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Publication Date: 
September 28, 1951
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=ELCOFAXXi&-. Approved Fa:.k+c2001/,CIA-RDP82-00457R00830051 25X1 A CENTRAL INTELUGENCE AGENCY REPORT NC A F P 4 "SON REPORT CD NO.. 25X1A 25X1 25X1 C .C :3L 1-T 51 OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS.. W MD BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO, The Secretaries General of t 'le four of f 7cial fit):! It.ca1 parties of (iua E'; a;t.K3 met on the evening; or 19 July '1951 in the crystal studio of the national radio l:Gz,', to annnunce over the network the formation of the Aiianza. de P.z?t:llu ilemoc:x?a.t..cos.. `.Pnez ft:rAr prxx?ty lezt&Y;i were Roban-to Alvarado :` ccntes ;u S ?cretar3r :iencr-c z o the Pardo Accion Revolucionario (PAR j who is a ;o t osident. of the U't at? Llan Congress; Ai.Ior?so Bauer I'aiz,, Secretary. dr ne i o toe t?ten "'E . C515a:. irk' tib rtadc;C? f G."rer "inister of 2iinance and Public Credits Oscar ie.-..~t1enez de Leon, secretary laeneral of the i'artido '?enco.racion Nac i 1' 1'4 ~k , and vice Y x s Cent of the dl7ate Rr3l%1:'I Co gress; and. 'i::.c{ Tro s .,, e =.;ret ax Gen-nenall of the Par-tide Tn.tegr. idad_ Nac ion al "'R-1), and Mirti:s;iltore., Also present were the secretaries of Forei 'edationo, !! conCxy Xi d Labor', t iv LnteY'zor am-1 of Public '.Uucation. i'i "xr3G'74oe ' ernhuaez : +ort ea, a dP,;I:L " . t.ti .c ,11d2( r`u11 1T{, Go, Joint state tnerd, of tie io'our :aar":ies$ which be an 17y saying that th,--3y were not Ca or z ?.i-~ ztr e>7 S.e ry and tSi:a?t they bad been ~~nb~~Tranded*taynLs : spar ..zt[]~sts bVS L eaction.C]l..Rie..' n ,1 e Fo s 4t.t tut on of Guatct.~al 1 j, .Lan teed fi est .'icted freedon of reii t;ion, :"er nar dez continued, and that right the united diie: o?- f::r?atie ;a:r1 iet= respact',ed., 12oveve1, they werf united to defend # ~ . :des;?ai1y' constituted -,overrs nc, lri Colonel Jacobo A::benz, and to see that lie roaul.d able t o carry out. the ,ovel7;?:ment. pive't;rarrt h e,1 ad so patriotically ried;-ed himse .f to de : ale made d. clear, chat each of t :e four parties would continuer to tier , ino.el ?ridertly 'and in accordance With its on ideolo',Y, and that t tie l alianza ii),d into , Bind only to support a ad defend foe ;overrr- i ent of Colonel Arberiz rs The next speaker, Pro.fe:ssoc AJ f onso l oLtra z` orlos, "secretary of T'ropa; anda of the ?'I."s, ratified the R c_int statement for his party:, t.anue1 Galin;!, ,.sinister of Foreign '01ati ons g. and ERu aberto Gonzalez Juarez, -ieanter of the Political C nis lion '317 t'he party, who >".poke for Ma or Can oe Paz "+ esada * the chief of the Office of Propaganda and PYblici.ty of the Presidency, both F R" 1" L c i' _ #i.~?,a aE'e~ jy.E?~.~. .3r~t=.Z.V3%._yd~2'. over the t"_I?-~tt371 of the Alianza de k9aTL].do;S De.tocratieos, and agreed to-at it not only guaranteed the internal security the country but also ,uaran';.eecl support for Colonel ".rhenz and any foreign a; ree'3ents his ? overrT4;iei'h ii:' at a .''e ?" a e cr had now under consideration Cent < It is noted t; aa.t I`.a j or Paz `j,ezada has not attended the CLASSIFICATION C.Q '. F, 111A s ~t ~ N y.. t " Y,i C~ , UBJECT? Potation of the PAL za za de r artidos Democraticos Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008300510023-3 I Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008300510023-3 25X1A .L4 _~ INTELLIG YuCE AGEIEY o :iunist g atheriTlgs ;f-,ice its aksumpt1Ori of his ca. inet. post? tau.': as sent his assistant" to represent his minastxy.. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008300510023-3