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Approvemtiplyektim2ce ? s\It"%\fr 25X1 INTELLOFAX 4 CENTItiN4t\ ELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT, NO. CD NO, INFORIVITION REPORT COUNTRY Germay (Russian Zone )itSaa SUBJECT ?Gannmn rreight'Cars to be Returned by Soviet Union PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. 25X1 DATE DISTR.. 3 Flay 1951 25X1 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. -* :LISTED DELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 25X1 1111S SOCUORNT CONTAINS INFORMATION APIFECTINO TIM NATIONAL STIORTUR '.= 'op Wig 0011211 STATES WITHIN TIM NRANIN3 OF UR RSPIONA011 ACT 30 ' V.0. C... SI AND 110. AS AUBNORD, ITS TRANSMISSION Ott INS norm.Arias .1 OP ITS CONTENTS IN AMY MANSUR TO AN UNASTF10111330 PS113011 IS P110- NISifilD WV LION RSPI20013CTION OP 13113 PORN 13 PRORONTIO, .11;180reaAV'AWAlttelt i THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 1. On 15 February 1951, it was learned thot 20,033 frei7ht care wore to be returned to the Soviet Zone State Zailways by the USSR,. The cars, which ?._:re of German ori:in? yore confiscated by the Soviets in 1945. * The cars ?are to be turned ov.3r in Prert..atovsk at an un- d ttormined date. Gorman r n ilroad authorities expect that this will ?ha epen in Juno and July 1951. Details on the types of the cars to be returned are not available, since the Lioviet5only mentioned the f i7nre of 20,030 cars without further apecificatioes. The railroad re2air shops have boon ordered to make available a total of 43,030 standard- ?zauge car axles to be sent to Drect.Litovsk whore they are to be mounted on the cars to be returned. Those axles will orosumably be collected in Berlin to be transferred from there to Brest..54itovsk. ** Director General &Ismer stated that he, on the occasion of his stay in oscow in jJecomher 19530 had convinced the Soviets that the oribical situation ? of the German railways with regard to rellinz stock necessitated the ? return of the 20,000 confiscated cars. 2. On 22 February 1951 alout 1,000 standard-gauge railroad car axles with protective Jackets arounf, the bearings were stored at the Berlin-Licht(-1? .- berg railroad station. It is expected that still more axles will arrive? . The purpose of the axles is unknown. ** 3. On 6 Larch 1951 ax)roxittitay 10503 reconditioned standard-gange rail- road car axles wore stored at the Lichtenberg railroad station. The stocks of ow' axles ere to be increased to 3,000 units. The axles aro expected to 1:e removed before the be -inni ig of the Youth Rally in ,Iugust 1951. 25X1 Lco Such a measure appears possible because the number of ? rai.i.road cars seized by the L.oyiets from 1945 to 1947 is probably much hither than 200000. It must also be borne in mind that these aorman cara:because of their. smaller measurements, 7,:re uneconomical for operation ? on ktroad.gauge traoks2?se that the SovietZright be inclined to exchange them for new Soviet-gaurse cars manufactured in the Soviet .:ono of ? Germany!, Furthermore, railroad cars are such a critical item in the ? 25X1 CLASSIFICATION STATE ?X NAVY ARMY # XAIR 41 FBI Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-R No Change In Class. 0 o Declasslflod Class. Changed To: TS Ftg4004NIRORY.?0017000 Date: _1.1_811a.1Q74.- 25X1 Approved For 25X1 003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R0076001700 CENTRAL /MIMI, IGENCE MERCY soviet 4one3 of Germany that early assistance or relief of the situation is required. 25X1 it*[ [Comment. These axles indicate thlt Lichtenberr '708f3ibly the collection point for the axles to he transferred to Brest? Litovsk, 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007600170008-6