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Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500340011-7 cog, maltrIAL ciAsSiFiCATrOtkk m!teftsivg2NTRokus OFFICIALS ONLI CENTRAL INTELUGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY USSR (Chelyabinsk Oblast) SUBJECT Airfields near Chelyabinsk It Li 03 1! PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. CIRCULATE REPORT CD NO. DATE DISTR. 8 Feb. 1952 .OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 3 50X1 50X1 -HUM TtI IDOCOOIXT IONTAWIS 1OPOODATUNI APPOCTIOO TWE FICTIONAL DOME OP TWIT RUM, MVO IPT/VM TIOC IIRAIWOO OF WM WIWOOLOC ACT DO I. IL C.. 2$ Ass S. Al ALIZIWID. ITO TOUWWWWOO OM IWYWAVOIT op its OMUTA NI Jure WWII TO AM VOACTIONIZI? POMO/ II POO. WWII WI LAW. *Ermoseenes OF 151$ *1 I5 INIONINTRW THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1 -HUM 1. erom rw Camp V? 68/30 sector of Chelyabinsk an airfield ma seen, mated lt 000 to loco() pre9umflb1y ID the northwestern town (61'25* atkuOWN), Chelyabinsk ?blast. the E-1 dimensions of Itich was esti'. meters, N-5 600 meters. Document No, No Chaw Fi DerAa? Wass. AMhA " Date: ;7 CONIMENTIAL CLASSIFICATION afieftEVCONTROL US OFFICIA STATE 4 NAVY NSREI DISTRIBUTION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/11 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007500340011-7 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500340011-7 4:07'1777' I., v.: 4.4 7?66. ;%CgEr-coNTR1/4JA, el1117 2 =TAAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 2. There were t%.o throe-story barr:cks buildins and a concrete runway. 3. The field vas occupied by ttin-emjne aircraft biplanes. 4. IA airfield was west, (xi' the :thus liver, about 5 to 7 In northweet of the Chelyabinsk railreA station. In addi- tion to aircraft typos kno7;:a fromm III a fourengind bomber type was seen at the field. ::ass parachute. jump in and divin.; with gliders fitted tith aarachute bihke0 were practiced. 5. There was intensive flying at the ftid presumablr;west.of the :!:iass diver. 4 four-engine type aircraft with nose ? wheel was particulsrly notedh 6. Ira* Bagal(sic), presumably 12 km southeast of ChelYabinsk, it was observed that an airfield was about 4km *O-thi north. This field was about 6 km east of ChelyibinSk. 2 km northwest of Sandestroi (sic), and about 4 kM.SOUth of a la..?Alroad line leading to Siberia. It was on .a Plateau and bordered on toods to the southwest. There was a hard...surface ki"-S.; runway which was illuMinated at nighk There were four barrvexe blocks and behind them some. hangars in the western section of the field 8. There was flyin:; with multi-ek;ine lircraft -ad intensive parachutin,: from t-..o or thr_e glance, 2C to 30 parachutes beim:: observed in the 'air at the same time. 9. he 11 ton sector, built from 1945 to 1948, vas pre- sumably about lc km east of Chelyabinsk. 30. There was an airfield probably on the. eastern to-en peri- meter of Chelyabinsk, north or an artery rend to Bagal, li to 2 km from a color and sulphur plant. There were han- gars cud barracks-like quarters at the field. Training flights with D-2s :nc araohutlnj from U-2s and twin-engine planes (six men jumpia3 from each plane) were observed. 11. ',nether airfield was farther eastward, probably 3 km north of Bagel. It was on a Plateau and, therefore, seen from a great distance. Bangara and quarters were at the field. Twin-engine planes stationed there made individual and for- mation flights. 12. The airfield was east of Chelyabinsk, north of the asphalt ro-d leading to zostgorod 13. The follomixv; installntions?were on the southern entge of the field, about 800 meters from the road: a. Tto hangars b. ...ix four-story barracks buildins occupied by parachutists and flyin:: personnel. 4EtRET...0G:gTA)14/W CF21.01...LJ 917'.:7 L CC Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500340011-7 Declassifiedin Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500340011-7 14 1.4 mr-sr T-Culi21OL/L.4 cITLY 3 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY The parachutists wore the parachute badge on the bieadV ta parachutist suspended from au unfolded parachute with tro stars). The badce rr,.s of r4et!l, the psrachute on it painted red, the ropee yellow ::.nd the figure of the para ehutist khaki-brown. 14. parachuting was practiced from four 70 to 80-moterjewera in front of the barv:cks buildings. The ps.rachutistivould Jump, releasik; themselves br a rip cord from rope fixed at long booms projectill from the top of the tot-mita.. 150 The airfield was north of Chelyabinsk. 160 Twin-engine aircr!ft were seal- f-t the field. 17. all 4Ov1et 50X1-HUM juveniles 1.-:ere to be trainee in parachutlan and that duch a trainin course would last 14 days. The trairieua were awarded the narschute IrAlLe lifter three individual juMpd from the mentioned tin-engine aircraft flyinj at an tude of about liCti meters (observed .1so by source). 50X1 Ceiament 50X1-HUM Thiu reportindicates th.:t lest three airfieldd ure located near Chelyabinsk: , 6. The airfield north or of ChelyabinskiANftich is probably an improved air base, has one or tv.O hangars and solid quarters. The field is coptrentlybccu* pied by a pnrachute and air lsnding school and anair transport unit. ?our'-engine nircrrft were alS(01160U there *Totewerthris the observation thnt cargo glider S eciuipped With parachute brakes made practice dives which have only seen reported from the stakhanovo test!.on, The Held presUmablk also actives as ix commercial field. b. The airfield OA the southeastern tour perimeter of presUmably an improved rir base with hrInaars and solid qunrters. predhute school seems to be at this field also, 50X1-HUM c. a third airfield was recently constructed about le km southeast of Chelyabinsk. The field seems to be occupied by an air unit, obviously equieped -ith twin-engine aircraft. I 50X1-HUM Tr.r;?;r71"tr Alk co-JraoL/u4 01CI'.L..4 ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500340011-7