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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/19: CIA-RDP82-00457R007700560001-2
SUBJECT Soviet and Rumanian Military
O ME Uf1W?} OT, T!a W1mul 1111 1104210% OF xf}~t at-10ma ACT LO
#1. S. C., 1t1 kph .~a^, Cc3 A'A11t1D$D, t1'$YPAasut 31O1R on Y1iiR U LATRLk1
OV ITS cOH'D I 1ti A MV OW, TO AD VITAUMOHCLB'D P90011 13 9110-
F RUMU W LX-2 '.Q9 A, T1tL4 rO:tE1 12 MOt11MUD.
DATE DISTR. 12 May 1951
1. in November 1950 all railroad stationmasters were given sealed orders to
bl: opened in an emergency.
Vj-."UgU 01 s , on the road tenita from Bucharest., a former
German concentration camp is now a munitions dump area. This munitions
camp was built by Soviet military units. Between 15 and 20 April 1951
four trains of 30 cars each unloaded munitions including hand grenades
which were discharged at the Oltenita station and which were to be
transferred to this dump, north of the railroad line just before
Budesti. Only Soviet soldiers are on guard at this munitions dump.
In January 1951 the Soviets gave to the Rumanian State Railroad
located at Foesani 60 Katyusha rocket launchers 25X1
_ ]Six separate Soviet units are located in the Foesani-Golesti
areas consisting of air force, infantry
ster, and 25X1
tank units. One unit is unidentified are approximately
40,0()3 Soviet troops in the Focsani area
Focsani Airfield is being enlarged threefo . It is l- ::::~the
ocated 205 kilometers 25X1
northwest of the railroad lines extending northward. This airfield is three
by three kilometers in size with 300 new aircraft of various types recently
located here. There are no details.
the forests of the Comana District. Each day one train of 40 cars
was en route to Giurgiu for loading petroleum, oil and lubricants from
lighters for transshipment to the USSR. Meat is shipped by railroad at
night so the civilians will not know of this activity. Fifty to sixty
truckloads of scrap iron leave Bucharest daily for the Resita Steel Works,
The Tudor Vladimirescu Mechanized Division is located at Strada 13 Septemvrie
in Bucharrst0 There is no information on the Horia Closca and Crisan Division.
Throughout the winter months four trucks were loaded daily with clothing into
railroad cars for delivery to the Militia in the interior of the country,
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Class. C.ha g To. `e s
Atit)o.: hF 1-2 RY'CABLE S'25X1
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/19: CIA-RDP82-00457R007700560001-2?~'
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/19: CIA-RDP82-00457R007700560001-2
the A imentara units throughout the country. Six hundred persons were dismissed
from Alimentara in April 1951. Many were offered Jobs at the Hunednara ?teei
Mills which are now beinie enlareed_
ov1 t Air Force pilots are located at the Hotel Paris on Strada Academiei.
in Bucharest.
kilometers of this road is already asphalted, the remainder of the read
is of gravel, and is used by the Danube-Black Sea Canal traffic, This
road when finished will be one hundred and twenty kilometers long and
have two lanes.
o Is under construction from Tulcea to Constanta. From Constanta ten
on 10 April 1951 Mangalia villagers became
u.Lanueu t en they were ordered out o iie village so the could not see the
Soviet troop movements into Bulgaria, reat numbers of
Soviets and a few Rumanian troops in misoara area. 25X1
areas near the Yugoslav border~:::l
s Unsuitable or regular onmuniat election propaganda. Free 25X1
theater shows were substituted. Soviet troops, guns, and equipment in large
quantities were seen in the Turnu Severin and Craiova areas. The trains
consisted of 30 cars, all were headed for Timisoara region. Intensive work
has been started on the Mangalia Lake link with the Black Sea,, Danube-Black
Sea Canal workers were imported for this "priority" project.
from the Soviet Union were unloaded on the Galati docks and sent by crate to
the Otopeni (Bucharest) Airfield for assembly. After these planes were
assembled, they were sent to the Yugoslav border. The Galati docks are
guarded by 300 Soviets including MGB and ZKO (railroad traffic control
unit). This unit is headed by one colonel, two majors, and six captains,,
There are five thousand Soviet troops in Galati. Soviet clerks in Galati
estimate that there are 300,000 Soviets in Bulgaria, The Five Year Plan
calls for Sovromtransport to build 20 tugs (600 horsepower) and 12 lighters
(14,000 tons), The bridge over the Siret at Sendreni was opened in April
Canal construction. This railroad will be two kilometers long. In
early April 1951 Soviet troops and equipment which were stationed in the
Dorabantu region, 12 kilometers from Mangalia, were headed for Bulgaria,
started to construct a ne to aid in the Danuube-Black Sea
,anger a project, Rumanian military engineers have
Cernavoda Bridge. Munitions are also kept here for the anti-aircraft guns
guarding the bridge. On 5 April 1951 80 railroad cars with Soviet troops
passed over the Cernavoda Bridge en route to Bulgaria. On 6 April 1951 40
cars with Soviet infantry troops, anti-aircraft guns and larger guns also
passed over the Cernavoda Bridge en route to Bulgaria.
an un ergroun depot kilograms of dynamite) 800 meters from the
an explosion occurred on 15 April 1951
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/19: CIA-RDP82-00457ROO7700560001-2
aom, daily.
45 days two Soviet jets took off between a.m. an
They remained aloft only 15 minutes daily,, No other aircraft were noted.:
"inactivity" of the Pipera fields
the "underground" construction at the Otopeni Airfield
is intensive. Hangars are now being constructed at the Tunari fields near
Pipera, a former emergency landing field, The Pantelimon Bucharest weather
balloon station is now being expanded, There are no details, The Fopeeti
L.-Leordeni field is also being expandel. at present.;
Soviet tanks and amphibious craft heading southward through Galat from
bridges near Oancea on the R an-- essara ion fron
loading and unloading of Soviet trains,)
nightly, consisting usually of tanks and various guns.
13, On 21 April 1951
than Galati 25X1
Competrel Enterprise plans to build a new reservoir at the end of Strada Ceres.,
The capacity of this reservoir would be of"2,000" railroad cars each of ten tons,
The present reservoirs are located at Noua, Caramidariei and Prutului Streets,
These reservoirs are not camouflaged., Sand and foam extinguishers are used as
e,1 Fe, ran.. w':e t~uT ;aer of
fire protection for these reservoirs. There,. to no,
5 new storage tanks five meters square eig me ers
high have been erected near the dock. Fifteen lighters filled with gas,
kerosene, and fuel oils, sail daily toward the USSR,
the oil centers
in the Braila area are located as follows: the village of Chercea, close
to the railroad line at the entrance of the railroad station. Opposite this
site there is another reservoir. The third deposit is at Fortului and
Danubiului Street. These reservoirs have a capacity of one hundred and
forty tons. The former Concordia reservoirs are located outside the Braila
docks. These reservoirs (four tanks) have a capacity of six hundred tons
each, These reservoirs store gasoline and fuel oil.
there is a Competrol depot (five tanks) between the Flarases r ro s Lion
and the town museum, Sand and foam extinguishers are used as fire protection,
The town of !'tarasesti has fire engines equipped for oil fire fighting.
The fuel (gasoline, motor oil and kerosene) which is stored here arrives from
Ploesti via railroad tank cars,
it is 25X1
stored temporarily inside the port before loading into Soviet tankers, 1C0,0OO
to 25,000 tons capacity, Four of these tankers shuttle monthly across the
Black Sea from Constanta. At the entrance of the port there are 25 tanks,
ten meters high by ten meters in diameter, These tanks have brick and concrete
blast walls, These tanks are camouflaged. The port of Constanta has an
automatic extinguisher system as well as hydrants and fire trucks with
foam equipment and sand,
Constanta - 25X1
USSR, No military equipment is moved by ship. No amphibious training
is seen in Constants harbor. Cement, which is received from Cernavoda, Turda,
Stalin (formerly Brasov), Comarnic, Fieni, and the Dambovita plants are loaded
directly into Soviet ships. The port of Constanta is also Jammed with cement
and paper bags. Anti-aircraft guns are located in the hills overlooking the
port. These anti-aircraft positions extend to Eforie, Carmen Silva and
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/19-: CIA-RDP82-00457ROO7700560001-2
now, has SO OOO cubic meters of lumberb This lumber is mainiy ipped to the
for the past
cars arrived
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/19: CIA-RDP82-00457R007700560001-2
tnere are about Competrol reservoirs southwest of Constanta. There
are blast walls about six meters high and 10 meters in diameter around
these reservoirs. Sand and foam extinguishers are used asfire prevention;,
direct from a special pipeline,
Sovrompetrol has 20 offices in Constanta,
m many ov e v Tian employees. Rumanian laborers are used at the
installations (former Concordia, Romano-Americana and Steaua Romana
reservoirs) located at Bratianu and Gara Palas outside Constanta. There are
about 100 reservoirs 10 by 10 meters and each is 100 meters apart, Foam
extinguishers are used at these installations as well as one observation
tower. The pipeline and tank cars from Ploesti and Horeni discharge the oil
at Bratianu where it is measured in kilograms. The oil is temporarily stored
at Bratianu until the port of Constants is ready to load it into Soviet ships
LP 8
oil and kerosene. This fuel comes from Ploesti via railroad.
there are five Competrol
reservoirs by 10 meters) in the Calarasi railroad station yard storing as
is guarded by Soviet military and civilian guards. This area receives the oil
from Ploesti and Targoviste by pipeline and train,
about 40 oil tanks are located near the Casa
.scan e a near Baneasa (northwest of Bucharest). There are also underground
installations, with fire extinguishers, sand and nearby military fire fighting
company with trucks and water hydrants, located in this area. This area
Mangaliaa Along the coast gun concentrations are located within two kilometers
south of the port.
20. Reportedly, the Soviets have sent to their troops in Rumania 120 and 82
millimeter mortars, BWT type rifles which have ten cartridge magazines capable of
traversing five kilometers, Mosin Agan rifles, with five cartridge magazines for
the infantry, automatic tomrumy guns,, 75 round drum cartridge, Maxim machine guns
and PPT (sic) rifles with 2.5 meter barrels capable Qf penetrating. tar; armor'.
These weapons were not brought through Constanta harbor.
e August (former Astra Romans), Orion and Petrolina refineries
were incorporated into Sovrompetrol. The above refineries have a 220,000 ton
refinery capacity per month. Although there is a shortage of crude oil, about
130,000 - 160,000 tons of crude oil is produced monthly. About 25 percent
of the above production is gasoline. The Soviets tolerate "factory and
refinery losses" of 2.4 percent. About 85 percent of the crude oil produced
in Rumania is sent to the USSR. Ethyl gas and tractor fuel receive the
greatest attention in Ploesti.
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