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Ari3roved For Relea;11216061066-31gai6ii6COAVR007900 INFORMkrON REPORT IVIEUAid 11 COUNTRY Pelcistan SUBJECT Aims of the Communist Party of Pakistan PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. 25X1C CD NO, DATE DISTR. AUG 53. NO. OF PAGES 5 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 25X1X V K , r The following Is nn unedited translation of a 19 paragraph Urdu nublication, isseel ley the Communist Party of Pakistan (CPP):* What Does the Pakistan Communist Party. Want?" Pakistani brothers and sisters; 1 After assuming power the ruslin Leagae leaders droved our country to the veree of destructien le-thin a period of fur years. rillIons of eslims trusted them, honing that they would free the people from the yoke of British slavery, But what have the Teague leaders done? They have streegthened t1-e chains of slavery. They hove reduced Pakistan to the status of a lomtnion of the British pire. ve know that the British exploited oer fertile country for more than a century snd a half. As a result, our people hrd to starve; they were deorirod of their food and clothing. They became bankrupt. lur indastries and err were destroyed. Nr nation was hueiliated, reir culture and civilizatien were sunnreseed Loverr of the countryeere hanged. Millions of our countrymen were eent behind bare. 7Ven today, Pritieh Imperielists have enslaved coentries Iraq, Tronsjordan, Trmvot, and Sedan. A large part of Africa Is under their eleven% They are onpressing the freedon-loving citizens of "alaye. They are suppressing the forces of peace, freedom and denocreqv be Joining hands with the United States. They are prenaring to drag humanity into a war. But Tiaquat All Than en-1 other League leaders are still aneeasiee the British Imperialists! They say that TW-istan should remain in the Comeoevealth. They state that the British Commonwealth stands for the nrotection or neace and freedoe. They did not supeort the demand in the Pakis4an Perliement that British forces should be vithdrawn from They are not following an indeeendent democralic policy in the United rations. he League's breign "inister, 'ir "ohamnad La're)lah, has become a vemn-forlever of the Anglo-American bloc. br instance, Sir Zafrullah lid not suneort the pronosnl to outlay ile) atom bomb. W., when the US attacked 'Porea, our rrime rlinter iemediately anneunced that Pakistan s+nnyls. by the side of the r'7. rr. Tiagent Ali Than tnd oth-r "uslim League Nariaters have declared 511 their seeecl'es that Pakis'ea is preeared to fight Communism i.e., Pussia and Chinn, eit, the USA and U7, nrovided these countriee help Pakistnn. CLASSIFICATION Document No. ?Change In C Declassified Aass. banged T Autha Ha 10-2 This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with tbe letter of 16 October 1973 from Director of Central Intelligence to t..k, Archivist of the United States. 82-00457R00 r 810005210006-Pate: 2008 Approved For Release 2000/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900520006-6 Marla INTELLIGENCE AMITY ? 2 ? 25X1A 2.. As far as this aid is concerned, the ITS imperialists openly say that if aey eountry joins them In preparing fora war against Cormuaism, they will at these countries with war equipment. But the eame US and BritLehers do not provide us machinery for the industrial development of Pakistan. In spite of this attitude,. the us in League rulers are apreasite the US.. This foreign ea:ley is not an indenendent but a slavish policy.. This policy le to in the Pakis4anis into eaneon?fodder in the, Angle?finericen ear Th:, In brief, is a polity of destruction. 3. Coming to the internal effatrs of Pakistan, we find that BrWshers are dominating our administrat'on. General Grecey is gone, but there are several other British officers in the Pakistan Army. In the rbreign Affairs lepartment, a British Jaw, Creagh Coen, is a Secretary. Secret correseondence Is done by another T)1glishman in Foreign Affairs. In the Commerce Department, the key mae is a Britisher, "sicvarehar. Two British officers are Deputy Directors le Central Intelligence Bureau. Inspectors? General Police of the Frontier 2..ovince and Sind are En ishmcn, The manager of the Forth Western Railway is also a Britisher. 4. Pave the L-ague leaders, who denounce their opnonents as traitors, asked the Pritishers whether they are loyal to Pakistan ae to British imperialicm ? Insteed, they do not hesitate to send their own countremee like Virea Mohammad Ibrahim, Khuehhal vban Yhattak, Ataullah Jahanisn, Abdul Khalif' Azad, Sobho Gianchandani, Col. 'ateef Afghani, end other compatriots behind bars They do not feel ashened for issuing arrest warrants against Eajjai Zaheer, Shaukat Ali, Chaudhry Asian and Abdul AZi2 patriots who have dent their lives to achieve freedom for their country and rights for laborers nod farmers. But they seek the friendship of Britain which ensleved our coantre Fmen today, Pritish corpanies, British banks and British capitalists domdnate our country. Voll-art Brothers, haul Brothers, Imperial Tobacco Compaq, Tmnerial Chemical Company, shipping companies, Attock Oil Company, Burmah? Shell, Aesociated Cement and British owners of tea gardens are all eaplottire our country. League leaders, instend of storming this exploitation, are inviting the British and ITS canitalists to invest capital in Pakistan so that they may consolidate their exploitation. Thez, do not realise that Pakistangs irdustries are in a state of decay. Factory owners are going bankrupt and thousands of laborers and workers are unemployed. But the League persues the policy of dumping foreign goods in this country. They care not at al/ for their own ildustry, or their own country, 5. Can we not manufacture cloth in our own country? Why fill the pockets or the British by imnorting their cloth worth Repeee 30.0 Crores? Can we not ranufacture cigarettes and Bins in Pakistan? Can we not run oil companies and tea gardens? Why hand over crores of rupees to the British? Britain awes us crones of rupees which nere borrowed under duress during the lee war. But, today, they refuse to return that money,. They reduce thees balances on some pretext or other. The fact remains that Lague leaders represent capitalists, landlords and navabs. Their rule ream the rule of the capitalists and British Imperialists Whet filaV They Done for the Laborers During the Lest Three Yeare? 6. Mr. Liaquat Ali Than had promised Pakistani railwaynen that he would. taplemera the recommendations of the Pay Commission of undivided India. But these nromises were broken. Thousands of railwaymen were thrown out of employment. When +here was a nominal increase in their wages, the laborers preteeted.. The result.was that labor union leaders were arrested. League hire:stngs tried to disrupt labor ranks and intimidated the workers with the help of the police. 7. The Leaguees do not want workers to claim housingfacilities, oli. age pans :ton, or subsistence allowances during unemployment. They support the ownere of factories in the fight betweee labor and capital, even if they are Yon... Pakistanis. It does not matter much to tha League leaders oven if rakieteni laborers die of starvation, while fereign capitalists fill their eoffees, This is the labor policy of the Leaguers. Approved Fo 006-6 Approved For Release 2000/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900520006-6 CO lA CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY - 3 - What Nave the Leaguern Done for the Feres? 8. During the laet three years, big landlords and jagirdars have been ousting the fermers from their lands. But the League Ministries always supported the lanilsrds and jagirdars. Illegal gratification continued. But Le:gue minieters and officero did not intereene. In .6.ontier Province and Sind, League 'ffinisters announced that they are in favor or abolishing the jagirdari system. A bill was also passed in the Frontier Province, But the farmers in that peovince shall have to pay a heavy price for becoming owners of lands as only ancestral agricalterists are allowed to become proprietors by paying a nominal compensation. But they aee very few in number; only one percent; so also in Sind, it was proposed lo abolish the jaglriari system. Pu i the very proposal came to an end. 9. The law, which was introduced fer the benefit of the Haris, is being used to oust the laris. Rot only the jagirdars? landlords and ?sham but also the Leaguers have been exploiting the farmers. Foreign capitalists have been dumping their commodities in Pakistan. Moreover, sales tax, railing fare, and stamp duty have 'seen continaously increasing. The farmer is hit hard by the fixation of floor prices of cotton and jute. TO add to this, there is an increase in corruption. What Nave the League Leaders Done for the Pakistani Refugees? 10. Even today, millions of refugees are neneless and unemployed. They are seuattering on the foot-paths of Karachi. Evacuee property of Hindus and Sikhs has been allotted to a few persons. Land was not allotted to millions of refugee farmers, and those who received lands are paying heavy cash rent. Henee, res trees are suffering, What About the Fducated Claes? 11. The educated men are unemployed andhomeless. The employees are Ing as their valariee are being decreased, SnaThebusineemen and are either losing or becoming bankrupt. Derieg the rule of the 1 Leaguers, education Is at a staedstill, While school and, college increasing, The salaries of lecturers and teachers are so snail cannot maintain their ferillese also suffer- mill-owners iuzliw fees are that they 12. Nov let us look at our administration. '2?,1 find corruption api favoritism In each anl every depertrent. There is black-marketing of lfcenses, allot- ments and eovernment contracts. The Central Goverment hau charged the Provincial Ministers and Assembly members with corruption, 'bribery, favorit]an and inefficiency. League members of the Central Assembly have to be bribed by offering them nrofitable business. Than Abdul Qayrum Than has adopted the same nroeedure. When this system failed, seven As-embly members were arrested. 13. During the recent elections in the Puejab, Vuslim Leegue nominated jagirdars, landlords, illiterates, unionist traitors, cattle-robbers and rogues az the representatives of Punjab. Civnl liberties have been suppressed: Central Safety Ordinance Provincial Safety Act, Ciind Hur Act, and the Frontier Regulation are enforced to send frodom-loving citizens behind bars. Three newsnalsers of the Communist Party have beee banned, azni:Haat and other anti-League newspapers have been suppressed. 14. The Pakistan Comnurist Party says the: the Muslim League and their leaders do not deserve the confidence of the Pakistanis. Their record is not clean. Traitors have caused immense harm to the interest of the country. Time demands that this anti-human regime shoeld be over-thrown, Pakistanis can do it. The Muslim Leaeue leaders depend unon the support o British imperialism and its 'erutal power. Approved For Release 2000/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900520006-6 A proved For Release 2000/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900520006-6 . CENTRAL INTMLIGENCE AGENCY . 4 - 15. The Communist Party appeals to all sections of public opinion to sink their differences and to form a united front to maintain reeedom and democracy and to accelerate the pace of the country's prosperity by overthrowing the terpue Government. 16. Freedom-loving Pakistanis can unite under this programe*** a. Pakistan should quit the Connonwealth and become an inlependent Republic. b. Pakistan should not be a camp-follower of the BritlaheUS imperialists. Her foreign policy should be independent. She should support the forces of eeace, freedom and democracy and opnose British-US war mongers. She should maintain friendly relations with her peaceful neighbors, Soviet Union and China. e. Pakistan's constitution should be based on democracy. It should be federal. eA new Constituent Aseembly should be elected by adult franchise. Pakistan's provinces should be giver the right of self- determination. d. Civic rights should be protected. Safety Act, Press Act and other such laws should be abolished. People shoeld be allowed to express their opinion freely and to organize parties peacefully. All political prisoners, including workers, should be releaaed. e. The Tagirdari sestem and landlordism shoul'A be brought to an end without paying apy compensatien to the landlords and jagirdars. Celti- evatore should own the land. Expulsion of cultivators should be immediately stopped. Cultivators should get ancestral rights. Bribery and free exploitation of labor should be treated as a crime. Cash rent should be reduced. f. Laborers, employees, policemen and solders should get living wages and salaries. Old-age pensions, unemployment allowances, free medical aid, and housing facilities should be granted. Werkers and technicians should be allowed to organize associations, to hold meetings, to take out proces- sions, and to go on strike. g. Those taxes whose incidence falls on the people should be abolished or reduced. The sales trx should be abolished Compulsory collection of sebscriptionn should be stopped- h. Foreign factories, workshote, tea gardens and banks should be nationalized. I. National and patriotic capitalists should be encouraged. j. Women should be offered equal democratic rights, Educational and social development facilities should be provided to men and women, k. Primary education should be free and comnulsory. Urdu and other provincial languages and culture should be developed. 1. Industrial and agricultural development plans should be formed to increase production and wealth of the country, 17. The Pakistan Communist Party appeals to all patriotic citizens of Pakistan to unite to carry out the above-mentioned program. Peoples' Organiza, lienspfarners' comnittees labor unions, intelligentsia and middle class ies societ should be strengthened. Unity of the democratic and patriotic citizens can overthrow the Muslim League's rule. Approved For -Release 2000/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R00790006-6 Approved For Release 2000/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900520006-6 ctITTRAL INTMLIGENCE AGEVCY - 5 - 25X1A 18. If you vete for the Communist Party in the Punjab elections and for the labor organleatIone of the country, you will be hitting hard the puppets of British imperialism and our selfish enemies. If you vote for them, you will be accelerating the progressive movezent and the struggle for freedom. ' 19. The Pakistan Communist Party is a workers' party, which ie striving for the freedom, aeraoeragy and prosperity of the natriotic citizens of the country. Strengthen the Cornunist Party, enroll youself as a member of the party and bring the day of the country'*, freedom and the peoples prosperity nearer. PAKISTAN COMMTIST PARTY 411 McLeod Road Lahere (Pakistan Times Press, Lahore) Printer-Publieher-Firoz-ud-dln renew 25X1A CoMmente This publication was intended for general circulation anfbears a oneanne-price mark, but in practice, is hard to obtain because tl,e police seize all copies possible. 25X1A ** IIIIIILCoramsrrt,'. This publication was apparently intended mainly' as a manifesto for the Narch PUnjab elections, although it appeare to have been roin.sed somewhat and there is a reference to the recent Punjab election (paragraph 13). It would clearly seem to have been written before the arrest of Tale Ahmed Fez in. Nal* 1951.. There are maey similar points of comparison between this document and th" o of the Pakistan Comeunist Party which was disseminated 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900520006-6