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Document Release Date: 
May 26, 2000
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Publication Date: 
October 4, 1951
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., Approved For Release 2000/06/26 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008500060011-4 C:L.ASS',PtCATIO 25X1A CENTRAL. INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. ~FORMATIOM REPORT CD NO. C ar-A y (Rtsslan zone) F g J ECT Rail- Traffic across the Stralmmd PLACE ACQUIRED 25X1X DATE OF 4 October 3-951. NO., OF PAGES 5 UPPLEMENT TO INFO. REPORT NO, for Crossing Print fl F F ! 1163 25X1A nl NO] 1:IRCULATF3 11 3. ? C`i'e 1 Ylt,,cvnim- and t7L'++'.toinr t ? , t, n 11 C e C 1" ' .. P 6!". i o l lli:e 3l'se v t' C of tw o 4 a1"s -3t bx xca'o boxcars 6 boxcars or:i:.l 0 boxcars c 1C1 DATE DISTR. F rt s_ _< < > ?,mot;~?U. (t: U?'1 E?Y CrT11 flee. potash and SSu" -a-- P!Aash Ho' land 17;^.6vtorrinsd 17ottsienri;: potash Den .t L?n ;'eterr':=p,ed atAVY tssRss _ DISTTRT ' 1C N Fat C:LASSIFICATIOt 'Aw m U-S_ IC B, ONLY Approved For Release 2000/06/26 : CIA-RDP82-00457F>,5~0QQ0 L1 ~4 Bys 0(3_ CO Q2'WOL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/06126: CIA-RDP82-00457ROO8500060011 CTS ITT LICENCE AGENCY te 19f rdi3mber of f1R cars .r :1 22 boxcars _1 12 boxcars ni,:. 24 boxcars _L1 120 boxcars It ri ~ LL boxcars April 51; box-cars `? boxcars 132 bo-_cars 5 boxcars boxcars 56 -boxcars 32 boxcars 513 boxcars 16 boxcars 52 boxcar 7 1 as 42 boxcars 2b boxcars bo ccars 27 bo.;-cars 32 boxcars 1313 boxcars 18 boxcars no traffic; Toad 3 n r:termuied tor?nined u de undetermined in-de ermji.ned potash potash undetermined potash undetermined_ potash potash potash potash undetermined potash undeter pined undetermined potash undetermined red buoys undetermined undetermined potash undotorr.hied undotcrriined ~.1ay 48 boxcars Liay Ic Eay. t 1ay briquettes and hard coal A WW W 'DL/US Or TCIALS ONLY no traffic 24 boxcars 13 gondola cars Approved For Release 2000/06/26 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008500060011-4 gEfaTRAL IIII,LIGENCE AGENCY Approved For Release 20 0/06/26 : CIA-R $2-00457R0085000 Date 191-31 Number of RR Cars Load 17 MaY 18 boxcars undetermined 13 `ay 6 boxcars undetermined. 19 Lay 13 boxcars undetermined ,b Trains leaving Stralsund: 2 April 211, boxcars ?eirigerator co s 22 boxcars and 2 ~~:xc~.rs 5 r .l. 38 boxcars and April refrigerator cars I3 boxcars 6 April. 26 boxcars and r(i'rigeratcrr cars 29 boxcars 7 April 6 tank cars 11t boxcars and re- 3"ri erator cars 8 boxcars 8 April 6 refrigerator cars 3 tank cars 17 boxcars 9 April 16 refrigerator cars 12 boxcars 10 April 16 boxcars and re- frigerator cars grain undetermined undetcraained fish undetermined undetermined undetermined undetcr lined presumably fish presumably fish Destinat .o 23 boxcars undetermined 13 April 1 refrigerator undetermined oars 1.2 boxcars undetermined 3.4 April 2 refrigerator undetermined .ara 29 April 25 boxcars undetermined 18 refrigerator cars 30 April 27 refrigerator Cars 48 bcxrars presumably fish fish undetermined )L/US Ol!FICIA S ONLY Approved For Release 2000/06/26 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008500060011-4 Approved For Reilea `iWO/M f: (5IA-RDP82-00457R008500060i)ta4N 0ffiMRAL TI XGB E AG MY 1ii+ '.bee of RR Cars Load ?. Lay 2L boxcars refrigerator cars 2 ray 28 refrigerator cars 2boxcars 3 May 45 boxcars 4 May 37 boxcars .; refri ex'ator ears 5 Jay 7 refrir~erator cars 3 boxcars 27 boxcars 6 May 32 boxcars f May 8 May 15 boxcars 9 'ay 9 boxcars 10 May 33 boxcars 29 refrigerator 9 refrigerator cars h.2 boxcars fish presumably fish undetermined empty undetermined presumably fish presumably fish boxes undetermined undetermined presumably fish undetermined undetermined fish undetermined presumably fish 11 May 17 refrigerator cars presumably fish 26 boxcars 13 may 6 refrigerator cars 9 ref -i erator cars 16 May 18 refrigerator 17 May cars 16 boxcars 7 refrigerator cars 3 May 32 gondola cars May 8 refrigerator presumably fish presumably fish presumably fish undetermined presumably fish presumably fish fCo.~ A%OLf IJS OF"ICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2000/06/26 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008500060011-4 Approved For Rele&R# Wf'A--R P%2- Hax1 AQ CENTRAL INTTELLImEI E w my orr enter Information on rail traffic to and from the Fort of ;:a ralsund is received for the first time. It is not clear vt.ch of the si pments listed were Soviet shlrmnents4 In February 1951 1741 railroad cars were transloaded fron rail to grater and 296 from rater ?e,O rai:I, See 25X1A ? 2 , P PL/Us orFIC :. IS ONLY Approved For Release 2000/06/26 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008500060011-4