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January 6, 2004
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Publication Date:
April 2, 1951
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Approved For Release 2004/04/15': CJA-RDP82-00457R0
Trousers tucked into the boots are ?aorn by enlisted personnel.
xountain troops -war ski trousers. Officers "rear either breeches
or trousers, the -latter with the dress uniform. There are
stripes indicating the branch of service along the outside seam
of breeches and trousers. These are red for generals, -ho also
wear additional wide red stripes on either side of the harrow
6, The overcoat is a two-brested, long, six-button garment with two
out- in pockets, straight-edged flaps and cuffs like those -Corn
on the blouse. Officers' cuffs are bordered with piping in
the assigned color of the branch of service. For generals the
piping is red. .Collar patches and epaulets are also !torn on the
overcoat,. 'generals wear the overcoat ?'ith lapels open; these
lapels are red.
?a, Tither boots or laced shoes with wrap puttees may be worn by
enlisted personnel. ?;"ountain troops wear mountain or ski boots.
Officers w,7ear either boots or shoes, the latter with the dress
unif orm.
Leather belts are either brown or black. Officers wear brown
crossed belts.
9 It -as planned to issue rain coats to the troops, but this had
not been done by February 1050, Foods were issued to troops
assif peed to the '"in is try of the Interior. :.ountai.n troops wear
short storm jackets. Tank and mechanized troops wear coveralls
"ben on duty. Flying personnel on flying duty ,Tear special
clothing. Introduction of fur caps was planned. Troops assigned
to the !"inistry of the Interior already have such caps.
10,, Enlisted personnel wear bayonets with the dress uniform, while
officers wear only belts and have pistols only when the field
uniform is worn,.
11. The color of branch of service worn on uniform garments described
in paragraph 3 through 6 also appears on epaulets and collar
12. Colors of branch of service used in the '?umanian Armed Forces
are red for infantry; black for artillery; claret for cavalry;
black with red piping for technical services, including signal
troops, engineer corps, rail-ay engineer troops and bridge con._,
.atruction unitsl light-blue for air force; light-blue epaulets
and black collar patches for .1',A; dark-green for mountain troops;
violet for administrative services; yellow for schools; crimson
(velvet) for medical corps; dark-blue (velvet) for veterinary
corps; and. dark-green (velvet) for rmacists. Officers of the
fortress engineer corps *,Tear red-bordered epaulets' and those of
the fortress artillery black--bordered briht~yelloC,~ epaulets.
care are no troop units in these two branches of service.
13. Light-t^recn epaulets are -Torn by border 'card troops, and black-
bordered red ecaniets are -Torn by the fire departments.
14. rranoh-of-service: assimnnment is indicated by metal insignia on
the epaulets. ' ose attached to dress ecat lets are=white and
those attached to field epaulets are yellow
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007600070003-2
25X1, ?N,Y,e_,-
Y ;rm or service insigne used are a bursting shell, for info tryr;
t ,?lo crossed gun barrels T'?ith bursting, shell for artillery;
two crossed sabres =ith bursting shell for cavalry ; a tank for
tangy and mechanized troops; hammier and shovel arranged cross-
wise with bursting shell, for technical services; to wings
with propeller for the air force; same as artillery for I' A;
same as infantry plus two crossed skis for ski troops of moun-
tain troops; to crossed sheaves of =^rheat for administrative
services; original branch of service for schools ; crimson enameled
red cross on collar patches for medical corps; dark-blue enameled
cross on collar patches for veter?i.nary corps; dark-green caduceus
on collar patches for pharmacists; same as infantry for border
guard troops; and a scales for justice services,, . n emblem in.
the national colors topped by TV and/or FCC is embroidered on
the upper part of the left sleeve of the troops of the Tudor
U-iadimirescu and Gloria C h.osca si. Crisan Divis5..onss
1.6, 10,lield epaulets are made of khaki fabric -bilo dross epaulets are
made of fabric is colors indicating branch of service Q Insigne
of rank and arm are attached to the epaulets.
?_~d.. Collar patches a -e recangular, about 2x5 cm, Fond are made of
fabric in the assigned color of branch of service.. ""hose -rorn
by,, border r-uard troops are bordered -Tith --kite piping and are
fitted with t' e `.etters Gr in =41hite color, -ith generals collar
patches are red .-Tith a gold oak leave attached,
, : ~n:liste=d men wear transversal stri'?es of braid. in the color of
the branch of service on their field epaulets, "tripes attached
to dress epaulets are made of yellow fabric, l1he individual rank
fox, a private first class (Fruntas) is indicated by one stripe,
a -)-ante corporal (Caporal) by two stripes and a corporal (3ergent)
by three stripes. **
i9 z'on .corx,issioned officers -Tear field epaulets bordered nlith a
J -sha - ed braid in the color of the branch of service and dress
epaulets bordered, with a similar yc?_l(Y?? braid, -ranks are indi-
cated by transversal stripes of braid with one stripe for 3ergean.t
(Gergent ?-`a jor) , two stripes for technical sergeant (Plotonierul )
three stripes for first sergeant (Plotonier '`"a jor) and three an
'i lar stripes for master sergeant (Plotonier T."ajor ef) e ***
20? Company officers ?Near on longitudinal stripe in the color of the
branch of service and yello-7 stars on their ' ield epaulets, A
yeller, longitudinal stripe is attached to dress epaulets of combat
troos and a -bite one is -orn on those of nor.-~cor?mbat troops
such ..p as technical, administrative, medical and veterinary ser-
vices, pharmacists ahd justice services. The stars are '" bite
and/or yellow metal o tanks are indicated by the number of stars
Yi. / h one star for a :junior lieutenant ()ublocotenent) two stars
for a lieutenant Locotenent)., three stars for a senior lieutenant
(Lo3otenent 1'ajor.) and four stars for a captain (Capitan w
t31c 'Yield officers wear two longitudinal stripes in the color of the
brash of service on their field epaulets and one -Tide gold and/or
. _i., Loma/`:i tud pal st.rin on dress ep .~a'~ e:ts 'he edge of the
colored background projecting over this stripe is as narrow as
piping.. Tindividual. ranks are distinggulshod by the number of
stars, -ith one star for ,"ajor (r,ajor) , two stars for lieutenant
colonel (Locotenent "'olonel) and three stars for colonel
(Colonel.). = **
25X1 ;oaf T .
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007600070003-2
Approved For Release 2004/04/15: CIA-RDP82-00457
22, Generale wear. Cold braided epaulets T,?ith the edge of the
colored background projecting, like a piping, and large white
stars, with one star indicating a major general (General-"?a ior) v
two stars a lieutenant general (General-Locotenent), and three
stars a colonel general (General-Colonel),
23. 3o-called military masters, army officials banking as non-com-
missioned officers, 1,?ear -1hite-bordered khaki epaulets ? rith
angular stripes of braid, with one stripe Indicating a military
master 3d class, two stripes a military master 2d class and three
stripes a military master let class,
25X1A Co ent,, See Annex 1 for sketdhes of caps. According to
unconfirmed newspaper reports the cockades ' iere rep-.aced by Soviet
s but this is doubted.
25X1A Comment. For drawing of uniform blouse, see Annex 2,
25X1A ommex t For sketches shaming epaulet designs, see Annex
3 AnneXes: ''ketches on ditto
Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007600070003-2