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June 27, 1961
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25X1A w6lattig IS COUNTRY SUBJECT 25X1 C Approved For Release 2001/03/06?: CIA-RDP82-00457R008000390 CLASSIFICATION cW.[T 7TM;,L/CC:9 T1()L - U.S e OF'FI CIALs- CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPOT Chirea,f~:eact o/ti~yn Kong /bong Xonr? and ~aoao Africa, Australia rsoeivin the largest a ,mount The saa Kuang GonzpaV made the followiaL. shipments by water from acao Kon gmoon: ti,rough DATE DISTR. 27 June 1951 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO s'?Jcne d ~.;. ~. I I REPORT NO. During Lay 1951, 3CA) tons of tune, oil as exported from Cozsununist China to .on i ong; during early June an additional 500 tons was shipped, wost of the hung oil was then s;,ipped from Law- riong to Australia, Japan and South a. 12 June: 40 drums of gasoline, 600 drums of kerosene, 20 drums of coal tar and a* tons of c:rude- rub ~ b. 1.3 June: 30 drumsf gasoline, 700 drums of kerosene, 30 drums of residue fats, 60 trick tires and 11 tons of iron rod3. oe 14 June: 40 drums of gasoline, 700 drums of kerosene, s0 tiros and 13* tons of orude rubber, d. 15 June: 50 drums of gasoline, 500 drums of ke#roseae, 30 drums of residue fats,, 60 tru tires, 4 boxes of medicizae and 13* tons of scrap i rem 9d 1.6 Junes. 40 drums of gasoline, 700 drums of kerosene, and 11 tons of crude rubber. f. 17 Jolt(: 60 drums ' of gasolines, 800 drums of kerosene, iii June: 50 drums oil gasoline, 700 drums of kerosene, 60 truck tiresf, 3 boxes or modioine and 11* tons of scrap iron,, v_. cruder ,ar and 13* tons of scrap iron. REPORT NO. T CD NO. Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008000390009-6 C@" l TT /CoNTRUL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 25X1A CENTRAL INTELLIG&9CE AG2MCY }. The Nan Kuang Company made the following shiprgaents by water from .aoau} to Canton: a 13 June: 40 drums of gasoline, 600 dreams of kerosene., c9O truop c; tires orude r ,r ~""" `" and 13' tons or be 14 June: 200 drums of gasoline, 200 drums plate and 64 sheets of lead plate. o,. 15 June: 26 truck tixes, 18* tons of crude rubber and one Marge truck, a.. 16 June: 50 drums of gasoline, '100 arwus of xeroswner, CG tons of deal tar, 680 sets of tires, 4 boxes of medicine and"sheets of iron plate:. 4, The Nan Kuang Company made the following; shipmeats by water from kaoao tiz, Shihoh11 1a a., 12 June: 50 drums of gasoline, ciO drums of keroaenw and 9* tons +i' orude rubber a ,ary.,.: b~. 13 June. 250 dreams of gasoline:. o, 15 June : 40 drums of gasoline, 700 drums of kerosene, 3 drums of rei idne fats 9 11 tons of crude rubber and 15* tons of iron rods d;, 16 June: 40 drums of gasoline, ]0 drums of residue fats and 14* tons of crude rubber.. e 4 17 Jucas: Z50 drums of gasoline. 700 drums of kerosene, 20 drums of residue fats and 80 truck UrAa, 25X1 C 5i? On 21 Juno the following sups lies rrhioh had arrived in Canton from .tong Kong; and iLacao were at than Huangshe Railroad Station, Canton, awaiting shipment north by rail: 500 drums of gasoline, 20 2,,'!-ton trucks and 600 sets of tirk;s. Co sent,: These figures are approximato. /CONT UL -- U.~3. GFi ICIAL ONLY Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008000390009-6