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December 14, 2016
Document Release Date:
January 4, 2001
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Publication Date:
June 5, 1951
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a v-?srrv. nip x .~11 3AY Y?.,J 11,f1`u
I o~
eIe se 2001/03/06 CIA RDP6f-0 0457
COUNTR~'..._._ T W. W...~ _ a e _ w _ 4_n a.HREPOR ` N
Alton: ,ur; j., rfJ.eld
EVALUATION. 'ce "d-L"i_~..' s ._ ----PLACE OBTAINED
25X1 A
PAGES ..~_.
lsketch on ditto
_ 1. Between 21 and 31 i.arch 1951. Altenburg airfield was still occur:=.ed
by a unit of about 30 twin--engine transoarts commoosed of three
25X1X squadrons with different squadron markings? (1) There vies intenssve
day flying on 21, 2L, and 26 =.`.arch. The follo;v:,ng flying- activity- :,as
observed on 2,14 :::arch 'then there core strong winds and a 13/10 c:ic-ud base
at an altitude of about 603 to 700 meters, At 9 a.m., nine a ircra! ft
with red squadron mark=!n-gs ,-7ere at the take--of ' =)oirt and then t -ok off
individually? "chile flying over ,he field at an altitude of about 453
meters, against the wind, two :Planes each dropped a ,acacia zte with con-
tainers suspended 5 meters under the co:ty.)aratively small parachutes,,
The parachutes which opened 1 seconds after their reloase, took ti:
seconds to reach the ground. Both containers landed near the;
cross in spite of the strong ~rind~ Source. cou' - not observed ,whether
the parachutes were dropped through a door or an opening in the bottom
of the plane? (2) During flying activity it was observed once that six
;planes took off in flight formation from the r away. The aixcraft. wore
refueled from tank trucks at the dispersal area,
i)uring flying activity, a radio i:aast, a radio truck, and three other
smaller vehicles ere parked next to the take-off point east of the
field. The radio installation at the northern end of the r nw:ay ~,ras in
operation. (3) The connecting line between the old radio ra:ast and t o
newly erected radio mast, set up at the take--ol:i point, wore parallel
to the runway. It is believed that approach flights ,?~cro practiced at
the field with the assistance of the'
he t:ho radio installations,- Or. 23 :. ~ rch
the radio mast at the take-off ;,joint was dismantled.,
It was observed that the twin. on`-ine aircraft had their door aft to the
right, that V.te tail wheel was not retractable; and that the landing gear
was retracted rearward. No ni ht flights were made on 2C, i.:arch., On 29
arch, the runway lights wore switched on but no flights were mndc. On
30 :..arch, two squadrons, each consisting of ei_r'ht ploznes, ?racticed
:lying in V-formation,: At about ty ~70m , .3 twin-engine hi h :'?ing r,.onrt';larie,,
with single rudder assembly and suspended radial engines with d rcp-siaapf.:ci
co;wwlings, flew over the field. (4)
NO Chancre in P,-
11 Be-cla-umed (A44V Li
Mass. Chugen, TO: 7~
Approved F r"lea` Atl/03/06 : C 004578008100230001-0
_-JUL __
? Approved For Release 2001/03r4pP82-00457R008100230001-0
.?'. Lf' I T A-.1 0-ill,
25X1 B 5X1 !
4. .'ru{ltcs and motor 25X1 B 5X V
25X1 B have been i opeateediy son erittor'in an leavf_n
the field. The na in -'uer d detail rto1 Ved to a tern;orar
recently erected near the acttloic.ent on the liorthea5tern edge of toe
fie: d .
5 Accor:?in; to a German oho was employed at the .ff?ield, ? llae field was
occupied by about C",,3,00 man orE;a7iized in ti%;D w-iits a The `U.7 -r ma'1n
further stated that the barracks buildings wcr fully occr3"oied, Th3
partition walls het.-een the rooms w re allegedly reriovee. thus forming;
lar ;or rooms in 1xi-ile-decker beds were 19 Larch
and 11t April, ,per. ao nel c:ali .in} .a .1; arr'_vad by truck from Altonbur-,
railroad station. t r}ba informant i12T't.ti%i' stated that the new kitchen
in the former hangar was smix)lied it'r eight bailers including five
1d'1th a capacity of :500 Titers each} two with a capacity of 600
and one with a ca. o ter of 1,000 MOM* It :aas raa-peatodly observe d
;a. red.
that officers at h field ,: ore blue ribbons ar oim. ! u-heir r< . s, )
6 :. sketch of the field was drawn with tile:w, assistance, of the tinforms: t,
: ,
The shelters s at the field which have S.diG',';f?. Ai'.CE3 ="'.t:~..,~' q e ~:~Zl~. ip4y 7 w' ~i:3.. .#,; ".tl .? ~i
9rc riot 4 n i red on the Siva c}la iez:C:F;' ?u for i .'1'ur ': i : I .`'.`l':.0rs~ Scon i i the
an -y intact hall a all of the t J'e i d in 1 'i ` rern
corner of the _Landin . ;i i oid
7., The following numbers ore roe on the n u der _lo: is :
y -o~ I ~i ~ t.~ ).07 !M47010; I t i`: ~
The lower portion of the circle wa li'larked `7n ii 7 +:i Ile hate,:1.1'lgu T ho :in-
foriasnt, who ro; oatedly obs ]:-V' ci t1ifh rani>! t2 of f ic~r r entering -!W''."!?J latter,
::)lane. thought that it was a 1","16. '71anoo (7)
L u 19 i,arch, the same infori].,imt? observed $t iat th ` troo;,m stationed at the
fie d wore an ga god in infantry ..:'g old i.T'