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Approved For Release 2000/09/14: A-RDP82-00457R007400510007 CLASSIFICATION tTIIOL - U.O. C F'1CT:,Ls C)TJLY 25X1 A ~**X CE N ELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. Lq- COUNTRY an SUBJECT 25X1A PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. SOURCE INFORMATION REPORT Germany (1rhusuian Zci ) Operations Reports of the Soviet Zone Directorate General of Railroads 25X1X CD NO. DATE DISTR. 10 April 1951 NO. OF PAGES 2 In The Soviet Zone Directorate General of 'L ai.lroads drmrs up a daily operations report, for official use only, of which one copy goes to the SCC Transport Division. The operations report reflacts not only the progress of railroad operations in all of the eight railroad districts, but also difficulties and shortcomirg;s experienced, as vTell as measures taken to overcome them. 2. For the period of 30 Decombor 1950 to 5 Jauunrr 1951, the operations situation is termed unsatisfactory in ab iost all of the railroad districts, Th13 state of affairs, is attributed to a shortage of locomotives cauzcd by too frequent repairs, to congestions of marshalling yard,- caused by the inadoquato capacity of t.icse installations, and to unfavorable weather condltiot such as snow and the forl.ia.tion of ice. Tim largo number of parixd locomotives and freight cars either damaged or 'acing kept au a resorvo io notc;rorthy; since they tr' m up much trac1.%,c they impede operations 3. The operations report of 5 January 1951, vihi ch serves to illustrate the con- ditions mentioned above, prczents the following picture: Railroad Dariaged Daziaged District Cars Locomotives 786 2140 SCC Rcaorve 3 tank shuttle trains 2 personnel bhuLtle trains 291 boxcars Groifsvrald 426 1C9 102 boxcars ScIamrin 63 23 boxcars !,iagdoburg 727 233 41 boxcarq MTRIBUTION LJxI ATE MY ai . _ (3i1'iThOL - U.S. tJ!^TiT:ITh9 f)IIT~Y 295 174 ownest --------------- Us Cbugs In Ciarss. OailnsdlIsd CIaa~s. Changed To; TS S (C , itb.a HR 71.21978 ? ~t 1 8 aYGJ!L Sys _ _--- IIaeorve of the Central Car Distribution Office Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP82-00457R007400510007-1 Approved For R q2-00457R007400510007-1 os'ft'I 011 C.I:LR RAL I EILT,IG ENCIJ i \C-ENC 25X1A Railroad Damaged Cara Damaged Locomotives SCC Reserve Reserve of the Central Car Distribution Office Halle 393 370 - Erfurt 761 347 13 159 Dresden 563 217 55 9 Cottbus 300 - 3 500 This tabulation s:ioi a a total of ik,O20 daY a cd cam. According to a tabulation of 25 November 2950, the part: of damaged cars amounted to approximately 6,500 .nits:, The remaining 2,500 frcigit cars, approximately, are believed to be undergoing repairs in railroad repair shops not covered by the daily operations .port. The number of damaged locomotive; ryas 1,597 units,, There ;ran a totem of approximately 2,100 damaged locomotives on 1 November 19 0*.. Here again the balance is believed to be in railroad repair shops. It is apparently intended to scrap those locomotives that are beyond rcpair0 The parked shuttle trains and individual cars are at the disposal of the CC0 The tank shuttle trains are, composed of SSy type cars, the person-el shuttle trains of specially equipped boxcars. Other such shuttle trains are believed to be included in the number of - individual cars xe aorted by the various railroad districts, 25X1A Counts For previous information on the stocks of locomotives on 1 i Iovember 10 see 25X1A ' /COr THOL - U.S, OK i IC T-,= ONLY Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP82-00457R007400510007-1