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INtrit0FAX j,anL/Us GFYc.x .i07-1 - -) 25X1A TryY ., Appciwd For Release 200 COUN amwmaise.....34;*, "OP1C Soviet Troons the Banz'..f7, Ard nrxirsvA - 25 lA 2 x?rlrX'...VI,t1^.0.MEZ,3rn.FJV.NhkA6AilWIWV',.,..l.POlgd,,liI.P,.tl/V,.WPVI. ?Nalfi n71 r 4.16 neU1111,4?119,41.11....., EVALUATION. 2 MICE OF CONT 2 xpATE OBTAINED REFERENCES PACES _JL__. ENCLOSURES REMARKS 2 X1X SOURCE 25X1C & TYPE: L, From 500 to 600 Soviet tr since the end of the wan, Rifle Regt Darrackn and i the old Transylvania Barr All vehicles of this unit was replaced by a still 1 and had an oblique (schra relieved depar4.:ed westwar orTiqmc.:. .DATE PREPP.PED. vtC ?Tmln ops have been stationed in Tinisoara (R 16,1T 91) nioy were quartered in the former Rumanian 5th .private houses, A larl-e Soviet unit noved into AZS and the Lenau I3arrack i the fall of :.949. 'ere marked with a swallosi, In August 1950, the unit 2ger unit which arrived from an easterly T.-rection estellten) white bear en its vehicles, The unit IT, CO 2, Prior to 15 April 1951, trl Soviet headquarters controlling all troops in the Banat ws located on :no sralth side of Plata Libortati flaberty ;",cuare opposite the former Primia (1.,ovA hall) At the headquar+-. s were three Generals., me of whom wm1 two stars and the other tan one star each These generals Imre still at ti! pont in Ipril 195L. Source did not know or any inspections of the post 1) hizh-rarking noviet officers (2) 'le only knew that one Ceneral i!tin), stayed in Rumania tenporz,rily in 1947. (3) The Soviet military post leadquarters was in the former German past headquarters buildt.T on Pariserstreel, Prior to February or !arch 1551, it was on Diaco- novic 'Loge Street, 40 All 6oviet troops were trtered in permanent barracks installations and all ,Dff4cers in Private 11L_ s The officers had special passes granting them Marty to move about .4 It Late 1950, entire residential areas were requisition, (16 so that all officers v).ild be billeted in one area0 rest of the Sovie t-cops were veteranss anO)iany of then wore war decorations 16 ras not observed whether any Inv groups of recruits had arrived, 25X1X 6 PlIPPlf The troops were equipped 11;1 both light and heavy tanks ,hey were similar to tanks whid he had Observed with the Sovie o ,. _..g, ,Ie J. nal. phase of World ar II0 The leavier tanks mounted a revolving turret and a gun CLASSIFICAT!CH , r4IFFICIALS atTY Document No. No Change In Class, 2: Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R0081008500 2 1.1 25X1A 25X1X 25X1X Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-004CE00 "-2.,riotn Asetti withoot nuzzle brake. All of the toni's observed were marled 'ith a rod star and a three-diEit number on their turrets, The tanks did not have AA oachin, clans. Nouevor, the tr000s were erwipped nurerous AA ooins of about 76 Imo without muzzle brakes. Some of these guns were permanently emplaced nt the \ neo airfield and neer the :Iontino 1:,00ds in Ti-isoara. everal 57-m Touns \ wore also observed, ;Th other artillery :ieces? rocket launchers, or Iwiavy nortars were seen at the :lost. Teas of two soldiers each -000e reno.ely ocen oarryinu a weapon consistior of a slio barrel, about two oeters lona with a butt-like device on its onei and ccovas-coverod "oolt nochanism forwookl of the butt. 11111111111111111111Lis 4ea:on produced a v,r,y shorn report when it woo Sired at the rars!e near tha quntinE is)odsc 7. no large-scale maneuvers worn ohoor:reel durtnr 1,110 sonner and fall of However, almost ever;., ot'.or day ?during the second half of /rar& 3-51; orainilc exercises for rart of the troopo 'L'ron the fort, lastYno one whole night, -r1 held in the area toward 3acaloz (1Z 16/T 81). Cunfire from heavy tea:ens and detonations wore heard from this oroa. Soviet tr000s were also seen l'actic- ing street firino. with blank a',.nuni%ion in the outskirts of the cit:; in 1952,, C. The Soviet troops in Tirisoara received ration su7lies, and pr ably, POL supplies from the Rumanian authorities. There was no soviet supply adrinistration A railroadran stated that the F;cv;et troops in Tio;soara rocefoed ore trainload of fuel monthly 9c The Soviet troops in Tirlsoare and 75uzins were parts of the oaLe major unit. 141 April 1951!, the troops in Buziao moved, into low wooden barracks brildincs newly constructed in the southresern sector of town, To billeting capacity of these quarters was ro.ghly estimated at 1,60C troops. Ducias residents stated that the weapons of the troops included tan