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Publication Date: 
June 19, 1951
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Approved For Release 20003/06 -IA-RDP$2 06457RO07900M` ' i L..1T1AL/UU.3TkUL - U.S. OF'rIC1ALS U_dL 4;tJ? U-Il;AIIUIN +G:dr CENTRAL I LICENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT CD N95X1A COUNTRY 0,acao/China/"siong Z,on~ SUBJECT' Chinese Co mmUnis*za?1 pmeats_.via_ kaoao PLACE ACQUIRED 1.10? h 4..o DATE DISTR. 19 June 1951 NO. OF PAGES 2 -HO. OF ENCLS. DATE OF 25X1 A INFO. 25X1X UEN IAL/CONTR.OL ., U.S. OV I CIALS ONLY nrs?tr DI5 IBUTION -~{ !!~ 1, I S ML I,y 7 I T i A P. a. p.~ er s t `~T#{37 ` ~ BC Jc ~.~ _O ~ .-x C LoriTzt IL CI' CP CO ;AEI _ F I Approved For Repass 2001/03/06 :, CIA-RD SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 1. In late L+:ay 1951 the Ta Ch'aag Trading Companyl, Laoao, purchased in bong Kong on behalf of the Ciiiaese Communists 39 boxes of automobile and machine parts, at a cost of approximately HK ?200,000. On 7 June these boxes were shipped from Hong Kong to1Wacao where they were unloaded at Number 12 Wharf and stored in the Chen Hsing aarehousa Ch? iagohou area, Macao? awaiting shipment to Cantor. 2. The Nan Kuang Company made the following shipments by water from Macao to Kongmoon: 25X1 C a. 5 June: 600 drums of kerosene and 4 boxes of drugs. b. 6 June: 930 drums of gasoline, 700 drums of kerosene? 60 truck tires, and 300 tons hf steel plate. o. 7 June: 840 drums of gasoline, 600 drums of kerosene, 15 drums of coal tar, about 13 tons of pig iron, and approximately 8 tons of crude rubber. d. 8 June: 20 drums of gasoline, 900 drums of kerosene, 19 drums of residue 'ate, 2 boxes of drugs and 3 boxes of automobile parts, e. 9 June: 40 drums of gasoline, 900 drums of kerosene, 19 drums of residue fats, 2 boxes of drugs and 3 boxes of automobile parts. f. 10 June: 30 drums of gasoline, 700 drums of kerosene, 11 tons of iron, and approximately 8 tons of crude rubber. 11 June: 40 drums of gasoline, 20 drums of kerosene, 20 drums of residue fats, and 40 tires. Pig 3,, The Tian Kuang Company made the following shipments by water from .aoao to Canton : a. 6 June: 260 drums of gasoline, 220 truck tires, approximately 38 tons Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDPP82-00457R007900900002-8 COYF11 IAL/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 25X1A CENTRAL INTELLIG&I CE AG& CY -2- of crude rubber, 3 boxes of automobile parts, and 2 boxes of medicine. b. 7 Jur:.e: I, ` 00 uruums of gasoline. o. 8 June: 40 drums of gasoline, (30 drums of kerosene, 11 tons of crude rubber, and 3 boxes of automobile parts. d. 10 June: 500 drums of gasoline, 8 tons of steel plate, and 12 pieces of lead plate. a. 11 June: (300 drums of gasoline and 45 pieces of lead plate. f. 12 June: plate. 940 drums of gasoline, 540 truck tires, and 12 pieces of lead 4. The Nan Kuaag Company made the following shipments by water from Lacao to Shihch'1: a. 5 June: 40 drums of gasoline, 700 drums of kerosene, 30 drums of residue fats, approximately 16 tons of iron rods, and 11 tons of crude rubber. b. 6 June: 36 drums of gasoline, 800 drums of kerosene, and approximately 9 tons of crude rubber. o. 8 June: 40 drums of gasoline, 600 drums of kerosene, 10 drums of coal tar, 11 tons of iron rods, and approximately 16 tons of scrap iron. d. 9 June: 40 drums of gasoline, 730 drums of kerosene, 11 tons of pig iron, and approximately 16 tons of crude rubber. 25X1A CO~lF AENTIAL/COYTHOL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900900002-8