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Document Release Date: 
October 1, 2012
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Publication Date: 
September 14, 1951
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r- 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/10/02 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008300480001-1 IHAL PfrELL ICIFNUE EC RE'Dr.IPT !O'RY /r4 kk u T% t7D CONFIDENTIAL ORISSiOr Zone) r.LATF 1)I.STP. 3.4 sap 57 M43,YECT PoontveaqN; Seepelizel Construction nnd Other Information NO. 0;:- PAGES 2. 50X1-HUM PLACE NO. OF ENCLS. ACQUIRED (LISTED I3E104,1) DATE OF SUPPLEVENT TO REPORT NO. 17113 aaCatdar..T r7.0aTala3 VC114.0011TIOn APAECTSMO ThMiTionaiL OII Man TqW arliTaa sTATe5 al!TaIN TEM 01. T:18 ElmloNAcir ACT C. V, r?, 31 aina na? A% ofnaLt1.0. TaaDnansfir= Oa TM alEVELNTIOO OF ITS courtras 3r0 Ulf finallIa TO pa OftliaTRoantED vartIOPS 112 POO- , athrEa OW LAD, aaPOODOOTRINIOP 13:13 Pena la F120111111ED. U.IIIMDMEE-fMiEtlifiESZ.Z_7Sq'Mr--?i:LESIW.Mr2.A.:E;1 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1-HUM 1, On 20 May 1951, fear R-Boats, completed and taken over by the 3ee13e1izei? /ay elongnide the Peenewerft2. Wolgast. One R-Boat lay alongside to Seepolizei base at the former cement factory, and nne R-.Boat was observed under way proceeding northwards under the bridge Joining Usedon Island to Wolgest. 2. On 16 !lay six Mboate (Schnellhoote) lay alongside the Wolgest power station immediately south of the Peenowerft. On 20 !Jay only four of these still lay alongside. One was observed under way. 3. The "Dorschr lay in the Peene river alongside the Peenevarn lai:o in May. The "Ftrstenbere was an the repaif In the Peenewerft, a7aa, the "Prenzlau.11 alongside the yard. Work on the ?Furstenberg" is at preceat confined to repair of the hal below the water-line. 4, The Peeneverft program for 1951 includes repair work on belalf of the Seepolizei to the valn of 8,00o,0oo East Marks. 30 steel-hulled SE boat e will be delivered from the Rosalau yrs, 90-95% comPleted, for completion. It is not known whether all 30 are for the Seepolizei. The Peenewerft is also scheduled to build between six and etght SK boats.. Previously this yard carAed out only completion and repair Work. 5. Plans for a large-scale extension of the Peenewerft on behalf have now been approved, but no work has yet been begun. 50X1-HUM the Seenolizet These comprise the construetion of a mos yard 200 x 100 meters, with two slipwaysl to the north of the pe.ese:at repair slip. The site of this yard is at present part of the Poen e Rive:". On completion, a basin 300 x 65 meters will be formed. . A new AorkaYop5 120 :50X1-HUM 75 noterso will be built imediately wea6 or the new yard. The Seepolizei will also be occupying two planned administrative buildings in -,1.,he Peenewerft area. One is for General Administration and the other for the "Lbuleitune. (Other selalleT are also planned). 50X1-HUM 6., The forner Director of the Yard, Carl Paetzeld, has been trs.1152erx1 Restock and has been .replaced c Thoodor Koerner. The Russian :::ontroller of the Tardy Frantsucov has also left. The name of his scceessor is not yet knowa. CLASSIFICATION L._ FtIl STATE . WAIN NRB DISTRIBUTION _ CONFIDENTIAL 1:2z. r? a.n., 4 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/02 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008300480001-1