its activities.
The security nea-n-es plarmd tri partially out into erecT, ln recon'7, motths
eared also to lei Pramtution agalnat the Party's h ving to o under-
rrounj( completely. 'ere ts re Indication that the CCP in 'long Kerr =roots
early Chinese ,ntlItsr.- action e$19.isst the CoIo1.7 rhich it iuid bc recIted
to sunnort i efntill -1711 ,'''stabances. It lncreased slcur*ty awareness
aprears rather to reflect an ap-rehension the;%? in the avert of ar c7:tnsion
or the 'orean hostil;.,4en,io Ko rg woul:l be useCt a bas for Angln-Anericay,
qvo operations Kt-viral South Ch n, eceonranied 1 rifforove reprm:sIv
moasm-es against Co."-^unles.
Pr view or 7vents orl 2. flotobor 1P5O?
The -priod opened wit a trada tnor conference called br -C!-,e All Ewan:tung
?rovincial .763eratior or Labor 7reparatory Corrrittee ir Cani'on. This ten-
day meet with 7.300 deleratna from Hong 1.o,T, racao, and 1;vangtung cned
1 October. The Cc,] orinnortarce was erohnsized 1.7 the election CS foi:17
forner T1on7 Kong labor lealeri to a nrosidilm of 26. 7Wo cf these fclu.' w,ez.n
at ono tir,e chairren er uniona affiliated to the :'7717. 'Iotovor action vas
deeded on at this conference, lt had ro apparent effect or NorgKnrarbor
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? Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007400390002-0
SF'CRET1111'7.':'11.1.(21, T.7.3? rrcm 1.3 OPITY
r..JENTRilt.? IrTE.J.,TC1717FCE AG131,TcrY
6,, The .ori.relY.A1 feature of reriod has beer the cortirue'.'. won'':nr.7,71i7 of the
inr7.9ence of 777, t cbstarted in Feb-mar:7p 1950,- after the
abor-tive trama71 rtiritle. during the 811Threr.: thr.. three
YroniThe unier review, its potion hes r,gel-e deterioratrcl.., Rgitdng
sol-Yr.ter unions here epreartd smorg six unions w'r-.1ch 7.)rev1oU.S1V
FTTT lea-Tc.4reMn; tyrrice7 of left-wing concern is that expresnol by tbe
execrltive of the royal r11".fl. Dockyard T.'orknrs Union over their menthership
of 59000 eligible work- rs of only 19600 of whom they ridralt!-ed t 0112.7
4.00 Were dues.
7. Dur:Trg December at 7.onst trn Innion 7Y,.7.osona..7.1t-ies? n11 .1"rom tnione inted
to t 777,, "J eft the Colo . 1e7r uded ..?;e1Terttnert irr$orter t hel nrorylnent
oScels ert 3eeretly r r great haste, wit? ? cs IT for le eve
from thel'r ermileyers, RTori urrocompnried t their families,. It is rot thourht
that such a rge number or senior officials 1,yould hr:ve left the Colony witLir,
a few ria-s 0.r* enoh. other withoilt 1irctorders? -711.c tiCr3fler in which thoz' left
has ..leart the loso of 4-heir jobs and their certain cor;nrcir' se official eyes,.
The reasons foT, their le-perttro are tranovh, but it arrears the';:. they 71.113
return to the Colony with the illtertion of fomenting industrial unrest?
In eburriani. smnly or lrb,.7.r in T,erg Kong arl 000r conditioris In reighborinf,
Chinn have rlilitsted are rat r"T SUCCO:13S ir, rr.-,,oh the sane ysr.: a 511.07tego
0f 5c1loo7s hes. normit'-ed ex-tonsion of CCP influence in celucatim.. The CCP
has no-selithter? its '.,.)ositior 1.r schooIs.It owz not alp-Jeer to ilave r!etle esk,,7
serious ekti.,e117.*, to -onetrete Covernment-controned schools. The inwle-h.a.ey
of these, however, i'or the inrge romber of chilercr educati.ou
1 to the irrin:rovisation of both day trri 11-5 ght ho-is. 711.77 ofwh, r?,11
startel Unit!. CCILinspii-ation and control. A Government ruort t3at TI
children in the Colony unable to obtain any education public or private,
ri register prod,lced 21?00C registrations?
CPG hes almost corrileted the task bef,u;n yes.r ro .takinir over
assets- Tr TIc.rg Fehr. ram of the resources and staff of the orgarizatone
'orrre be transferred from l'o.og -icing and the Hong Kong orricss closed, tlt
leas7'.-. 0 e important CCP/CPC off Icial, who was chnrped with Frspervisirg, tly?
takint-overjto hnve :left the Colony in December. 7t.. 113 1:Trot's-Me
+.hat his chief, the most ir'ort s it known Cb 'nese Colarunist Kong,
also depar4-e..4, in late rnvember or oerly 1.1.coe.rber. The US ebargo on strategic
ter iii rni the 1-eking, over r) frr.tiomalist assets hr,,,e considerable reduced
the Irnlue of T-Tong Kong as a. cor-nrcial entrepot for the CCIP/CPG. Tt rc,ma:The
valnahle as ar entry nnd exit point for prop, overseas Ch'nese? arl.
:Picture Trerfis.
10. The rternal secrriti:' 'orecartie nmr ir formes. :.rt the Party mi he sn ex-
clusive17 defensive nensure Drontei by the urcertainties c/;" interrat:tozzi.
situation. 711e7 my, however, via nreJI,de to offemeivt . clandeetire aetivity-
desigrei either to intone:U.7 the dir,icullties of the CoVernment ccononlo
,rqatters or to co-7ecide-wlth er armd. attack. or the Colony , Then will eortain
r&reinvestige 0.r. of the rarty-- orgazatIon ard activities noro
EsT7MA C011,01'17,1T RaT
Cone, i tut lore yes ion_
censtitutional roe tor o-f t' e T.1urns Carnur st 'Party (DC?) or i41a1g
Com-urists remo.ics uncharced.
Ree r ,"orintlor iet tt the strict :1-nrty rem bers p ? ? is cons era 627;
'less than w evirLv est-I:meted., b&rc Iit,4 3e..--oro than orr aousand.,
Approved FOWellelaTa97014169 :-'a-Tliigg9-110457R007400390002-0
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25X1 A
The'.in sre -c cf in""ve-c., Lho r:CP are 0,-72'-rallIri re' Ferr.:
ari 'orth rTanthalar'dy dUtr. ct. ttlemntr be'rg :isle to i-lor-aTo
of t'le Peonlv,s 0e-0e...ratio vrint(PD17) by cffer'nef, accertrAblf -1-,eTrs of
labo-stion to other 'rsorgrt crfou)s rre nee-%'rg, with S07,0 SUCC:03.
ioub'ful, however, wl'f:thr this will be long-lived. There .!s no new:for-
cation r, th-) ctrength cf the farty7- srbovUnate ...)r-anisctiona
3 The 'sotal arrlei itreuptl at t'e 6'snose1 of tl'e DU is nou repoxed to 1,(..4
10t,000 3n all lurma. lvos- o this in the Peop'c's Army of Burnie
of toe BCP-led PDF, 141 ic L3 enng reozennized into folvr divsions, eath
4177nion ivip twe !,7frlEndes, b-.1.Fa4c t"-ree battalion-, ,-;r1 each
battaii-,n Foire o-,-pfr'es og' 12; r,or. 're livisior !irs 4'017", Lho
?TO %vision ir 7nner rUrma complo.,1-nv ar0. Trhe ?re r-d 4'h 1)iv5-
einns sre t1i1 i te Initini ,Itages otrrOi:isrtion.
ft a Central Com-Ittee neetIrrt sld Iii Sentcrhn. 1950;. Bu rof,,rmnIateri
TtsiI1 re r1the "IT" ti t.. flal, ti fall other
4rsrve,ert proups Pr' "leftist in overt politics1 organizn't,)rn, prorAeod
them- sul,cor!bed to Dry one of th ioUcw ng thrm points:
a. Co-ositio-, to Arrlo-Ar,,r1m,, "nperia.V.3m,
h. The Nrht agnimt the ',"nak:a 7" Govern-ort,
o. rand reform
it Js thought tW. tHs ste2 ws.s taker lot on:y became o 1efucreasing
wea'ress of t1,c trarrgent carp bit also so that Makin RI ull 011 iLiminrn't
visit 40 PeipIng night 'co able ii-resent !'AO rse-ung 1.4.1t-, a p'oture of c
'-lros;-basea UnItoe 'c' Ie BC?.
. "here 73 rorsen- to belfeve nai "ht:en ru,r T"r returned rrcr Pen3rg at tile
f,nd o4" "ovtrbe,, hringingw-,t1 hir a nroese o' nx-s fro-- Qinn, and three
Chincse Tit:Igor '"fie:ers who :re now attacd t.ho PC? Lo riet4)rm:no, so it
's state3, the no.-re o' ti o aid re,,ovii-ed; It r1,r e that t',ofr 7a1r teak is
LO renort e- r4"Iciency- are irnuerle of t'e PC? befoi'a 1D'se-tung
inacomits 11.3t,,sr]?. M-weve?, ariort00% to nsrist !n the trar'ne
of Pc? etteres, firnt 'etnchr.ent oP wHel is airord' s,-)ie to :)el in Paoslar
Western Yunnan),
6.17.,e crour which oar7ler elr,ren'vl eovbts abort tte vIsflorsi of r'econtirg
fror CYna has voiced. AO open Weot3/7r. to latest dovtloTancrt? but their
-"orrrr ev,hts 7ris group, Inca-ding three ronhors of the Cfntral
7xecr-Hve Commiteeo clnrises nercont-to 30 percent of the 7"art,y.L6 loniers
Review of 7vents from I OctobvT
7. Sabotage elnd abs3 atis yr rtan,?11:- dir-inIshed dur'ng the po,,loci and
a redisresitior of i'ore s is im nrcrroes. "11,1s a-,-,-,arePtly is ,Inlirnot to
r.orterl'rete tl- trergt of ?e BC? in th- Ya-othlr-r nm4La are: an4
to the nrrtho leavinv only u E.irrl.erm organzation :;11 LoirFltr/t.. -2,1,11 it
--earv is to facilitate trerIng roor,lnaization in nre-Javalon for aid
from Chinn, n-d also the eispatc,' cf crAres for training 4: -urrl,n.
P. 7.-e 'Party's main et' 'ort 11g-a been tc strongtl,ar the PDF thr)110; numeoorn
negotiations at eistrict level tf, secure agrea,nent for coalair)rationiith
oi,her insur-on+ grours. rerw,ins with CP(13)0 4hic7,-; avis vat_mrt,2:4J
at !'17a..,.ng the two nul-Ven, 'nave becn procross at the hle,est levolz
.2CP's PIrst obleot've -",s to si-ei to coll,CorcrAtion of the Lod Plegs n9d
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- 12
the questIon e .1e17er is thlrefore be4T,r annroached wit con711-rLble
cant- n. 11-e preateal sT,cees'i 'as 'hoe- obtairei in the Incein ard Fertn,?-
d'strIcit-s leiere "17,->o4o's 7nited Co- issione haw IY-er e-3tabtisIed
t5th two renreserte4ivesein:31rte 0r, the Tied "lars, ne ?cople's
7olveteer OrgarIzat-Ton, ana tie Karen TatLnal Defense 'JrTAn;zation.
Tr Sertar*or 1950, cro+her ;oria eace Conn-ear (Burma) (not to be con.f-tf;el.:
thai spoIN7nreiT'k tN) 'nraq?.S 71110S Cres,e T3urra)) ves estebtished
in Insurgent are Ln'er t ansoices or toe PW. A irrttir can
;'1Tr7da Wer'-ers' eni Peas.117,s; Party iffq7P)
'n Dt-,csrbflr extreTIst wing fo' te Duriu9 Socialist t,P2) which Ir,e
eiiIncreas4re7 ovt1ren ir 7ts '3121,1-ort for th 2rie.sTd
srte'"ite r&e away tz fo-m ti - B-Trme Worers7 and Po-,,sfl ,s' 7art7, 'tc
leeeTs comnrisint7 net,4r1,- etl officials or 1-he RT's tra.-!a
leas-nt nr-nniza'iors Th 411 paiTt-y is self-AT:scribed as CoTr'unfst .7.T1 all
mew: enr1 4s mbil'zIng omostticm to the '''ZP and tt-e tir
"eop.1"es freeimi Learce. in its -'?,ar.ifesto the C't7ty cr-haf- c Vle,:tzTr'..12-
V,on to worl- 1emaro,tioa1l.7 anfi t'e Li tthet-k-, fa a 7eUet hi.rt
that it will resort to oth hoiTk esrocratl'a rights
restri.ctee or withiralm
Overseas Chinese.
11? Close relations have now been es'tetql.shed betwer-Tm the 1PV CP(7, ItTbac4-iy an.6. the
Tlrinnipal merbers or the CDL(B), anr1 there ean bc no doubt the the 7eAtr
orr!anization 3a the rwtin vehic3c through which the CG is tryirg to oxtcrd
As flfluence over the Chinese cermunity It PurTra, The unificatir of this
connunity is obviously- ore oF" th rTain tersta the Elbass-.?', tut con.5idoi
25X1X cropoeition is being encountered fror, the T'T facti.,ns, who/ thou& n,D longe:.!
nro-CHTIM Eal-shek, are anti-3cor-znist, 11111111111111111111tes ostlilatel
that 45 ni-Trcont of the Chinese corrunity in Prrma cept tbe nec rogne 123.
Chim, 50 percent are actively c7msed to it). There have 17.ecn several
?ttcie f CDL mnbc.,rs bef.nI? beaten up by -.;..lieged 1T gars. These .are being
used P3 S. lever In an. attomnt b77 the MO) to persuade B-urTTese authoriMse to
take action egainot the fr7 as a whole; in a retort telagren, CDL Thadnarte.:
in Ptining vas stron7,17 arltic;i1 of the Burnese Govermrentls failure t.) pret,.
Chini,se reapnals,
The Ucrnrue d b- the CPG towerls Burmee Cver-nnent
distrotiv aggreer.ivet re13gious 7:een
7finister a-)c. lovernnen attac1cer:4 and t1.4.1 nu given onen
in official Chinese E.,.xt.*bo?ks introluced into locol 7erbeTs
TInbast7 are also sell to Mve 1Tal fairly frequent dealins -41th lca,ler
the rew Pnrma Trbors, are l'essants Party and -lossibly to Inflrencri
its formtion. This, however, has not been oonfirned.
13, rotion uas receivea -1-.c.0 i c :or s renrcsentaive of Car.J(B) to attxznd tho
6th Cenerea Precu'iva Conference of tle hold in Peling th. rcvrlaber,
the decisions reached at Ws conference have been liThlishe openly. ancL,
spec:Inc al.rectivra zsr be trulemitted vie. the ChInsse li;mbssay.
The rost notable CDL(f) activf_t- dT:ring?the past throe monts vas' the l?rosoc-,
tior, y neans of its front organizations, of an enti-Anerian propar:ar,:ta
camouln, which included the bo7cotting of Amer can goos filrs.
7uture Trends.
i. The FCP rnot continue its effl-vrt to itrerRthen t!-s. PDT' on ne 'T.).rcadelt.
possible br,..sis.
her socnrel initial collehoratlor It will undoOtcy
wt.ter ra'n. aC-entance of "'C'' Tnollor an6 reogn-ltion or BOP les1e.
Approved FoiliVere;76:P99/09/159 :Tikivilipff60457R007400390002-0
Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007400390002-0
SECPET/G-77qin - 17.8, 77ICIATZ
2 5X 1 X
crirmn TR7I, 7 1:(177 AGENCY
- 13
It is therefore' unlikely that the BCE' will retain. for any l'enth r)1 ti s tho
sun-(r.t of' other insurnent grouns, and it is significant t77-st n thn last
eight months over 7,000 insurge.,ts have srrrandened to Government, though
only ',wo or three of Ilese wer BCP followers. The P=rival of of:d
from China which would enable tl.e BCP to re-ascert its influence by force
of arls is th',8 becon!1-47 indimoensabl- lr the Party is to continue ir efrec A
16, The roration of tl-e WIPP 'Iao Ivnught info the open 4h-se potentially sutler-
sive ,.--'e.nerts which hive 'one- oxistai wl thin the Goverrront camp, If they
scour any co-si oun-ort the far t71 van e exnoctea to strnel by
its n:e3ce or rot reso,ting violenco, f here ere s-Igrr '.:,4f1t, sone of
those who rirst inined t'e row -'srty with 9 nthusiaam are no,- r seo-fl
'hn-ph+s, and n rnu r-re iri rtri o to BSP. IShon'd th4.. WM'
pade:-s who row "%urned e 'r ?hosts" r ne i.bersolven wi ,l_out sup lort ,
lt is nroW)le that tl-ov go mer rro: -d to join th; KP 's Susi,
a 'owaver, uoula ,ot af: ? sig.n*floontly Jo thn 8 'renr7th, or thy
insnr -ants, 1"4,1 rG.F, i;self, r:?.1 of thee unreliablePlamer+a, :t.s no3v to
g 7'omer s or "NIT t to enti-,lorflunist reasuras.
17,- TY) SeVOral ?wpys,r,wh':c11 $1e .n,choo- text books ere but one instance; the not4
7hine',e rer ro has s:ie' L orfendirg the P,:rmose Cktr.ernront rInd
?led to a stif-enirr! In the Tf-cres'n attitude. The is no al.g,n. so far, 1E:waver,:
that a an'ution 114,18 fouhd cont roll inrr the Chinese connun'Azr Ydtie
security tl-:reat trerresentzl.
1.11.1. MOM. ON.M,1.4, fi0014?.????.....0 A.I.AVYNVO.
CtLtti1 08 it
The 1 vs+ quarter nr saw the I =,fting of the ban on the Party in ralrn
State. Party secre+11,ness, however, cent irues. The death durirr, Icer
or Sr] lTallabhb%ai 7's.4-e71 ',-inister for 11:oe Affairs, has rer_love:1 a strong
in a stannch oTynt:.no3nt of CaTilunism bul, 'he srecossinu of 17r, C,
Raj agopala char i rorrnr Cove ')1 or,Genere2 anq C1&' nis ter lf -cAras? is
not belleved t fores7ladow.7,'1.aoy change of Governnont policy towards the CPI,.
7, There does not aar lo have been any significant change in Panty strongt"(.
No inportant detained Communists have bean relealal t:oe poriod, ATro4t.
ir 1-mA Penrfal have cons iderabIr weakened the Party in that tats.
Corus Ion over policy 71.n rart7. 1.i.erarchy continuos. tcuou c c'r?n-rt
rycrr rn,ele to rermlve 'hefp,21.