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Publication Date: 
June 14, 1951
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP82-0 I CLASSIFICATION s- st.rtI 0 IS CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY BbkiFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY Germany (Russian Zone) C ONFIDENTIILL SUBJECT Rail Movements PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. ? V131/, 457R007800610008-8 REPORT CD NO. DATE DISTR, 14 Juna 1 c1 50X1-HUM NO. OF PAGES 4 NO OF ENCLS. 50X1-HUM rnis DOCUMENT ,VPITAISS INFORMATION APPF.ITTINO TUE ISATtoiVALDIFENSR 0? TRU %Mint/ MiaTRS %MOM FER DISACIINe Or THE risPILINACE ACT SO 3.3, c., RI ANN RS. AS AIIENDRII ITS Truttuarawslon OR ThU VIRIVRIATION OF ITS CONTENTT ILI ANT WINNER TO AN RiliAOTHORITUR MESON 1-1 FRO. 4/917/11/ NV LAI% 3EPS40UCTI03 OF MIS FORM IS PROBILUTIM, THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1-HUM (7-4..Yie 1, Shipments of the Berlin railroad 50X1-HUM district on 12 and 13 April 1951 included: =DA= EUM=12-211.4-2at2 One railroad car wdth Origin unknown, to military goods $ Kirchmoeser 12 April Five railroad cars with Origin unknown to gasoline Brandenburg 12 April Train of 26 boxcars with ammunition and 1C empty gon- dola cars as crash cars; Toepchin to Altengrabow 13 April Uolmirstedt to Satzkorn Thirtean flatcars with unknown cargo; 13 April 50X1-HUM 2 Eilitary shipments of the Berlin 50X1-HUM railroad district between 12 and 19 April included: allamaut Troop train of boxcars coaches and 11 Train of 26 boxcars, 13 gondola cars and 2 flatcars with ammuni- tivi CLASSIFIO.ATIO STATE 1 KAVY 1 Xi NSRE LARMY # 2: MR # 11X1 FBt CONPIDENTLX6 Erm:22-and_Latl Welmirstedt to Satzkorn 13 April Tcepchin to Altengrabow 13 April (1) 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM a St! U r-1 ? ' ??'" ? Tr.: ^ 7, 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800610008-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800610008-8 4 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY .2. ad=at 11,9117.7.,..9_,mLaug Empty train of 6 boxcars and 35 flatcars Troop train of 14 boxcars and 39 flatcars Empty train of 3 boxcars and 13 flatcars Troop train of 19 boxcars and 36 flatcars Troop train of 15 boxcars and 25 flatcars Troop train of 14 boxcars and 21 flatcars Train of one boxcar and 28 tank cars with gasoline Troop train of 16 boxcars and 20 flatcars Empty train of 19 boxcars and 15 flatcars Empty train of 14 boxcars and 31 flatcars Troop train of 29 boxcars and 20 flatcars Empty train of 15 boxcars and 25 flatcars Empty train of 14 boxcars and 39 flatcars Empty train of 25 boxcars and 31 flatcars Altengrabow to Rathenow 16 April Wildpark to Altengrabow 16 April Altengrabow to Wildpark 16 April (2) Rathenow to Altengrabow 17 April (3) Uildpark to Altengrabow 17 April (2) Wildpark to Utengrabov 17 April (2) Boehlen to Velten 18 April Wildpark to Altengrabow 18 April Altengrabow to Rathenow 13 April Altengrabow to Wildpark 18 April Vildpark to Altengrabow 13 April Altengrabov to Brandenburg 18 April Altengrabow to Wildpark 18 April Altengrabow to Wildpark 19 April SECRET.-CONTROL/U$ OFFICIALS ONLY (2) (2) 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800610008-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800610008-8 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY .3. alum= Empty train of 10 boxeArn nrul lq flatcars Empty train of 29 boxcars and 20 flatcars Troop train of 13 boxcars and 31 flatcars agaaz.12_412, Altengrabow to Satzkorn 19 April Altengrabow to Wildpark 19 April Wildpark to Altengrabow 19 April (2) 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 3. A troop train of two boxcars with troops and an unde- termined number of flatcars with thirteen 50-mm AA guns on an outrigger-type mounts and 18 trucks left Frankfurt/ Oder on 10 April, going to Jueterbog via Fuerstenwalde. (4) 4. Military shipments observed at the Frankfurt/Oder railroad station between 15 and 21 April included: one tank shuttle- train with 20 tanks and an undetermined number of troops In 10 boxcars going to Lieberose on 15 Apr-a; a troop train with an unknown number of flatcars carrAng 20 tanks, 8 trucks, and equipment, and 8 boxcars with troops and equipment, standing at Frankfurt/Oder on 16 April; one troop train of flatcars with 22 SP guns and six boxcars with 76.2-mm ammunition and small arms, standing at Frankfurt/Oder on 19 and 20 April; and a shipment of two tanks, standing at Frankfurt/Oder on 21 April. (5) 5. Daily Soviet leave trains going to Brest Litovsk were practically empty while the leave trains from Brest Litovsk were occupied up to approximately 80 percent during the period from 10 to 21 April. 6. Military shipments railroad subdistrict office aLi2M2at Empty shuttle-train boxcars and 21 flatcars; Empty shuttle-train boxcars and 21 flatcars of the Jueterbog on 18 and 19 April included: of 7 of 7 gramrap_aud_Ats,D Forst Zinna to Wittenberg 18 April Forst Zinne to Bernau 13 April 5LCRET-COFTROLATS OFFICLUAS ONLY 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800610008-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800610008-8 4 SECRET/CONTROL - U08. OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY -4- ailtMat Empty train of 44 flatcars Train of 26 boxcars with ammuni- tion, 29 tank cars with unknown cargo and one coach; Empty train of 43 flatcars ErsaL12?...-"and_pat-Q, 50X1-HUM Berlin-3choeneweide to Dobrilugk 13 April altengrabow to Juoterbog-Altes Lager 19 arril Wuelknitz to Loecknitz 19 April 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM ,gc. The trainpro ably carried components of the 10th Gds Tank Div which returned to teir home station from Letzling Jeath. 50X1-HUM the six trains, with a total of 99 boxcars and 156 flatcars, probably carried elements of the unidentified artillery division in Potsdam which went to Altengrabow between 16 50X1-HUM and 19 April. The dispatch of these six trains from Wildpark to Altengrabow was reported in summary form The train probably carried troops of the 6th Arty Div, elements of which from Bathenow and Brandenburg were reported to have moved to Altengrabow in early April The same train was retorted and, 50X1-HUM carried elements of the ummenwamea AAA Inv, possibly the 32dm going from Frank- furt Oder to Jueterboge 50X1-HUM also reported that tanks of the 7th Gds MeezbUA1-I1UM v were loaded in Frankfurt/Oder for shinmA between 12 and 18 April. 7t to Lieberose 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/18: CIA-RDP82-00457R007800610008-8