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Document Release Date: 
October 5, 2000
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Publication Date: 
August 30, 1951
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COUNTRY Tibet/Clhina TATION REPORT INFORM' SUBJECT Situation in Tibet PLACE ACQUIRE 25X1 C DATE OF CD NO. DATE DISTR. 10 ATJG 51 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. cusTEb sEL OW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NQ. 1. After the death of the 13th Dalai mama, under whom discipline was strictly enforced,, the Tibet 4a army was, neglected to the point that the officerb, themselves of poor quality, had very little control of their men, and orders,, when given, had little effect. In addition, the troops sent to some Of the outlying provinces haves in. many cases, been more of a burden ore the people than a protection for them. 2. The inhabitants of the Kham area have, as a tirhole, been rather disaffected;, primarily because many of the officials sent there have been unduly extortionate and the Lhasa Government has been unable to keep them under control. This my have incl inert them to welcome the Chiaeae, without eay- question of Communism? of which they have hau no kaovileab or experience. The Khambas are, however, veey res 1iF:ious, and for thin reason might change their attitude toYJard the Ghizaesse, rrr,ari it vrc,s t,oc late. In Amdo, to the northeast, the Tibetan population had been severely oppressed. by the Chinese Loslems under y.A Pu-fang, with the result that, though rather anti-Chinese, they walcomed the Comuuuaista, vi o gave them an apportu:aity to revenge themselves Menu kill many i.oalezs. 4, laven in the central provinces or Tibet, where ttie people are loyal to the Lhasa Governmeat, WWL:.1 h has been able to control the local, oflfi,oials? Chinese Communist propa :anda has tiaa some effect un the pc-pulati on at large. The novelty of the radio has inclined people to the belief tnv%t any, iniormatioa conveyed by this medium is true. As a resulb, the broad-oasts; from Hsin1ri and Peiping, beite_ the only ones received, have been accorded an uncritical acceptance. 5. On 30 October 1950 t}e Dalai Lau and le3uing officials decided to consult the State Oracle of aechung, and a second oracle .is well. The Nec} ung+ Oracle went into a trance but refused, with signs of anger, to give- err advice, after which he left. The second o:,aole, after going into a trance, advised that the Regent resign, and the Dalai L raa assume full powers. This advice had been given some months previously by the t.echuag C ra cle , i uic. had been dis.r?e arded. Approved-For RO - 1ARDF'82-00452 0794 Approved For Release 2001/03/06: CIA-RD S CF T~CU:3TicoL - U.S. Oi ICIALS O,ZLY Gk4 T AL 1 TuLiUGjd C r-GMCY Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900740006-2 ?rijFjI A On its confirmation by the second orracle, it was accepted, and the Regent forthwith retired, receiving a vote of tl3taks Yor his services. 6. in order to stren,,,ti,en the Government, two now ministers were coopted, a honk and a layman, rsisinr the number of ministers from four to six. 7. A ourfow was impcsed in Lhasa from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m., and arrancemeats wera9 made to have the city streets patrolled by one of the two best red imexlts, as prsoautictis against plunaering by unruly elements during a period of general confusion. SEC:ET/cO: TF Cr'1 ICIAALS OILY Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900740006-2